So Let’s Say …

June 13, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So you’re a small poor foreign country or a goofy whacked out dictator.  To get what you want from the United States, all you have to do is give Trump “dirt” on his opponents.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That’s a foreign policy?

It doesn’t even have to be true dirt. You can even say you have proof that Kamala Harris was born in Sweden and never became a US citizen. He doesn’t care.

Trump’s a patriot who trusts Putin and Kim more than he trusts anyone in America.

I think he just kicked open the door to impeachment.  It’ll be fun watching congressional Republicans defend this.


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0 Comments to “So Let’s Say …”

  1. “So you’re a small poor foreign country…”

    That sounds like an updated version of the movie The Mouse That Roared, but with corruption, deceit, confusion, and unqualified nepotism. Starring a real mouse – – and a genuine rat.

  2. LizzyMom says:

    No worries, Ma Hamhocks is gonna shuffle out (probably onto Faux Noise) and claim he was just ‘funning.’

    All jokes aside, it has to be crystal clear now that Hair Twitler has no idea what “collusion” is as he’s just announced that he’s willing to collude. If anyone needed any more proof of his “state of mind” they just got it.

    Criminelly, what a world we live in.

  3. Just sent an email to my R congresswoman and asked 2 questions.
    1. Has she accepted help/information from a foreign government to get reelected. We live on the Canadian border, a valid question since Trump represents the Republican party and he’s OK with it.

    2. If not, is she growing a spine yet about standing up to the bully in her party aka the POTUS?

    I doubt I will hear back from her.

  4. Trump, and the majority of the republican’ts, realize if they don’t cheat during elections, interfere with people’s ability to vote during elections, accept blood money and dirty favors, they really don’t have much of an honest chance.

    This is Jesse Dollemore: he is a retired Marine, a patriot, and a man fiercely loyal to his country. He wants the best for the United States and speaks to that goal. To say he is not a huge supporter of Trump is an understatement. He tells it like it is and pulls no punches in his criticism of Trump and the Gang.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    That’s a crime in progress. Please take notice Speaker Pelosi and start the criminal proceedings to impeachment.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    So does this now mean that the Steele Dossier is OK and we won’t have to lock up Hillary after all?

  7. hey Libs, where does it say in the Constitution that you can’t receive “aid & comfort” from a foreign country, huh, huh?!!!!

    checkmate Libs!

  8. Title 5, Section 3331 of the United States Code

    It reads: “I, [your name here], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

    That is the oath Donald Trump took upon being sworn in as our elected president. He has publicly declared he will not support the constitution. He publicly stated that he would undermine our elections. Please do your job. This is a lawless and unpatriotic president and you are silently supporting lawless and treasonous behavior. Please uphold the principles and law that you were elected to do.
    sent to my congress critters. Sofa king weary.

  9. Gary St.Arnauld says:

    cpinva, It might surprise you that not EVERYTHING is in the Constitution. Instead of trolling, why don’t you spend some time researching election law. You might even become a paid advisor to your hero as we know he knows nothing about following the law.

  10. It may be fun watching the NSGOP, but it will be aggravating watching Pelosi, Schumer, and the other Dem leaders coming up with reasons for not beginning an impeachment inquiry. It seems to me we’ve waited long enough, and we’ve seen more than enough. ITMFA.

  11. Jill Ann says:

    Gary @9, I assumed that cpinva’s comment was intended to be sarcastic. Hope I was right!

  12. megasoid says:

    In a clear message to President Donald Trump, Federal Election Commission Chair Ellen Weintraub posted a message on Twitter Thursday night warning that anyone who solicits or accepts campaign help from foreigners “risks being on the wrong end of a federal investigation.”

    “I would not have thought that I needed to say this,” she said in a tweet.

    Here are the full remarks:
    Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election. This is not a novel concept. Electoral intervention from foreign governments has been considered unacceptable since the beginnings of our nation. Our Founding Fathers sounded the alarm about “foreign Interference, Intrigue, and Influence.” They knew that when foreign governments seek to influence American politics, it is always to advance their own interests, not America’s. Anyone who solicits or accepts foreign assistance risks being on the wrong end of a federal investigation. Any political campaign that receives an offer of a prohibited donation from a foreign source should report that offer to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

  13. Jill Ann, I, too hope that cpinva’s comments were meant to be sarcasm. However, I think that we are giving him too much credit. To think he is that smart would be to assume facts not in evidence.
