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June 12, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The House Judiciary Committee voted unanimously for the 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Bill after Jon Stewart shamed them yesterday.

Now he has to go to congress and shame them, too.

And then Trump.

I say we call for a Jon Stewart Shaming Tour.



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0 Comments to “Heads Up”

  1. A Jon Stewart Shaming Tour would be must watch TV for the summer of 2019. It’s a twofer. Jon Stewart doing what he does best, as he exposes politicians for what they do worst.

  2. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Has it passed the Senate? Will Mitchy-Mitch allow a vote on a bill passed by the House?

  3. Old Fart says:

    As Stewart said, it took the NYFD 5 seconds to respond.

    5 freaking seconds. Burning jet fuel and falling bodies, and they charged in. The response to that crash on top of the building this week shows that they (NYFD) HAVE to be prepared for doing this. And now GOPs are slow walking the people who prepare for the worst into oblivion. Run out the clock and the problem goes away.

    Until the next time…

  4. I remember the first time Jon did this. It was a slam dunk! He is so good at this! Now all these congress critters have to do is remember not to get Jon Stewart on their backs.


  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Jon Stewart vs Old Scratch McConnell. It will be a long hot summer for Mitch, if the articles of impeachment are also sent over to his office. Hey Mitch, “Jon Stewart line 1, Kamala line 2, Amy line 3, Liz line 4 ….”

  6. The legislation is HR 1327.
    Here is a list of the 313 current co-sponsors: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/1327/cosponsors?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%229%5C%2F11+victims+fund%22%5D%7D&r=2&s=1

    There are 19 co-sponsors from Texas. Here is who is MISSING (i.e. not publicaly supporting this no-brainer legislation):
    Gohmert R-1
    VanTaylor R-3
    Ratchliffe R-4
    Wright R-6
    Brady R-8
    Conaway R-11
    Granger R-12
    Thornberry R-13
    Weber R-14
    Flores R-17
    Arrington R-19
    Roy R-21
    Olson R-22
    Williams R-25
    Carter R-31
    Babin R-36
    Let me know if you spot a pattern among the representatives not representing the best interest of our Texas and brave 9/11 first-responders.

  7. georgie-porgie says:

    JJ, I’ve never seen a ReThug ashamed of anything. They all have the sensitivity and morals of Tom DeLay. it’s impossible to shame Republicans, especially Senators. I also can’t imagine the Junkyard Dogs (Gaetz and Jordan) being shamed. They aren’t capable of it… no, they just aren’t normal people capable of empathy. And they all love Trump, because they’re in on the deal with Russia. Pretty sure every one of them took that Russian money thru the NRA plus the vote tweaking.

    And shaming Trump! Ha! We all know that got left out of his DNA entirely! He can humiliate himself, (remember him in front of the UN) and then claim victory.

  8. And where is Trump, why is he not pushing for this????
    Oh I forgot, he was watching those non existent Muslims who were cheering the carnage.

    A POTUS who says he supports the troops and yet mocks gold star mothers and John McCain. A POTUS who supports first responders in a helicopter crash yet not those of 9/11.
    The hypocrisy is astounding.

  9. megasoid says:

    9/11 first responders slam Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham for failing to renew compensation fund: ‘We’re just not going to take your crap’

    “Now,” Feal told Berman, “we’re going to go to the Senate, where bills go to die, because it’s run by a bunch of cranky old white men who are trying to keep control of this country. So, Mitch McConnell, we’re on our way. Lindsey Graham, we’re on our way. You know who we are; we’ve met with you before. We’re just not going to take your crap this time. It’s that simple.”


  10. megasoid says:

    Yes, that is correct – For Information Yunzes

  11. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I’m grateful for Jon Stewart, but why is a comedian leading this fight? It sounds like a better use of Bill DeBlasio’s time than hopelessly campaigning in Iowa. Mike Bloomberg has the financial resources to blitz Congress on this. And Giuliani literally has nothing better to do.

  12. Can Jon Stewart move to Kentucky and run against McC?

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    Buttermilk Sky@12, not yourself or the other patrons of the WMDBS, but voters should be questioning why this is necessary and why both Old Scratch McConnell and IQ4.5 are not championing this legislation.

    LOL, you are a wit suggesting Rudy G actually do anything useful.

  14. thatotherjean says:

    A Jon Stewart Shaming Tour? Hear, hear!

    Nothing else has worked.

  15. megasoid says:


    Barr and Ross contempt hearings
    House votes in favor of contempt of congress.

    3 times roll was called:

    25 yeas to 15 nos
    23 yeas to 16 nos
    24 yeas to 15 nos


  16. AK Lynne says:

    I don’t think DeBlasio, Bloomberg, or Giuliani (gag) could ever command the respect and attention (nonpartisan) as Jon Stewart can. Who doesn’t love Jon?

  17. Off topic. Sort of.
    Who remembers someone trying to excuse some douchebag behavior by a repugnantcan by saying “it’s just politics, everybody does it?
    For decades.
    Imho, this normalizes doubt in our system of government.
    By assuming that everyone does anything beneficial to themselves, at the expense of everyone else.

  18. Sorry, wasn’t done.
    Donald f**king Trump just said on national t.v. that accepting help from hostile foreign governments was something that anybody would do.
    Normalizing treason.

  19. Lunargent says:

    Jon Stewart rightly deserves the praise he’s getting for spearheading the attempt to get Congress to do the bare minimum that any decent government would do without hesitation.

    But the most affecting testimony came from the first responders themselves. They had a guy about to undergo his 70th chemotherapy treatment. Instead of resting in bed, there he was, having dragged himself all the way to DC, because the people we’ve elected barely even consider doing their jobs any more.

    For me, the most gut-wrenching story came from Michael O’Connell. He’s in the first 3 minutes of this clip from Lawrence O’Donnell’s show. Sorry, I don’t have the techie skills to edit it down.


  20. Sandridge says:

    OT– Just for good ol’ “K” or “k”, this should warm the cockles of your wizened ol’ heart: ‘Finally Awful Democrat Rep Henry Cuellar is getting primaried…’.

    Now are you [and y’all] going to donate some dinero to Ms. Jessica Cisneros? I am.
    Although I doubt that she has a snowball’s chance in hel–Laredo of beating his sorry butt [last few days in Laredo it’s been ~104degF+].
    “His seat is one of the most safely Democratic in the nation, but you wouldn’t know it from his voting record.
    He’s a worse Democrat than most red-state conservatives, voting with the party only 75% of the time, and on crucial issues, he’s even worse: Cuellar is anti-LGBTQ rights …, anti-abortion rights, takes tons of cash from private prison companies, and fundraises for Republican colleagues.

    Long a disgrace, he’s now finally getting a legit primary challenger. Meet Jessica Cisneros, a 26-year-old immigration lawyer who is angling to become “the next AOC,” which, though a reductive label, does help capture her politics and grassroots affiliations, including the fact that she’s backed by the Justice Democrats. ”

    “Cisneros grew up in the Sal Si Puedes neighborhood in central Laredo. ”
    I know Laredo well enough to know where this is, having worked in Laredo many times. FYI, those of you who haven’t been there, you needn’t bother, it’s about the hottest, dustiest, most diesel-fume polluted place in the US.
