Spreading the News

June 27, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So … people have an excuse to talk crazy in Texas right now because the heat is short circuiting the synapse in our thinking mechanism, which is the scientific term for blubbering insane.  But, folks in South Dakota have no such excuse. They have a high of 79 degrees today.  Screw ‘em. If you’re talking gibberish in South Dakota today it ain’t because of anything external.

For example, please meet South Dakota Republican State Representative Joe Donnell.  You can deep fry the brain of most of our Republicans and even then they wouldn’t talk this crazy.


Mt. Rushmore is a demonic portal to communism?  Dude, Ron DeSantis is going to be so disappointed.  He thought it was in Minnie Mouse’s shoes.  I swear he did.  Well, I can tell you one thing, he’s not going to South Dakota. He’s on a tether of irrationally bolted to Daytona Beach and that’s a fact.

By the way, I do not know where the woman interviewing him gets her Botox, but I’m pretty sure it’s discounted because it’s way pass the “use by” date. A couple more treatments and her lips can be an entry in the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade.  And, yes, I’ll take my milk in a saucer.


0 Comments to “Spreading the News”

  1. Mike in MO says:

    After listening to THAT, I have to borrow a line from Monty Python:


    Please take a potent pain reliever prior to listening!

  2. Dr. Meri is Producer/Host at MeriTyme Productions in Marina del Rey, CA. She been doing her Christian TV program since 1996.

    She can be found on LinkedIn, at http://www.mericrouley.com and on her YouTube channel, Meri Crouley.

    A brief peek at her stuff shows she’s BSC, IMHO

  3. @Mike in MO—You took the words right out of my mouth. Oy.

  4. yet another baby boomer says:

    Whoa….hoooleee coowww
    Was he going on like this during his campaign? Do his constituents actually believe this raving lunatic?!! Gobsmacking and chilling if they do.

  5. If he’s not on something that’s giving him these hallucanitions then he needs to be on something that will stop them.

  6. My keyboard is getting wonky. Hallucinations.

  7. Wowee that’s some real good hillbilly synapse spewing!
    And you know Joey and the Botox Babe both gotta have sex with ghosts.

  8. Jill Ann says:

    Dude has clearly watched the National Treasure movies a few times too many. I admit those movies are a guilty pleasure for me, but it didn’t make me crazy watching them….

  9. BarbinDC says:

    OK, I admit it. I had to shut him off at the 3 minute mark. I felt my brain melting and I’m sitting in a very air-conditioned room, so I couldn’t blame it on the heat.

    Kudos to JJ and all of you who actually listened to the whole thing.

  10. AlanInAustin says:

    Her LinkedIn profile cites an “Associate of Arts – AACinematography and Film/Video Production” from Saddleback College where it apparently took quite a while to complete her degree (2005-9). Not clear exactly where she got the degree of “Doctor,” but I’m thinking University of Google or with boxtops and some money.

  11. Rosemary from Indiana says:

    Whenever someone starts talking about what God told them, my ears automatically shut down.

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’m thinking this far right religious guy hears lots of voices in his head, but not through his ears. A few too many magic mushrooms or something. As for the doc, I won’t shame her for her extra large lips that just don’t look normal. I got called out for that (rightfully so) not too long ago here at the Salon (believe it was about Kimberly Guilfoyle), so I won’t do that again. Thanks JJ for doing it for me. By the way, she may be having some side effects affecting her brain.

  13. Sandridge says:

    Yikes! The two of these together couldn’t make a small taco de sesos en tortilla de harina.

    Nor a decent sized fried brain sandwich, maybe fit on a cracker: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fried_brain_sandwich

    [Doing a little research here reminded me of stuff we ate as kids long ago [relished by the grandparents and parents, but usually we were a bit reluctant]. Which my kids and grandkids today would positively faint away at the mere thought of. I tried to get them to eat some delicious slow-BBQed mollejas once, not a chance. ]

  14. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Sandridge, also with the grandkids today. Having lunch at McMenamins (recommend if you’re ever in the Portland area). Tonight is another LL all star game for 10 YO’s. Win tonight and tomorrow and they play for the championship Friday.

  15. The Surly Professor says:

    I don’t want to listen to 4-5 minutes of drivel. But I did look up Hot Lips Crouley, and she has emitted a book-like object. Part of the blurb was “After being diagnosed with a delicate brain tumor, Meri Crouley suddenly found herself scheduled for a difficult surgery …” It did not state whether or not the surgery was successful.

    Also, Google Books under reader feedback says “We haven’t found any reviews in the usual places.” I wonder why; maybe they should look for ones written with crayolas.

    No one in my field of academia calls themselves “Dr. Whatever”. I’m suspicious of people who do. There’s a story about a new researcher at a reception at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies. He pulled aside his hostess and told her that he worked hard for his Ph.D., and he would appreciate it if she would introduce him to people as “Dr. Whosit”. She did so, including the intro “Al, this is Dr. Whosit. Dr. Whosit, this is Albert Einstein”. Apparently she did this with John von Neumann (famous mathematician), Bob Oppenheimer, and a handful of others with Nobel Prizes.

  16. thatotherjean says:

    When did we start giving mentally ill people microphones instead of therapy, and electing them to positions in government? Why on earth do we do that?

  17. Oooh, lordy! That dude has had a *lot* of revelations. And something’s going to happen in the Constitution when Corpulent Crime Lord touches down in South Dakota.

    It reminds me of the time when some doofus and his ministry put up these billboards all over the Houston area back around 2005 or so that gave an exact date for when Jesus was going to return. I seem to recall that it didn’t happen then or on doofus’s recomputed date. All the same, I’ll bet his ‘ministry’ is still going strong.

  18. It’s like an episode of Twilight Zone, or Invasion of the Body Snatchers. But the aliens have podcasts, and cable news channels.

  19. I just don’t get it! How does these women get their lips stuck in a pool drain!

  20. Somebody needs to tell that whackjob that when speaking in tongues the words themselves are sposed to be unintelligible.

  21. slipstream says:

    He pulls out the old “ley line” fallacy, stating that there is a direct “ley line” between Mt. Rushmore and Washington DC.


    Dude, any two points on the surface of the earth can be connected by a straight line.

    Example: there is a direct line between Joe Donnell’s house and a brothel in New Orleans.

  22. Sandridge says:

    slipstream @21, You really had me confused with “ley line”. I took it that he or you were trying to somehow twist a sailboat term, layline, into this insanity.
    After Wiki’in it, it’s something totally different, and tangentially germane [for cretinous whackjobs], and was/is a ‘thing’ with some peeps [if that’s what this kookaburra was going on about]; I guess.
    Although disparaged and debunked by actual scholars.

    As far as anything ‘ley’ significant going in or out of the Dakotas to DC, naaahh.

    Steve @14, ‘lunch at McM’, not likely to get up there. But there was a time when a daughter and SiL had a PCS to a small base at the mouth of the big river and Pacific, and a visit might have happened. Except a grandkid soon became ill, was diagnosed in Portland with ALL, and they got a hardship PCS back near here after a few months. I really suspect that the use of pesticides [careless low bidders], especially in military housing, may be an undiscovered problem affecting many [just MO..].

  23. slipstream says:

    Sandridge @ 22:

    The original theory about “ley lines” was if six or eight “sacred sites” spread out over hundreds of miles — but aligned in a straight line — there must be some mysterious force behind the scenes.

    The rational answer was: no, just a coincidence.

    Donnell’s attempt to find a “ley line” based on two points is a profound misunderstanding of the original theory, which was complete bullshit to begin with. He can’t even get bullshit right.

    I say: Donnell is dumber than dirt.

  24. Sandridge says:

    slipstream @23, Yeah, that simplifies it, it’s a pseudo-scientific sounding theory based on BS, ufology, and various other crap.

    Don’t disparage ‘dirt’, a cupful of good dirt contains billions of organisms that are each smarter than the two of them..

  25. Harry Eagar says:

    yet another @ 4

    I suspect there’s a story behind his election. He ran for Senate and lost in a primary, then was voted in by a party committee to replace a House candidate who withdrew. Sounds like party civil war.

    It is not clear to me that, even in SDakota, he has ever won a contested election.

  26. Probably chosen by S. D. dingbat governor.

  27. Sandridge says:

    As far as ‘Hot Lips’ Crouley, I’m reminded of a line from an old Willie Nelson movie [somebody here once gave the title when I mentioned this].

    Willie’s discussing a ladyfriend [I guess], and says something like : ‘She could [take] the chrome off a trailer hitch ball’.

    Crouley could pull the chrome off an entire ’53-59 Cadillac Eldorado Brougham front end.
    [those Eldos had max chrome everywhere, BTW, they’re now selling for $50-100K+ as classics].


  28. slipstream says:

    I apologize to dirt everywhere.

  29. chester says:

    Sandridge- Electric Horseman, with Redford and Fonda. It was a Keno girl reputed to be the talent.

  30. Sandridge says:

    chester @29, Thanks, can never remember stuff like that. Without checking wiki, iirc Willie ad-libbed a lot of good dialogue.

  31. Harry Eagar says:

    Willie used the same line in his first autobiography, only thanking waitresses in general for being so nice to him over years of touring.

  32. Rosemary from Indiana says:

    “I’m gonna get me a bottle of tequila and a Keno girl who can _____ the chrome off a trailer hitch.”

  33. As it happens, I just got back from a family reunion in the Black Hills. There is a lot of spectacular scenery in the area. Somehow, I missed the ley lines.

    Something I did notice is that the visitor center needs some major updates. The movie on the carving of Mt. Rushmore is copywrite 1985 and makes no mention of Native Americans. And in the short timeline about the four presidents, there are a couple of blurbs that support the “lost cause myth.”

    If you visit the Black Hills, make a quick stop at Mt. Rushmore, and then go to the privately funded Crazy Horse Memorial. Though the carving is far from finished, there’s a great museum, and the project tells a powerful story about Native Americans and their culture.

  34. Is it me or do all the dolled up whackos that interview, support or otherwise hang ( Kim G.,) look like drag queens? Actually and IMHO most drag queens tend to look better. And is it the Republican party’s aim to find all the candidates that have some mental health issue and get them elected?

  35. treehugger says:

    BarbinDC @9: I admire you for listening for 3 minutes. I couldn’t get past 40 seconds.
