So Let Me Get This Right. You Want an Adult Male To Hit a Pubescent Girl in a Sexually Erogenous Zone of Her Body With a Phallic Shaped Object and You Think That’s Not Kinky?

September 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Springtown, Texas, is just a couple of miles shy of Oklahoma, and if Oklahoma sucked just a little bit more, they’d all be Sooners.

Which would be an improvement because right now, they’re all just kinky.

School board members voted Monday night to change school district policy to allow opposite gender employees to administer corporal punishment to students, but only with written permission from parents.

The Springtown school mascot - appropriately pricky

How this change in policy came about is that a male teacher walloped two female students on the beehind so badly that it raised bruises.  The girls mothers complained that this violated school policy and it just wasn’t right.  So, to fix this knowingly egregious violation of school policy, they just changed the policy.  So, you don’t have to trust the school not to do the wrong thing when it’s against policy.  You can now count on them to do the wrong thing because now the wrong thing is the policy.

Some outside agitator from Houston, who probably has one of them there normal, active hoochy-koochy lives, commented,

“Hitting schoolchildren with boards would be a felony assault charge if done anywhere except at the school,” Dunne said. “Hitting schoolchildren is no more acceptable than hitting your wife or your mother.”

Oddly, they do have a procedure for reporting bullying in Springtown.  But bullying by an adult is acceptable behavior because we teach by our actions.  Oh wait.  Never mind.

Thanks to Vickie for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “So Let Me Get This Right. You Want an Adult Male To Hit a Pubescent Girl in a Sexually Erogenous Zone of Her Body With a Phallic Shaped Object and You Think That’s Not Kinky?”

  1. I was in Tennessee registering my 8-year-old in a new school district when the administrator asked me if I wanted to sign a permission slip allowing teachers and school personnel to use corporeal punishment if they felt it necessary.

    I jumped up so fast that my chair fell onto the floor, and said, “Nobody better ever lay a hand on my daughter.”

    The startled administrator made a note (I don’t know what) on the registration form and we went on to the next item.

  2. Local control in public education; we have the 10th Amendment Right to empower our schools to beat our children. Kinda makes you proud, doesn’t it?

  3. penelope roberts says:

    once again, JJ, i love you but corporal punishment is assault and battery.

    we may allow it by parents but it’s still wrong everywhere and in every situation EXCEPT when a child is the object.

    go figure.

  4. What world am I living in that I didn’t know there was still corporal punishment in schools? WTH? In what reality has it ever been a good idea to trust some stranger to assault your child?

  5. Anyone who cannot think of a better way to punish a teenager than by beating her with a board is a blazingly incompetent bozo who has no business serving as a school administrator. Of course, when dealing with teenagers, nothing is going to work everytime, but what are the end results of spanking: intimidation, maybe; loss of respect, probably.

    Detention hall worked with our kids, an entire Saturday spent in a class room, studying, and forbidden to say a word; and that was before every kid had a cell phone. Imagine today’s teenager, contemplating that she could be compelled to spend an entire Saturday, with no electronic devices, only a book. Now we are talking intimidation!

  6. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Some years back in Georgetown, a substitute teacher, male, was so annoyed with a teenage girl in class that talked out of turn that he told boys in the class to restrain her while he duct-taped her mouth shut. (Note: she’d already apologized to him for her rudeness.)

    How’s that one for teaching teenage boys it’s OK to silence women you think talk too much?

    At least half the teachers in the high school publicly supported the male teacher’s actions, including some female teachers. They did not get it that demonstrating to teen boys how it’s OK to shut up talkative women physically is a bad idea, in a county whose crisis center sees the result of sexual assault and domestic abuse all the time. “But she shouldn’t have been talking…”

    When I taught a senior-high first-response course in Florence, even longer ago, I discovered that the boys in the class did not know girls had a right to say “No” to sex if they agreed to go out on a date. They thought “rape” was a crime committed by males of a different race from somewhere else, whereas what they did was just normal dating behavior. I’ve run into that from older males in larger places, too, so it’s not the fault of a small town education.

    The appeal of physical solutions is that they sorta work, at least for awhile. And they’re quick, and easy, and cheap, and the bad results may not show up for years, when the kid is out of school. Negative reinforcement is a blunt instrument, but it does work if used skillfully. Most parents and school staff don’t understand how to use it skillfully, and haven’t a clue how to use the more specific, more efficient positive reinforcement. (Which is why when a teacher or parent talks about “consequences” or “natural consequences” they nearly always mean negative consequences.)

    At any rate, men spanking teenage girls is definitely kinky and marks the men involved as (undercover, maybe) pervs.

  7. Haltom Jr. High 1957 Grand Opening. Boys in shop manufacture made-to-order 1″X4″X24″ paddles for every male teacher, coach, vice-principal and principal.
    Red butts became a badge of honor with the occasion bruised lower back not uncommon.

  8. penelope roberts says:

    angela, i know you can’t possibly mean that the only person you can trust to beat your child is yourself?

    corporal punishment is assault, even when performed on a child or a prisoner.

  9. This whole thing weirds me out. If a school discovers any child with bruises where there ought not to be bruises they will likely CPS, and on the basis of such complaints children have been removed from their homes.

    Maybe it’s time to call CPS on some schools.

  10. I heard a parent say, “He’s too big to whip”. It ws though lightening struck me. What he meant was his son could beat him in a fight, therefore it was necessary to stop whipping him. What does it say about a society in which it is o.k. for the bigger more powerful (by size, weight, authority) to beat, whip, “discipline” the younger, smaller, powerless? Even professional fighters fight opponents in the same weight class.

  11. Well, I’m sure this will not make me any friends, but I have no problem with “pops”. I told my children you get a pop at school you get another when you get home.

    My daughter once had pops for chewing gum. She asked me if I was going to the school to fight for her. I asked her if she knew chewing gum was against the rules. She said yes. I said so you want me to go to school to say you shouldn’t be punished because you are stupid? btw, pops were a choice. She could have chosen to have Saturday detention, but then she would have missed basketball practice and had to run laps. She chose the pops. AND she CHOSE to chew gum.

    Sometimes you have to get a kids attention. I do belive there should be only one person in the school to mete out the punishment, in this case it was the Vice Principal.

  12. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I’m with Uncle Dave on this one.

    I often wonder why Repubs love volence so much. Another country disses us? Bomb ’em. Kids misbehaving? Beat ’em. What a way to perceive life.

  13. “The puritan hated bear baiting, not because it gave pain to the bear, but because it gave pleasure to the spectators.”
    (Thomas B. Macaulay) In the same way, these school administrators approve of hitting children not because it hurts the children, but because it gives pleasure to the administrators.

  14. aggieland liz says:

    Creative and targeted punishments that have some direct tie to the crime seem to work well. For instance, you write something filthy on a blackboard, you stay after school until you have washed every blackboard on the hall or in the school or in the district.
    For myself, the time my father looked at me and said, “just get out of my sight, I don’t even want to see your face!” was THE very worst.

  15. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I have now sent a prissy email to the school district, accusing them of promoting the BDSM lifestyle in the schools and saying any male who is willing to paddle teenage girls is a perv probably into BDSM on the side and getting a charge out of it.

    That should produce a reaction, says the person who accidentally upset a wasp nest last Friday and still has some red blotches to show for it. Alas, my husband thinks they’ll just ignore it.

  16. @penelope roberts

    I do not believe in hitting anyone. Ever. I do not have children—but I’m damned sure I’d never hit them if I did.

  17. What the heck is that mascot?!? The mascot scares the snot out of me and so does the school district. I’m just not a big fan of hitting anyone ever. I never spanked my kids, I’ve never raised a hand to my husband (nor he to me), and I’ve always regretted swatting a pup who piddled on my sofa. Just don’t see how violence solves anything. I certainly would have never put up with ANYONE assaulting my children. Nope, don’t think so.

  18. I live near Springtown. This story has spun so far out of control it’s nuts. First, the girl was caught cheating. The school asked for and received permission to spank the girl from her Mother. She could have said no and the girl would have been given alternative punishment. Mom told the Principal she approved the spanking.

    Now, the Mom claims there are welps and bruises days afterward, but hasn’t offered any evidence. She’s also never met a TV camera she didn’t like.

    When I went to school “licks” were common practice K – 12 and whether it was a male or female teacher administering them made no difference.

    I don’t believe in beating children, but a well timed (and restrained) spanking can do wonders in correcting bad behavior in a child.

  19. Sounds to me like (a) school kid should NOT have a choice. If they misbehave in school, it’s detention…. PERIOD. Even better if they have to give up a Saturday.

    With administrations like this making decisions for “educating” Texas’ school children……. is it any wonder that we are (except for Mississippi) the worst in the country?

  20. Grace Newton says:

    How in the world do you hit someone hard enough to hurt them when you are not angry? That’s the “advice” I’ve heard people who advocate spankings give parents. “Never hit a child when you are angry.” So you are supposed to hit them in cold blood, huh? As to male teachers hitting a teenager, that’s sick. If it would get the teacher arrested outside of the school it shouldn’t be allowed inside the school. That goes double if it would get the vice squad on his case.

  21. David Redmile says:

    From my 30 -year experience as a teacher, I would say-a few on the backside is more pleasurable for the girl than for the teacher.Perhaps that´s why I´m against it.
