
July 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Louie wants to ban the Democratic Party.

I’m gonna say it again. Louie Gohmert wants to ban the Democratic Party, or force them to change their name because of ties to slavery. As our friend Rick asks, “Did a waitress give him a connect the dots coloring book at a family style restaurant again? He’s just no good at those things.”

Louie sees people he doesn’t like trying to get Jim Crow monuments removed or who want to let all Americans have the dignity God gave us. I mean, didn’t Louie ever wonder why all the monuments to Civil War heroes are on the losing side?  Honey, once you cross the Mason Dixon line, you don’t hear people singing glorious songs about Sherman’s bloodbath through Georgia. I have never heard a decent human being say, “Boy howdy, Sherman sure kicked some white treasonous ass! Let’s build him a monument and let it be a daily reminder to the white people in Georgia that we can do it again.”  I’m not saying that would be a bad idea. I’m just saying it never happened.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement.

Short history lesson for Louie.  When the Civil Right Act of 1964 was passed, Texas Democratic Senator Ralph Yarborough voted for it.  Texas Republican Senator John Tower voted against it. And that moment right there was when Democrats sought to correct their path and take make our party the party of all Americans.

If that’s the best indictment of the modern day Democratic Party that Louie can come up with, he’s once again on the losing side.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Louie!”

  1. You just gave me a great idea.

    Let’s blast the face off of the Stone Mountain carvings and replace it with a 100 tall General Sherman backed by figures representing the Army of the Tennessee.

    It will serve as a reminder to all about the first time the South decided to tear the country apart in support of white supremacy and what was done about it.

    Let them learn THAT history.

  2. Bob Boland says:

    The only correct response to Louie is, “Hey, Louie. The racist wing of the Democratic Party already has changed its name. First they called themselves Dixiecrats and then once LBJ’s Civil Rights Act was passed they started to call themselves Republicans.”

  3. Bless his heart.

  4. maryelle says:

    The old adage, “Think before you speak,” applies to just about everything Gohmert spews. Let’s make this simple:


  5. Teh Gerg says:

    The Republicans now are the worst of what the Democrats were before the segregationists and right-wing extremists left the party because of civil rights legislation. The switch began in the ’50’s and finished in the early ’70’s, and the GOP has been right-wing garbage since.

  6. Harry Eagar says:

    In the Department of Unintended Consequences Dept., it was the success of the Southern Strategy that gave us our hyperpolarized political system. Up to the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts, there were rightists and leftists in both major parties.

    The Democrats were, broadly, left but hamstrung by their Solid South which allowed only such liberal legislation as could be made to fit in with the residue (I almost said dregs) of Populism.

    Nixon freed the Democrats to be a liberal party and condemned the Republicans to the fate they so devoutly wished for — to be a fascist party.

    On the whole I think this has been a disaster, although I would not wish to have passed on the civil rights acts to have prevented it. I ust wish the Democrats had put up a real leader at some time during the past 50 years.

  7. This is your brain on wing ‘Hate’. Lie, play the Jesus card and blame the Democrats.

  8. Texas Expat in CA says:

    About the Stone Mountain monument, I like the idea I read about in a SPLC article today. Since the state isn’t required to maintain monuments, it’s being proposed to just stop cutting back the vegetation, to “allow growth to also overtake the sculpture’s many clefts and crinkles as they naturally collect organic material and allow moss and lichen to obscure its details. We should blast it with soil to encourage such growth and consider this new camouflage as a deliberate creative act, transforming the sculpture into a memorial to the end of the war – not to the traitors who led it.” Brilliant!

  9. Oldymoldy says:

    Sounds like Louis has too much time on his hands. I guess there’s nothing going on in the country that’s important enough to keep him from sitting around thinking up foolishness. That’s enough

  10. I’ve always thought there should be a confederate memorial statue in every township up to and including ginormous cities across the states in rebellion since 1860. That statue should depict a bedraggled, starving, wounded common soldier returning to his utterly destroyed home and town.

    Too many officers at colonel and above, who should have swung from the nodding bough of a convenient oak tree as war criminals, returned to a standing home and enough free time on their hands to envision the KKK, terrorize former slaves, and run for political office.

  11. Oldymoldy @ 9,

    I thought troglodytes were extinct.

  12. Gary Halter says:

    After the passage of the civil rights and voting rights laws Texas and most of the 0l South (encouraged by Nixon) went from a one party Democratic system to a one Party Republican system with no change in policy or programs.

    People who point out that all the civil war monuments were put in place by Democrats are correct but ignorant of history.

  13. Louie should spend some time contemplating the NSGOP’s loathsome and bigoted present, but I realize that’s asking a bit much of him.

  14. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Clearly Louie is afraid Ted Yoyo will take the title Dumbest Member of Congress away from him. Eternal vigilance is the price of derpitude.

  15. Harry Eagar says:

    Texas Exapt @ 8. That won’t work. I lived near Atlanta when the sculpture was undeertaken, That rock is naturally bare.

    Micr @ 10. The situation was more complex. My great grandfather was one of those colonels. Sherman burned his house in Columbia but not the plantation house on the Peedee. That was seized for taxes. The family was so poor that my great grandmother died of starvation in ’67. My great grandfather and grandfather fought the Klan with guns in ’75-’76 –not to preserve Reconstruction but for other reasons. Great grandfather was one of the Glorious Eight (as they were described in S.Carolina school history books until recently) who returned state government to white supremacy in ’77.

    I would say that even professional historians underplay the complexity of the situation after Lincoln’s death. I have not even mentioned the bushwhackers. Some people today speak freely about anarchy.

    Southerners of my generation (who are mighty few; not many alive today had a grandfather who was a Civil War refugee) know something about real anarchy.

  16. I think Louie learned American history but only from comic books. As long as there were lots and lots of pictures involved he didn’t need to learn the words and boy howdy does he ever show it!
