Stoopid Sumbitch
Okay, thanks to Fox News and Lindsay Graham it appears that Republicans have taken How Outrageous Can They Get as a personal challenge.
First off, that’s not a warning, that’s a threat. Graham is standing at the White House screeching for the leftover Trumpers to go riot at the Capitol again. And, like the rest of the Trumpers in congress, Graham will scamper on little tippy toes to safety.
Just like wayward punks and bullies, if they don’t get their way, they are going to smash your toys. They can’t smash their own because they don’t have any.
Y’all, I am just sick of them. Tell ya what, Senator Graham, if Trump isn’t indicted, the rule of law is dead and we might as well just name you Miss Bo Peep and make you herd those damn sheep the rest of your damn life.