So Ya Gotta Wonder …

September 28, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A week or so ago, Donald Trump, Jr. a.k.a Sonny, demanded that the Secret Service leave him the hell alone.  He did not want those busy bodies following him around with their guns and secrets and whatnot.  He wanted some damn privacy, and apparently he was willing to die for it.

So two weeks pass by and nobody sees much of Sonny.  But then …

Donald Trump Jr.’s Secret Service protection has been reactivated, sources familiar with the matter told CNN.

The President’s son had previously requested his protection be scaled back, seeking more privacy.

By law, as an immediate family member of President Donald Trump, his son is authorized, but not required, to have protection.

It is not clear what prompted the move.
So, between at least September 17 – September 25th, Sonny “demanded” the secret service look the other way.

Okay, I’m not a big conspiratorial person, but it ain’t like Sonny has a stellar record of honesty and transparency in his personal and governmental dealings.  It could be something totally innocent or something, like maybe he had a face lift and didn’t want people to think he’s vain.  I dunno.  But, the guy is under investigation for what could be treason or rank stupidity, so ya gotta go hmmmmm …

I’m not the only person wondering.

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0 Comments to “So Ya Gotta Wonder …”

  1. According to the NYT, he absconded off to Canada to hunt moose. Probably would have been time better spent if he had looked for a different job instead.

  2. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Yeah, Bill, but that sounds an awful lot like “hiking the Appalachian trail.”

  3. Jr. from Sr.–Apple from tree–Turd from A Hole. But you get the picture. What ever he was doing, you know it was wrong.

  4. Every time I see a picture of him and his brother together the image in my mind says Beavis and Butthead.

  5. Hunting? Oh yeah Dimwit version on a guided tour where he shoots from a safe & protected distance and is in no danger of getting his bunny boots wet.

  6. Wow! A two week rehab/therapy deal?

  7. Nobody else thinks he loaded up a semi at the bottling plant, and drove a truckload of Trump Water to hurricane victims in Florida?

    Where he sold it for $99 a pop?

  8. My guesses were a visit to Russia or hunting endangered species. I was pretty sure it was not educational or humanitarian.

  9. JAKvirginia says:

    Y’know, when it comes to the shenanigans of the Trump crew, I’m reminded of the divine Lina Lamont: “Whadya think I am? Dumb or something?”

  10. Y’all, he needed privacy in the Canadian woods to meet with some of his partners in crime, probably of the Russian variety. In Canada entry of Eastern European criminal types would not be immediately known by US authorities, in the woods there’ll be no cameras or microphones, and oh yeah, he gets to kill something big to work off some tension.

  11. Fleeting Expletive says:

    I bet what it was, was, somebody in an elevator or on the street said “Hey, ain’t you Donny Junior? Y’all, it’s him!” or something equally terrifying and horrible. Just GHASTLY, you know? And then the security help looked pretty good after all.

  12. Nobody would have noticed he went on a hunting trip or why if he hadn’t made such a big deal of it. Like a four year old….

  13. I vote for the unwatched meeting with the Russians. Nothing is too low for that group of traitors at present taking up space in The People’s House.

  14. Treatment for gonorrhea?

  15. Shredding, shredding, shredding, shredding, . . . . . . . .

  16. That Other Jean says:

    I don’t know what made him drop Secret Service protection, but I hope that whatever made him ask for it again scared him within an inch or two of his life.

  17. He says he got a big moose but a Royal Canadian Flying Squirrel has video of his meeting with short mustachioed guy dressed in black and a tall svelte knockout babe smoking Russian cigarettes.

    Canada will release the details after Sonny denies what happened 3 times before the cock crows.

  18. Sonny got some good pub (“he’s saving taxpayer money!) with the Secret Service gambit, then get’s it back surreptitiously, without fanfare. Just more public relations nonsense from the Drumpf crime family.

  19. yet another baby boomer says:

    JAKvirginia – Lina Lamont, one of the funniest characters in that movie! “And I can’t stand ‘im.” Odd how that line works right now too.

    Totally buying the moose hunting story. Following Boris Badenov and Natasha’s orders.
