Squirreling Around

March 16, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Since all of us at the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. have been lazy this week, there’s something I’ve been meaning to share with you for a couple of months now but just never got around to it.

Remember back during Covid when low interest loans were given by the federal government to small businesses so they could make payroll?  Well, it appears that most of those loans have been forgiven.

Now here’s my problem, I think it’s a good thing to keep people employed. But when I see the names of local rich, rich, rich anti-government guys in my own small town get $2 million free and clear from the government they hate while whining about paying any taxes whatsodamnever, it kinda steams me.  They want all the profits but none of the risks.

And I am also bothered about forgiven loans to churches and religious schools – especially the far right wing ones who were telling people not to wear masks.  What’s the matter, dudes? God didn’t answer your prayers?

So anyway, the next time I hear my very politically active neighbor Joe Guerecky (who owns a large machine shop) try to own-the-libs by griping about taxes, I have already made a copy of his forgiven loans to show him where the hell my tax money goes – over a million dollars of it went in his pocket. You may want some receipts from your hometown and notify these people that you haven’t gotten your thank you note from them yet.

So, here ya go.


0 Comments to “Squirreling Around”

  1. How much you wanna bet that this gets the same treatment in schools that CRT gets? Thanks for the link!!!!

  2. Thank you for this, JJ. I see here in Fredericksburg several “big name” companies, not to mention private religious schools, did pretty well with this. But, you know, my town is “Trump Country,” according to the lawn signs from the last election so I don’t expect any thank yous any time soon.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Anyone know George Santos’s zip code?

  4. G Foresight says:

    Seems “privatize the profits and socialize the risks” is the common unspoken modus operandi.

  5. Louis McCutchen says:

    As the treasurer of a smallish church in SW Houston, I know we would have closed our doors if it weren’t for the $90k (total) in loans we received in 2020 & 2021 that were forgiven.

    With no on-site services for an extended period of time our collections were a fraction of their pre-Covid levels. Two years later we’re nowhere close to being financially were we were in 2019, but at least the doors are back open.

    All that said, I agree with your point about the big libertarian types that come crying to the government to bail them out. These same folks have the audacity to complain if the government wants to help students with their debt.

  6. I know this says:

    My dear departed grampa had a favorite saying “you never want to pee in your front yard” Mic drop
