To Our Friends In The Carolinas

September 10, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Get the hell outta there.

Man, that sucker scares me and I’ve lived through some gawd-awful ones.

And I pray that Donald Trump doesn’t come and throw paper towels at you.


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0 Comments to “To Our Friends In The Carolinas”

  1. Opinionated Hussy says:

    We’re up on an NC mountain for a reason (though we do get landslides when the coast sends us too much rain from one of these). The worst was 2 storms back-to-back and 13″ of rain in 5 days a few years ago, but at least the creek stayed below the bridge so we didn’t get stranded. I forecast the constant use of Wellies! Good luck to my fellow Carolinians on the coast!

  2. Live west of center so no problem here..a little rain and wind, but will loose power for a while but have generator and not silly enough to live near ocean.

  3. Was it one of the Carolina’s that passed a law pushed by real estate agents which banned not only any mention of Global Warming but also any planning, or implimation, of mitigation actions as well.
    They were complaining about how that would only depress the price of waterfront properties. Espiacially the big ticket properties on the barrier islands.

    Gee hows that working out for them?

  4. Opinionated Hussy says:

    k – Yep, that would be our benighted NC General Assembly. Give us 2 months….we’re planning on votin’ those suckers outta there!

  5. Refuge from the storm in the South Carolina mountains if you need it.

  6. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Been watching hurricanes since the 60’s and have been through four myself. Amateur meteorologist…

    I’ve been saying landfall around Hatteras for a couple of days and it looks like that’s it (at least now). I think the storm will go slightly inland – maybe 100mi from the coast – and walk up the coast almost all the way to ME. Look for HEAVY FLOODING all along the way. Note that most hurricane deaths aren’t from the surge or wind, but subsequent flooding.

    If you have a BBQ, bring it inside and lay in a supply of propane just in case it’s needed afterward. Don’t rush out and buy bottled water — fill your sealable plastic containers, pots, & such. For non-potable water needs, fill your tub, sink, and line your garbage pails with plastic bags then fill them up. Load up on ice. Don’t tape windows — it doesn’t help. Seriously think about cutting off your own natural gas. Bring outside furniture in, or chain it down to something substantial and take your chances. Candles, matches, etc. should be nearby and where you can find them. Ditto for flashlights and batteries. Assume no cell coverage for some time.

    Hang in there.

  7. Hubs and I, and eldest and his family, are in the foothills of the Blue Ridge. Our particular homes are not in danger of flooding but there will very likely be flooding in the area. The Yadkin River in our area is already full and red from weekend storms.

    Youngest is in management for emergency services for Cumberland County (Fayetteville). Once he goes to work Thursday he may not get home for 5-7 days. His family will be coming here to ride out the storm. There are many yet to recover from Hurricane Matthew.

    Also, a sister-in-law and her family are just inland from coastal Virginia. They are expecting flooding too.

  8. k and Hussy, your legislators can’t suppress rising insurance rates on these pummelled properties.

  9. I am 43 miles upriver from salt water; i.e., the Chesapeake Bay. Big storms just love places like wide open bays and they also use rivers – like the Potomac – like chimneys. My late husband told me about the chimney effect. He was born and raised in Louisiana in spitting distance from the Mississippi. We are in good stead with plenty of TP, powdered milk, peanut butter, the basics for making biscuits, scones and heck even bread if necessary. We have stuff in the freezer and I have a whole collection of water pitchers with stoppers. In prep for the storm I went outside after work today and did a bunch of clean up in the gardens. This was a useful way of me checking out how solid they were after already so much rain this summer. Got up close and personal with them. Our last trash pick up for this week is Thursday morning, just before we really start to feel anything from a big blow off the Bay and the ocean. Late Thursday and into the night to Friday morning looks like our big bad time. May even experience some power loss, so in that case, here is wishing all of you the best of luck weather-wise. See you when its over.

  10. I grew up on Hatteras, living through many, many hurricanes. Now I live in Hawaii, waiting for the tropical storm tomorrow. At least the weather is wonderful most of the time.

    Poor east coast. That storm is not to be trifled with. We just missed a Cat 5 by being protected by wind shear and mountains. Nothing like that to protect the coastal communities.

  11. to John
    You are right about insurance.
    But I am under threat from Olivia not Florence.

  12. I was telling spouse this morning that if I were president (hah!) I’d be really pumped about now making sure all agencies were on top of things, trying to calm and reassure the public and in general just getting ready. But that’s just me, I like a challenge. What is our actual president doing besides tweeting lies?

    Good luck to y’all in harm’s way.

  13. Yeah. Paper towels. Oh, and “thoughts and prayers”.

    Good luck you guys. Leave the coast and hope you are covered!!! Be safe!!

  14. @lazrgrl


  15. Best of luck y’all.

  16. Ted in Austin says:

    Sharon, I had no idea Pat was a Wiccan. But, there you go.

  17. So, if you have any damages, send the bill to Pat Robertson.

  18. @ lazrgrl and Micr:
    I think he’s going to be REALLY pissed at the storm and the Carolina’s. Air Force 1’s pilot won’t fly him through Florence to get to Mara Lago so — no golf for him this week.

    Poor baby, how WILL he survive? I imagine he’ll take it out on the Carolinians. How DARE they get hit with a hurricane when he wants to go to Florida?

  19. Stay safe, everybody!

  20. K, Maggie, RA, Opinionated Hussy, and anyone else in harm’s way:
    AlanInAustin has great advice. But also keep in mind that your cell service may be the only thing up. Seriously consider some of those charging batteries that you can use if you lose power. Have them all charged, and keep as many wireless devices on chargers as you have power. If you do lose power, but still have cell service, consider rationing battery usage to one phone at at a time. Also, if you find yourself stuck in a home with rising water, consider your ability to shut down power before the water reaches the level of electrical outlets. Knowing where the main breaker is crucial. And how much water you’ll have to stand in at the breaker once water’s in the house. During Harvey, water wasn’t in the house yet, but I was standing in rubber boots in 10 inches of water in blinding rain. The thought of hitting that breaker was not fun. But the thought of waiting until the water got close to the power outlets inside, woulda put water over and into the boots. That woulda been less fun. Also if you have any outside outlets, they might be lower. Good luck folks, hope this turns out to be overrated.
    But I’m not holding my breath.

  21. Should’ve proofread.
    Keep as many wireless devices on chargers as long as you have power.
    Seriously folks, as stay safe.

  22. Of course I went out to the store today! We don’t dare run out of pasta! Just a warning here: don’t go anywhere near COSTCO or any other jumbo size store. I had to fight for a parking slot. And they were running out of bottled water at warp speed.

  23. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Not to worry, two crows, The Leader owns golf courses all over. He’ll probably cheat at the one in New Jersey.

    Crisis averted.

  24. The thuglicans espiacially in NC have never left a disaster un exploited.

    Not knowing enough about electoral layout of the Carolina’s but the D’s should be mobilizing electoral lawyers to protect peoples right to vote amidst the shambles Florence looks to leave on the ground as thuglican hacks try to emulate that shambles in the upcoming election.
    Lost voters registration records, people not living in homes they registered from, shorten voting times, waterlogged voting machines with no time to replace them, traditional voting venues unusable.
    That is just a short list off the top of my head of nefarious actions that the thuglicans could take to prevent voters from expressing their preferences.
    So sad as it is to have to think about this in a time of crisis but after seeing the complete lack of ethics in the NC thuglican legislature I do not beleive anything is to foul for them to use in an attempt to impose their rule.
