Okay, So You Know It’s Gotten Weird When You Can’t Tell The Onion From Straight News

September 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Carol told me that she didn’t know whether this was a joke or not.

It’s Politico so maybe it’s not satire.

I dunno. What this is is crazzzzy.

After Craig Robinson, a former political director of the Republican Party of Iowa, told The New York Times that Paul Ryan’s political future was dead unless he got rid of the “stench of Mitt Romney,” Ryan went Sarah Palin rogue.

Though Ryan had already decided to distance himself from the floundering Romney campaign, he now feels totally uninhibited. Reportedly, he has been marching around his campaign bus, saying things like, “If Stench calls, take a message” and “Tell Stench I’m having finger sandwiches with Peggy Noonan and will text him later.”

Ryan, Dude, you are not supposed to do that. You signed up to be on the Titanic, so you are supposed to go down like a man.

Thanks to Carol for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Okay, So You Know It’s Gotten Weird When You Can’t Tell The Onion From Straight News”

  1. Sandy Havens says:

    Women and children first–then the Stench bringers–not into the life raft, but overboard. After that it’s every man for himself.

  2. He is Sarah Palin using his 78 year old mother as a human shield. It didn’t work very well with the AARP

  3. Satire. Its funny though ’cause it is blowing the tops off the lunatic fringe’s goofy heads who are commenting. Boy are they butthurt over there. The powerpoint thing was the tell.

  4. “If Stench calls, take a message.” Spoken like a true devotee of Ayn Rand. You expected the poor to get tossed under the bus by Romney/Ryan, but when Romney gets thrown under by the underside of the ticket, things really start to get interesting.

  5. What this shows it the Ryan is a craven opportunist and is only concerned with what is good for Paul Ryan. Oh crap I forgot that he is a Randian, he is what he is a craven egotistical jerk, completely true to his philosophy however shallow that maybe.

  6. Sam in Kyle says:

    Next time Ryan is on the plane with Romney he can just open the window and let the stench out.

  7. Funniest line of the day:
    “PowerPoint was released by Microsoft in 1990 as a way to euthanize cattle using a method less cruel than hitting them over the head with iron mallets.”

  8. “It’s 2003 calling: it wants its stench back.”

  9. What would be even more funny is if he lost his House seat. Tee Hee!

  10. They deserve each other. Vulture/Voucher. Stench/Stinker.

  11. He’s blaming Romney, but it’s his own policies that are the kiss of death. Plus this stupid immature behavior will put the kibosh on any future plans he has.

  12. I looked up Roger Simon’s credentials on Politico’s website because this is not the first I have heard of him. I have never associated him with satire and do not think he is a satirist. Read his bio and previous writings. Also this column is in Politico’s news section not in an editorial section where one would have more license to joke around. I don’t think this is April 1 either.

  13. OK. I read some more of Roger Simon’s columns. He’s being funny. It looks like he is Politico’s version of Susan.

  14. Rat, meet sinking ship.

  15. The rats aren’t only deserting the sinking ship, they are taking the silverware with them.

  16. Paul Ryan’s true colors are showing. He won’t go down with the ship. No siree Bob. Rats are like that.

  17. Ralph Wiggam says:

    He who smelt it dealt it.

    If you can tell the difference between the stink of Moneybags and the stink of Teabags, you’ve got a better nose than I have.

  18. Good one RMac3,”… taking the silverware with them” ROFLMAO!!

  19. “A former political director for the Republican Party of Iowa”

    So, here’s the funny part of that. Ryan doesn’t HAVE a political future, unless it’s to be the leftmost crazy to have a shot at winning Iowa in 2016 and thus have instant credibility as a potential nominee.

    He could even BECOME that nominee, although Christie, Rubio, Jeb, Huck and a host of others may have something to say about THAT.

    But the bottom line is that – as a politicla future – it’s a dead end. Being the chief of the loonies taking over the GOP asylum is NOT a good career move.

  20. Just in case, this IS satire:

    [Author’s note: Jonathan Swift did not really want Irish people to sell their children for food in 1729; George Orwell did not really want the clocks to strike thirteen in 1984; Paul Ryan, I am sure, calls Mitt Romney something more dignified than “Stench” and Microsoft did not invent PowerPoint as a means to euthanize cattle. At least I am pretty sure Microsoft didn’t.]

