Someone Gave Him a Pocket Calculator

September 11, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump was as somber and thoughtful as usual this morning.



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0 Comments to “Someone Gave Him a Pocket Calculator”

  1. What does this even mean? There has been a September 11th in every year I can remember. And in some I can’t. (the period of 1967 to 1973 is a bit hazy, but I presume there was a September 11th in each one.)

  2. Liberty belle says:

    At least he can count, and he clearly has all his fingers and most of his toes.

  3. Think he had to take off both shoes to get to 17?

  4. AlanInAustin ... says:

    That’s about as profound a statement as he can deliver.

    Let’s just relax and commemorate the moment.

  5. Sharon Greiff says:

    I listened to some of his speech and had to stop as it made no sense at all. “we close our arms” – do you mean “we open our arms”. Plus don’t say great great great sorrow, it sounds like a two year old.

  6. Actually it sounds like someone quite quickly grabbed the phone out o this hands.

  7. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Sarah Palin is more articulate than this.

    I never expected to write those words.

  8. The photos of a grinning thumbs-up at a memorial event should convince anyone with a brain (that’s not completely rotted by greed and racism) that this guy is ….. I can’t even come up with a good word.

  9. Dotard45 actually did the math? Melanie must have bought him one of those reach and grab thingies to remove his socks.

  10. lazrgrl, iirc Rexxon Drillerson was the first to tag Donnie followed by BFF and cozy pen pal little Rocket Man. Both ***king moron and dotard work for me. For more colorful applications, Debbo has a full repertoire of apt descriptions.

  11. Why thank you, J&PKM, but I owe it all to folks in the UK. They don’t particularly care for Pootie’s Puppet and they’re creatively expressive.

    A few different sites, including WaPo, National Memo and Axios quoted Pootie’s Puppet after the towers fell. “My building is the tallest now.”

    Leaves me speechless, but I discovered I still have room to increase my level of loathing.
