So Maybe He Does Have Some Shame

April 07, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Or maybe we all just yelled loud enough.

Thomas Modly has resigned as the acting secretary of the Navy, according to CNN.

Modly was caught on tape attacking Capt. Brett Crozier in a call with the crew of the USS Roosevelt after the captain’s letter to leaders begging for help was revealed online.

Well done, Loud People!


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0 Comments to “So Maybe He Does Have Some Shame”

  1. I’d have preferred he was turned over to pirates and made to walk the gangplank, but this’ll do.

  2. SteveTheReturned says:

    I’m reading comments on other sites, saying that Captain Crozier deserves the Naval Cross in return for all the B.S. the trump administration has put him through. I’m in favor of it.

  3. Only resigned? For what he did, I would have thought something a lot more serious and final would have resulted!

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Shame. Republicon. Covidiot* 45 maladministration. Was there another choice? It had to be the yelling, Ms. JJ. Even that is somewhat of a surprise given how Republicons, Moscow Mitch and Covidiot* 45 love being in-our-faces liberal owning double down on st00pid soapholes. Thinking maybe the “deep state” threatened to sink a few of Bitsy DeVile’s yachts with all Republicons on board.

  5. BarbinDC says:

    The only sad part about all this is that an even more incompetent will be put in that office. Competent people have long figured out that working for this maladministration is death to reputations and careers.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    Just like Mick Mulvaney and others, he expressed his majesty’s feelings aloud for everyone to hear them so he had to go. And what happens to the career of Capt. Crozier?

  7. Keelhauling comes to mind.

  8. thatotherjean says:

    It was the least he could do. No, really–the least he could do. May he never find a job in either government or the armed services again.

  9. Sandridge says:

    For Mr Moldy, getting thrown into a tank of hungry piranhas would be too good a fate. Fuck this rancid son of a bitch.

  10. Chloe Bear says:

    Has the orange one accepted the resignation?

  11. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Scapegoat. Relieving Captain Crozier was so massively unpopular, Modly had to take the heat for it. Want to bet it was trump’s order?

    Kushner is also taking the blame for the total clustertrump of coronavirus response. It’s all about protecting the Leader.

    I don’t care about either of them, but let’s not forget where the real blame belongs. Remember in November.

  12. Linda Phipps says:

    SO Lynne I suggested that very punishment a couple days ago on another story. The crew would have fought for one of the jobs as rope handler.
