Just Don’t

September 28, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, ya’ll, this morning I was hunting up a new keyboard cover for my laptop because some of you  guys make me spit coffee on my keyboard.  Mine is getting a little crusty so I figured good ole Amazon would probably bring one to my house.

And here’s what I came upon.


Don’t do this.

Just don’t.


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0 Comments to “Just Don’t”

  1. I didn’t think Jesus could type! Kinda like Elizabeth Ray in that respect…

  2. Again, I hark back to my assertion that there are crazy people out there using Jesus like a rented mule!

  3. If you hit the “Escape” key do you get raptured?

  4. TexasTrailerParkTrash, thank you.

    Do you wonder if Jesus came back and saw his name and “picture” on cars, trucks, t-shirts, tattoos and websites would he A)recognize himself as a white guy and B) think any of if was a sign of respect???? You may answer A and B.

  5. AliceBeth:
    I m pretty certain if I travel enough in the boondocks, I’m gonna come across a small town evangelical barbershop with their own special slogan painted above the door. Jesus Shaves.

  6. TTPT, I’m glad I wasn’t drinking when I read your comment or I’d need a new keyboard too. Not the one pictured above.

    P.P., just about every “picture of Jesus” I’ve seen, he had a beard, so I don’t know about that shaving bit. Unless he shaves other people, and now I’m picturing him doing it with a carpenter’s tool, which wouldn’t be a good idea.

  7. Gandhi said he liked Jesus fine. It was Christians he had a hard time with.

  8. …unless your name is “Jesus”, then it’s o.k.

  9. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Mark, you owe me a keyboard cover, dude.

  10. It’s a reminder to the semiliterate zealots as to how the name is spelled.

  11. What next? The sanctimonious rethugs using Jesus in their political ads? Or showing Jesus wearing their favorite style of Rolex?
    Well guess what, morons, if Jesus came today you wouldn’t let him in the country. Cause he’d be an immigrant. And probably from a country on traitor trump’s banned list.

  12. JAKvirginia says:

    Y’know… tens of thousands of years from now, alien archeologists might be digging up the deeply buried ruins of a church. And they discover a relic, what appears to be a cross with a man nailed to it, wearing thorns on his head with a deep wound in his abdomen. I can just imagine what conlusions they’ll draw about that religion!

  13. JAKvirginia, it’s been said before, but if Jesus had been here recently, his followers would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks.

  14. Rhea:
    “A fever would have done as well as a cross”
    The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine.

  15. WTF? I can’t think of anything else.

  16. “I m pretty certain if I travel enough in the boondocks, I’m gonna come across a small town evangelical barbershop with their own special slogan painted above the door. Jesus Shaves.”
    I’ve seen it, in a manner of speaking…
