Sometimes John Pierre Dupont Ain’t Really John Pierre Dupont

March 20, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s yet another PAC Scam.

A guy named John Gary Rinaldo changed his name to John Pierre Dupont in 2012.  With his new fancy name, he set up Super PACs in California and ripped people off to the tune of $250,000.

Among the scams he used were Businessmen for a Businessman President, Sanity in Politics, Beto 4 Senate, Democrats for Congress, Manchin for Senate, McCaskill for Senate, Stabenow for Senate, Rosen for Senate, Gillum for Florida Governor, Sanders for 2016 Campaign, Immigrant Children Reunited, and about 50 others, none of which got one single dime from John.

He’s 80 years old, dammit.  Shouldn’t he be working as a greeter at Walmart?

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen, who watches your money like a hawk, for the heads up.  

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0 Comments to “Sometimes John Pierre Dupont Ain’t Really John Pierre Dupont”

  1. If he hasn’t filed fifty campaign finance disclosures he should be Manafort’s cellmate.

  2. I am 62 and I consider myself a basically ethical person that has lived a basically ethical life. But I have to wonder if I were presented the opportunity to rake in so much money from a pool of people that were that stupid and likely get away with it would I resist the temptation to do it?

    I hope I would resist. But guy is 80 what does he have to lose?

  3. slipstream says:

    Dang it. My Super PAC, Mexicans for Trump, still isn’t getting any donations. What am I doing wrong?

  4. Malarkey says:

    “Shouldn’t he be working as a greeter at Walmart?”

    Walmart is eliminating greeters, so he had to do something else.

  5. daChipster says:

    The modern conservative movement consists of:

    1) Build a list of names, emails and addresses.

    2) Send an inflammatory letter about some Right-Wingery Nutjobbery to everyone on the list, with a plea for money, but also sometimes a survey.

    3) With your responses, update your list.

    4) Buy other lists of rubes who got all het up and sent money or to or filled out surveys for other list-builders.

    5) repeat 2-3-4 a couple of times.

    6) If you run out of hot-button issues in 2, make shit up. Say really bad stuff about LIBERALS and SOCIALISTS.

    7) Now, for the real money: sell your lists to other people who are on step 4 (or, sell yourself and your lists to campaigns).

    Sad to see here it’s been weaponized for scams against the Left.

    This fueled the growth of the political power of organizations like the NRA and churches. I mean, WAY back in Reagan days, when I was dating the FIRST daMrs, her Baptist mom was getting come-on after come-on in her mail from nebulous organizations with Self-Righteously Self-Important-Sounding Names for hot-button issues, especially abortion.

    The GOP voter database consists
    of lists and lists and lists and lists
    of credulous cretins with a credit card
    Who don’t like to think too long or too hard
    Sadly this mode of fleecing the people
    That started with con-men under the steeple
    Has grown with the Internet up to the point
    Where Drumpf now is President of the whole joint

    (yes, I’m back)

  6. The Surly Professor says:

    Alan@2: I’m 66 and consider myself ethical. We would have an obligation to take money from such fools before they hurt themselves. It’s like seeing a 4 year old swinging around a running chainsaw; adults are morally required to get it from the tyke before it can cut its leg off, or damage other people.

    And then donate the money to JJ’s efforts to turn Texas blue:
    That way you’re not contaminated with filthy lucre. [I’m also willing to take the money off your hands, if you want a clear conscience.]

    Sadly it’s not the Kochs and Adelsons that these fake PACs rip off, but people like my retired Fox News watching neighbors who donate from their social security to help Trump and his Kleptocratic Klan.

  7. “There’s a sucker born every minute.” But it bothers me when money meant for good ends enriches crooks. See ” GOP. “

  8. Ted in Austin says:

    Ted, sorry I see very little good ends in this crooks endeavors. But it gets me thinking that I can deplete Gomerts base with the Right fake East Texas idiot PAC. Gonna have to look into this.

  9. joel hanes says:

    but also sometimes a survey.


    I bet I have gotten two hundred “survey” emails from various Democratic campaigns and from the DSCC and the DCCC and the DNC and from …

    Not one of them was a good-faith survey seeking my opinion in any way. Not one.

    Every single one said something like :

    Check all with which you agree :
    1. Motherhood
    2. Apple pie
    3. Republicans are fucking things up.
    3. Democrats should absolutely make better.

    (and we can’t do that unless we have some of your money before the next fundraising deadline, which is absolutely critical if our campaign is to retain any credibility.)

    Thanks for your opinions. Could you send us money ?

  10. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    And you have been sorely missed by this establishment.
