So Vlad Cancels Their Honeymoon Suite?

July 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump says Putin isn’t coming to American until next year solely because of the Russian witch hunt.

Putin says he never accepted Trump’s invitation in the first place.

Since Trump believes Putin, I guess I will, too.

Honey, I have caught fish and accidentally let them slip off on the fishing pier. None of them flipped and flopped as such as Trump, but they were about as slippery and slimy and hard to catch as Trump.

Apparently, once discovering that tariffs are a tax and there’s not enough money to buy off farmers, it turns out that the EU is perfectly fine.

I tried to watch the Pompeo hearing but, honestly, I threw all the couch pillows at the teevee so it was too uncomfortable to continue to sit there.


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0 Comments to “So Vlad Cancels Their Honeymoon Suite?”

  1. I saw just a few minutes of it when Tim Kane was questioning that douchebag. Condescending derision is hard on my digestive tract, so I had to occupy myself elsewhere.

  2. Now that Ivana has given up on the clothes business, she might consider some of these items, sure to be a big hit with the base:

    * The Trump Weather Vane – 50 arrows, pointing up, down, and all around (one for each state, but not Puerto Rico)
    * The Trump Compass – battery operated! So it keeps spinning! Counterclockwise!
    * The Trump GPS Navigation System – With a screen of nothing but authentic 1970’s cathode ray tube static! Like when you were between channels on the old Admiral TV, or just had bad reception! No touch screen, digital interface on this baby! Comes equipped with a 13 position rotary dial, 12 channels with the authentic analog static, and one with an off-the-air test pattern! Just like when America was Great!

  3. I guess Vlad didn’t respect him in the morning.

  4. AK Lynne , I hope that Vlad used a condom…oh.wait… maybe not…with the right ‘exchange’, they could both come down with something lethal.

  5. MaryAnne says:

    If you did not watch you missed a good one. Not only Democrats went after Pompeo and Trump, but Republicans did the same.

    Oh,he tried to lie for Trump but Corker and Menendaz were not having it. Both let him know what they rhought of his boss.

    Then Trump trying to pretend he called off the Putin meeting was hilarious after Putin said no, they could meet at the G20.

    Both Mitch and Paul said Putin was not welcome in Congress.

  6. maryelle says:

    Pompeo evidenced the same condescension and agressive attitude we see Sarah Huckabuck spew. He evaded all questions about the outcome of the secret meeting between Dump and Pu and the fallout our military leaders are experiencing regarding Russian claims. This is no way to run a country and Pompeo’s evasion was extremely frustrating. He and Bolton are the new Dump enablers. We’ll be lucky if they don’t enable us into another war.

  7. So… Putin didn’t accept Trump’s invitation because he is just smart enough to understand Mueller had already indicted most of his military criminal conspirators, and the last thing he was inclined to do was step off a plane in Washington D.C. It is Duh Trump, not Duh Putin.

    And as to Pompeo: I’ve always believed the Secretary of State was supposed to be the ultimate Statesman. What an arrogant butthole. That said, it is easy to believe Pompeo could be up to his Putin in Trump’s capitulation program.

  8. I saw that hearing. Pompeo dissed like and what shocked me was that both R’s nd D’s dissed him right back! Whats happening!
