
July 09, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Click the little one to get the big one.  You have to see Perry’s face.


Screen Shot 2014-07-09 at 6.30.39 PM


Think he was mad because Obama got a table tag that said, “I’m President and you’re not”?

Or maybe because he knew the American flag would be in every picture of him and he wants to secede?

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0 Comments to “Priceless”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Wish we could see all the people at the table with President Obama. But from what we can see, 3 happy, one having a hissy fit melt down. Also note that 5 of the 6 hands we can see have notepads, while pRick is as empty handed as he is empty headed.

    pRick is that terrible on his home range, would not want to see how his pecker wood non-poker face would play on the international circuit.

    Cue up the “will I be President?” BwaaaaaaaahHaaaaaaaa!

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    The gal at the end of the table dosn’t have a notepad, but I love the way she’s looking at pRick … LOL He looks like a spoiled 2 year old who was just told he can’t have a cookie!!

  3. 1smartcanerican™ says:

    Well, isn’t little Ricky just a sad sack pouter! 🙂 As my mom used to say “watch out, or your face will stay that way!”

    Such a difference between Ricky’s expression and the laughter the others seem to be sharing. You’re correct PKM, he truly is a pRick!

  4. Gristle McThornbody says:

    We’re laughing at you Ricky, not with you (obviously, snicker….).

  5. Marcia that is exactly what I immediately thought as soon as I saw the picture. I raised 7 kids and know that expression well. It would not surprise me to learn he was stamping his feet under the table.

  6. It must suck to be Rick Perry. He’s the only one at the table who doesn’t get the joke. (Perhaps because he IS the joke)

  7. Lordy, I’d love to know what put that bad taste in his mouth!

  8. Deb: something he ate? Or is it because he’s not the center of attention?

  9. @Ded: So you give him some more??

  10. Was he paid to look like that?!

  11. Oh to be a fly on the wall at that moment.

  12. Aggieland liz says:

    I wonder if somebody just said “oops”….

  13. Obama: There are three reasons I wanted to meet with you today, Rick. And you can be sure I remember all three of them…

  14. I’d always heard that Rick Perry was two-faced, but if he were he wouldn’t be using that one.

  15. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    I hope that photo’s on the front page of my Austin American Statesman when I wake up tomorrow morning.

  16. Y’all, the woman at the end of the table who also does not have a notepad is pRick’s translator! Ya know, translating English into something pRick just might understand?

  17. If that lip stuck out any further in that pout, he’d trip over it.

  18. Litlhorn says:

    Rawlins to the President “Yea, he thinks he can be President…”

  19. If only we could get someone to spill the beans and let us know
    what had been said that made Ricky pout!

  20. maryelle says:

    Doesn’t look like things are going his way, so he’s gonna take his toys and go home.
    Mommy, they weren’t nice to me. Somebody made a joke about a gate that swings both ways. I don’t get it.

  21. Olden Grey says:

    The Houston Chronicle had a picture of their airport handshake this morning calling it “a warm handshake”. HAHAHAHAHA. I bet it was one of the coldest handshakes on record.

  22. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Obama’s laughing while the interpreter puts his words into clicks and grunts Perry can understand. The big question is when Greg Abbott, the Houston Astros of Attorney Generals, will file another lawsuit he can lose over this.

  23. Wa Skeptic says:

    Wow–that is “B***hurt” personified.

  24. I appreciate the graph on Border Patrol hires. In 2010 before the election we attended a Town Hall with our Rep. Chet Edwards (D). He told us about getting more VA hospitals built and help with meds in a bill he authored. He said it took two years of fist fights up and down the halls.

    During that meeting the parents of a son who was a Border Patrol agent asked Edwards why the military was being allowed to recruit the BP.

    Edwards’ face turned bright red and he said he didn’t know they were doing that and asked the couple to stay after the meeting. We left some 15 minutes after it ended and he was still talking to them. Looks like he got that practice stopped.

  25. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Well, our illustrious governor is sitting in the seat of honor…at the end of the table in a corner. With an expression like that on his face, I think he may have just been told that he is to now turn around and face the corner for a time out for acting like a very spoiled brat the past 24 hours.

  26. Awww, looks like someone peed in his cereal.

  27. Marge Wood says:

    LAUGHING. Thanks for good words about Chet Edwards.

  28. @Miss Prissybritches: As I recall, that’s exactly the same spot President Obama had in the picture of the meeting to order the attack on Osama bin Laden. But the President was making a very hard, important decision, and it looked to me as if he was putting his faith into the staff he hired to advise him (which, as I recall, was a lot more honest than the one advising his predecessor…). Pervy–not so much.

  29. My mama always said it wasn’t fair to engage in a battle of wits with someone who came unarmed.

    Can you hear that spoon banging on the highchair tray?

  30. Tom Harding says:

    You Texans ought to be ashamed of yourselves for electing this jerk to any government post.Damn,there must be something in the water down there.Look at your congressional representatives.It`s enough to make a person cry.But being from Indiana I have to admit we have our crazies also.

  31. Okie Dokie says:

    Some of us check out for the wacky news stories and “caption the ….” entries. This picture is begging to have captions added by random snarks from the internet. Maybe over at Wonkette….
