Stoopid Sumbitch

August 29, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, thanks to Fox News and Lindsay Graham it appears that Republicans have taken How Outrageous Can They Get as a personal challenge.

Fox News headlines


First off, that’s not a warning, that’s a threat.  Graham is standing at the White House screeching for the leftover Trumpers to go riot at the Capitol again.  And, like the rest of the Trumpers in congress, Graham will scamper on little tippy toes to safety.

Just like wayward punks and bullies, if they don’t get their way, they are going to smash your toys.  They can’t smash their own because they don’t have any.

Y’all, I am just sick of them.  Tell ya what, Senator Graham, if Trump isn’t indicted, the rule of law is dead and we might as well just name you  Miss Bo Peep and make you herd those damn sheep the rest of your damn life.


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0 Comments to “Stoopid Sumbitch”

  1. G Foresight says:

    Such “riots” may prove easier said than done.

    Arguably, it’s understandable that some in the armed forces would sympathize with the rioters. But the military’s “chain of command” culture and fear of losing a career / pension would play a roll. Court marshals of those who refuse would set a reminder too.

    There is a subculture, exemplified by dRump, that actions have no consequences. His followers think that “get out of jail free card” also applies to them as well. Sure. LOL

  2. Senators, celebrities and the filthy rich can get away with making threats, espionage, tax cheating, shooting someone on 5th Avenue, etc. Joe Mainstream gets the handcuffs and and locked up. That’s our screwed up two-tiered justice system.

    JJ, I’m with you on this one.

  3. G Foresight says:

    RE: #1 NB: Oops, the graphic link has a word that may be nsfw.

  4. OOPS, there an extra “and”.

  5. I’m ok with another riot if we can reverse the statistics: 5 rioters killed and 140 injured. Maybe if they know the police will be ready for them this time, they would come to their senses.

  6. If Trump, Graham, Giuliani, and a whole host of scofflaws, quislings, and outright criminals are NOT indicted, there damn well should be riots in the streets.

  7. What makes this not “aiding and abetting?”

  8. Miz Lindsay may be in the slammer soon. With luck.

  9. In addition to aiding and abetting, it is witness intimidation, attempted obstruction, and incitement to riot. Throw the book at the rotten rethugs.

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    “Just like wayward punks and bullies, if they don’t get their way, they are going to smash your toys.”
    Cowards like miss lindsey, josh hawley, etc., etc. and trumpf- they’ll incite others to smash your toys (like Lindsey’s current threat) while they run away and watch it on teevee.

  11. “If Trump is indicted, there will be a riotous (and righteous) party in the streets.”

    Fixed it.

  12. Grandma Ada says:

    And what will they do when he’s convicted of espionage and gets the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg treatment? And how far down the road with him are they ready to go?

  13. ‘You can’t fix a problem correctly until you know what the problem is.’

    This is yuuuge! Finally Biden is admitting the elephant in the room, “Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans have made their choice — to go backwards full of anger, violence, hate and division.” “it’s like semi-fascism”

    It ain’t going to be pretty but something has to give. Fox ‘Hate’ News and 80% Conservative controlled MSM, Religious Right, Corporate Fascists, white entitlement, and the GOP have been demonizing, supporting and encouraging hate against Liberals and our democracy for way too long. Words change brains and we now have a whole generation that has grown up on right wing ‘Hate’.

  14. if rioters show up at the capitol there will be NO ONE in this administration to forbid the national guard from from showing up……i hope lucky linsley knows that….

  15. If by “rioting in the streets” Miss Lindsey means “dancing in the streets” he might be on to something. In the almost 50 years I’ve lived in DC, I’ve seen wild eruptions of pure glee twice: the night Obama was elected in 2008 and the day the networks finally called the race for Biden. I sent JJ pictures of spontaneous parades down Connecticut Avenue to the White House. Gosh, that was fun!

  16. “ Graham will scamper on little tippy toes to safety.”
    Leaving law enforcement to both protect him and get pounded in the process? I hope not.

    And, people, can we drop misgendering Graham? That’s not what’s wrong with him.

  17. SO let them riot. As far as my home & business is concerned the rioters will have to ask themselves a question…Who wants to die first?

  18. The Surly Professor says:

    L.Long: the category of “rioters” Ms. Lindsay is talking about won’t attack your home or business. They’ll go after soft targets. Remember the child day-care center in the Murrah building in Oklahoma? Or they might for a Unitarian church with a rainbow flag in a window. How about a Jewish synagogue? Equally likely, some small group of Asian-American women or elderly that are clearly unarmed.

    Those yahoos will parade around with their AR-15s and army gear costumes, but no way they would attack anybody or anything capable of hitting back.

  19. thatotherjean says:

    Rioters in the streets vs the preservation of the rule of law in this country? Bring ’em on! Trump has repeatedly skirted, broken, and ignored a great many laws of the United States. It’s past time that the law asserted its authority.

    Classified documents in a closet at Mar-a-Lago endanger our national security. They were illegally brought and stored there by Donald Trump, our most recent ex-president, who refused to return them to the National Archives. If that’s not worthy of arrest and trial, then very little else is.

    Senator Graham may well be right. Riots and bloodshed may be the result of Trump’s eventual arrest. The cost to democracy, though, would be much higher if he were not arrested and brought to trial. He is not, and must not be held, above the law.

  20. Oh yea, I like our President!

    ‘White House: Lindsey Graham just proved Biden’s ‘semi-fascism’ claim is correct’

  21. Miss Lindsey, your paper flowers are wilting at home! They need you to cfheer them up.

  22. Steve from Beaverton says:

    My wife and I were just discussing the state of the union and how trumpf dominates the news. Our belief is if it weren’t for James Comey, we’d be in a better place now because trumpf would never have been president. Lindsey Graham would still be a chameleon but who cares. God damn James Comey.

  23. msb–

    I agree; misgendering Graham isn’t doing anybody any good. He’s just a different manifestation of the cowards and sissies who need AK-47s to make themselves feel “strong” and “complete,” neither of which they are.

  24. Sam in Mellen says:

    Doesn’t Graham realize he will be a prime target if riots start?

  25. Bring it! I will be one of those old saggy assed broads in the defense line. I wanted to machine gun the folks breaching the Capital on Jan. 6! Nobody listened to me….

  26. #18 … you are most likely correct. Looking at other past riots it is the soft targets that are hit and not individual homes. And most likely for my reason…rioters are cowards and home owners would not be hesitant.

  27. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Let’em riot. That may be the best way to end the terrorism of the far right. If they think they can win with violence, let’em try. Can anyone name a battle that the FBI lost? My money is on federal law enforcement every time. We can always use the Kent State method and send the National Guard in with live ammo!
