Forget It! Just Forget It!

July 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Senator John Cornyn wants you to forget that Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s life began before 2008.

This is just seeping Trumpism and Republican denial of reality.

Democrats are demanding to see the records of Kavanaugh’s entire tenure in the Bush White House. Republicans don’t want you to see it.  However …

Based on the standard set during the confirmation process for Justice Elena Kagan, who served in the White House Counsel’s Office under President Bill Clinton, McGahn told senators that Kavanaugh’s documents from his time in the counsel’s office would, too, be relevant, according to the official.

As they say, what’s good for the Kegan is good for Kavanaugh.


Now, I’m not saying there was any hanky-panky that happened under the expert guidance of President Bush, but …. oh wait, that is exactly what I’m saying.

What manner of shenanigans did Kavanaugh do while serving under Bush? And, why does John Cornyn want to cover it up?  Cornyn wants us to forget it ever happened.

Look, I wasn’t born yesterday. However, it appears that Kavanaugh was.

Thanks to all for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Forget It! Just Forget It!”

  1. Can Dems bork Kavanaugh?

  2. Same standard thuglicans apply to all judges.
    If thuglican ideologue all will be ignored.
    If not prepare to have life torn apart and groundless accusations and inane questions.
    Ok for thuglican to work for the CCC’s ( KKK descendant) as a matter of legal obligation to offer counsel to all.
    But not ok to work for ACLU or NAACP because they are treasonous organizations, or so they accuse.
    The thuglicans will not respect traditions, norms, standards or historical precedents in senate to railroad inept, incompetent puppets on to the bench so why should those judges respects precedents and practices when they finally are ensconced upon their ill gotten throne in court.

  3. WA Skeptic says:

    All of his rulings, public writings, etc., are important. Sunlight is a great disinfectant, isn’t it Donnie???

  4. Let’s have John Yoo come and do a little waterboarding demo. That should sharpen Kavanaugh’s memory of the Bush years considerably.

  5. John yoo has landed on his feet and others of the deplorable stain have been confirmed so waterboarded or not the lock step of the thuglican stepford senators will award yet another deplorable a seat on the scotus.
    Good article at vox about how the elites protecting their own irrelevent of ideology is the problem.

  6. Beststash says:

    Cornpone Cornyn is a joke. He is just a Trump boot-licker. It’s a shame that the people of Texas think the best we can send to Washington is Cronyn and Cruz.

  7. maryelle says:

    RethugRethugs have so much to be ashamed of.
    No wonder they lie and try to conceal their crimes.
