So I’m Confused

July 10, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I will admit this is not the first time that Rick Perry has confused me.

Okay, so let’s start out with the dead certain guaranteed fact that Perry hates the federal government, often threatens to secede, and says that Texas doesn’t need the federal government, no sire, not even to help take care of our sick children by accepting $100 billion in Medicaid money.

But, he’s begging for federal help with the border?

I would go for that if every new federal border patrol agent could bring a couple million dollars of Medicaid money under each arm.

You know, there are more border patrol agents on the border under Obama than there were under Bush.

Screen Shot 2014-07-10 at 9.24.59 AM


And that doesn’t seem to be working.

So, Perry, who thinks the federal government does nothing right, wants more federal government.

No wonder he’s grumpy.



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0 Comments to “So I’m Confused”

  1. He’s still pouting from that picture.

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    I’m confused, too! It seems like the states that yell the loudest about hating the government are the ones that yell the loudest when the government doesn’t step in just when they actually want something from the government. Perry is a good example of this!!

  3. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Well, I’m confused, too. Wasn’t that Gov pRick shaking hands with our President on a tarmac, and getting onto Marine One to fly over to Love Field together? Think the Guv needed a photo op, or just wanted to check out Marine One while he could.

  4. Miss Prissybritches, that is as close to Marine One as old pRick will ever get. It will show him up close and personal at least one fab thing he will be missing when he does not get to be President. Now if y’all will pardon me, I gotta do something about these wasp stings. Already done the anti-histamine, the msg and vinegar soaks and the frozen vegetables I had on hand. Just had to comment on the Great Seceder, though.

  5. Poor pRick is still forgetting the facts and talking out of both sides of his mouth.
    BTW Maggie…use a paste made from meat tenderizer, it takes the pain out quickly.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    Maggie, if you can breathe, just try to wait awhile. If you caN’t breathe, rush to ER. The stings will get better. Not sure Perry and cronies will ever get better.

  7. The GOP looks at this as a ‘two-fer’. The Red states can scream about the lack of Federal help until the aid arrives at which point they switch to complaints about how the Federales are interfering with state’s rights. The GOP has this down to a fine art. They have tag teams…see the GOP groups involved in the debate over the Sandy assistance effort. Prior to that…Katrina. In all cases, its…..Obama’s fault (even if the GOP votes to block aid). The GOP is not about solving problems, its ALL about ensuring/gaining power. It ain’t going to end until we fire them.

    With this kind of mindset, no one in the GOP really wants to solve the problem. It would make their ‘two-fer’ go away.

  8. Pervy needs to keep more poor people out of Texas so we won’t slip even farther down the list of uninsured.

  9. How do you go on TV twice, and say that the president of the United States is conspiring with the refugee children, and that he does not care about the security of our Southern border, then get into his helicopter for a one-on-one meeting the following day? I would love to have a tape of that helicopter ride to the meeting with the Dallas city leaders!

    “Rick, I know that you are running for president, and have a tough primary ahead, but that was a real dick move to start a conspiracy theory about me like I’m somehow organizing the flood of children turning themselves in at the border.”

    “Now, Barack…..”

    “Don’t ‘now, Barack’ me, goddammit! If you think more troops will do anything to house, feed & process the kids, send your National Guard. Nobody is stopping you.”

    “Mr. President, we need to…”

    “We need to what? Detain and deport more illegal aliens?!? I’ve deported so many illegals that my own party is screaming for my head! Put more Border Patrol boots on the ground? You know damn good & well that I’ve tripled the number of border control agents, and this crisis isn’t a problem of not catching illegals coming into the country. The children are turning themselves in!!!!!”

    “Well, sir, you really need to go visit the border, and then you will see….”

    “See what, Rick? That we need an immediate emergency increase in immigration lawyers and judges to process the flood of refugee children? That we need emergency housing and medical screening for the thousands of kids turning themselves in to our border agents? My Secretary of Homeland Security has made five trips to the Valley already, and has kept me fully apprised of the situation with daily updates. Do you think that we don’t have TV or communications in the White House?”

    “I just think that your going to the border would draw attention to….”

    “Attention to what, Governor? There has been a non-stop Republican speech fest in both Houses of Congress for the last three weeks on this issue, and Fox News carries on like I personally put the children on the train in El Salvador! I’ve already sent a request to Congress for emergency funding to do what both Ds and Rs say needs to be done. Instead of spouting conspiracy theories on TV, why don’t you pressure the Texas delegation to support the emergency appropriation….for the children.”

    “Well, I can’t really force anybody to…..”

    “Oh, look. We’re here. Let’s go inside and see what Dallas has to offer. And let me be the first to say that, if you somehow land the R presidential candidacy instead of Mitt, Hillary is going to kick your ass.”

  10. maryelle says:

    Perry thinks this is his chance to look “presidential” by bossing the President around and demanding things he’s already got. It’s not working out the way he planned.
    He must be using the old Bush “strategery”.

  11. Allmaya — Wouldn’t it be lovely if that conversation actually occurred? It would certainly explain Rick’s pout. Ha!

  12. Lorraine in Spring says:


  13. Lorraine in Spring says:


    Try yellow mustard on the stings. It kills the pain almost immediately. At least it does for me. Works on burns too.

  14. e platypus onion says:

    South Dakota wingnut party platform has an impeach Obama plank(the only one in the country,I believe) and the wingnut governor just begged Obama for more disaster aid for floods. Go figure.

  15. Allmaya says:

    Platypus, all of us want longer green lights and shorter reds.

  16. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    maggie, I’m late to the party, but I also recommend making a paste of meat tenderizer and water and putting it on.

    I have always backpacked and camped with a small plastic container of meat tenderizer just in case.

  17. Gang, you are so sweet! At 74 these sting things are no joke. The meat tenderizer I had mixed well with the white vinegar and the antihistamine really did a good job. Still kinda sore but we are getting there! Got stung like this over 30 years ago in the back of both calves from ground wasps. That was bad enough but I shook it off quicker and easier then. Just heard that the gist of Boehner’s lawsuit against the President is based on the exemption Mr. Obama gave people on a certain section of the Affordable Healthcare Act. Boehner said he shouldn’t have done that, it was the same as if he had made up a law all by himself. That is so weird! Boehner and his gang hate the AHA and want to completely ditch it. Now they are suing to protect it? As usual they can’t tell nose from ass! Their next hurdle is finding a court that will take this case. Can’t go to a federal judge. Also can’t go to a state level judge cuz the AHA is a federal law. Maybe they can dig up the ghost of old Judge Roy Bean. Otherwise Boehner’s lawsuit doesn’t stand a ghost of a chance! (heh, heh!)

  18. Marcia in CO says:

    @Allmaya … loved your script of what may have gone down in that helicopter … that back and forth would have surely caused pRick’s sour face in that one photo op!! LOL

    All great comments on this one … you folks have the best comebacks!!

  19. Marge Wood says:

    ditto, Marcia; hurray Allmaya! Absolutely. We oughta print that out and hang it in our kitchens.
