So … Crazy is Indeed Hereditary

October 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You think Ted Cruz has a screw loose in his thinker assembly?

Please meet his sire in the breeding stock at the holy crap what are these people thinking farm.

Ted’s dad is a dominionist.  Now all parents think their kids are real special, but Raphael Cruz has got that particularity floored in neutral.

In a sermon last year at an Irving, Texas, megachurch that helped elect Ted Cruz to the United States Senate, Cruz’ father Rafael Cruz indicated that his son was among the evangelical Christians who are anointed as “kings” to take control of all sectors of society, an agenda commonly referred to as the “Seven Mountains” mandate, and “bring the spoils of war to the priests”, thus helping to bring about a prophesied “great transfer of wealth”, from the “wicked” to righteous gentile believers. There is a link to the video of Rafael Cruz describing the “great transfer of wealth” and the role of anointed “kings” in various sectors of society, including government, who are to “bring the spoils of war to the priests”.

And to think I was bragging when my son could go potty.

Screen Shot 2013-10-26 at 10.19.19 AM


Yeah, I think he tried to do that with shutting down the government but cashing his own paycheck.  It didn’t work out all that well.

Remember how we used to worry about George Dubya having to live up to his father’s legacy.  Honey, that was child’s play.

ted cruz victory sign



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0 Comments to “So … Crazy is Indeed Hereditary”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    This certainly does sound like the Republican Party’s agenda:

    (1) Declare war on the poor and the middle class;

    (2) Transfer the resulting wealth to Wall Street’s Masters of the Universe (they’d probably object to being called merely “kings”);

    (3) Take control of all sectors of society by preventing their political opponents from voting.

    It’s only crazy if they get caught at it.

  2. His index finger is particularly long, skinny, and ugly. Matches his weird face.

  3. Well, at least he has one opposable thumb.

  4. This actually makes me feel a little bit sorry for Ted Cruz. With a father like that–and genes like that–it seems he was doomed from the start.

    In the movie The Omen the prophecy for the Antichrist says “From the eternal sea he rises, creating armies on either shore, turning man against his brother, ’til man exists no more.” Doesn’t the Cruz family originate in Cuba, across the sea?

  5. W. C. Peterson says:

    Why should the fundamentalist KKKristians be even concerned with the End Times Transfer of Wealth? Isn’t that an outright scam? After all, the End Times signify the start of The Rapture, when the True Believers get “raputured” into Heaven. Why would they be concerned with mere Earthly Wealth when they’re on their way to Heavenly Wealth beyond imagination?
    It sure sounds like a scam to me.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    Somewhere between right and wrong these imbeciles got their wires crossed. They are hardwired directly to the nearest grounding rod and when the switch finally goes on-Kablooey. A brilliant flash of light,minor smoke and total disconnect.

  7. Sandridge says:

    Daddy Cruz ain’t the only one.
    Here’s some promo text from the Rev. John Hagee over at the San Antonio Cornerstone Church (from “The Cluster” newsletter, 20130901):
    This Sunday I will begin a four sermon series titled, “Master
    Your Money” with the first sermon being, “ the Seven Secrets of Solomon. …
    The Book of Proverbs is saturated with pearls of truth that can change your life spiritually, physically and financially. there are 18 pearls in the Proverbs I will share in this first sermon. It’s probably too much information but it all goes together like a jigsaw puzzle.
    This four sermon series will be as follows:
    1) “The Seven Secrets of Solomon”
    2) “Power to Prosper”
    3) “Twelve Steps to Financial Freedom” (2 sermons)
    I want you to make a special effort to hear these four sermons.
    They are the heart and soul of the Bible dealing with your financial prosperity and the key to receiving your financial breakthrough. I’ll see you Sunday at Cornerstone.”

    I urge y’all to have a look around the CC’s website (while you can), it’s a mighty interesting look inside these very real threats to our nation.
    I noticed an “Employment Opportunities…For Members of Cornerstone Church” (only) page in the newsletter too. It’s astounding the breadth of positions they’re recruiting for, it’s clearly a huge corporate operation.

    Have a look at their “Government of Twelve” groups too, organized in very controlled “cells”.

    And CUFI founder Pastor Hagee (“NYT best-selling author” /snark) has a new book coming out this month, “Four Blood Moons”, “Something is about to change” ( , ). Hmmmm…

    And don’t miss guest speaker Mike Huckabee tomorrow evening, that should be a stemwinder, woooweee.

    An’ if all that stuff doesn’t curdle your blood, y’all are drinkin’ too effen much likker…

    (yeah, this outfit ticked me off once, took my daughter (just got her Magna-c-Laude BS Masters recently) to a HS band related event there not that long ago, and she was reduced to tears; something to do with her RC faith)

  8. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    There is an area right near here that is known as Seven Mountains. I’m gonna have to look into that.

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    All I see in that pic is a great big “L” for loser!!

  10. Braxton Braggart says:

    If we’re going to have a senator with a crazy-ass, Doninionist religious nutcase for an old man, why couldn’t it have been Mel Gibson? He’s better looking than Ted Cruz, and was actually born in the United States.

  11. This is what Daddy Cruz actually says? Shucks, now I am convinced more than ever that Daddy really doesn’t think that much of Junior. This is exactly the kind of jive talk that when made public can actually do way more harm than good. But I bet Daddy would never, ever see it that way! As my late uncle would say, these guys are nothing but bushwah artists! Please don’t ask me to translate bushwah! I have to abide by Mama’s rules!

  12. No wonder Ted thinks his don’t stink, since he was anointed by his god to control everything. Explains that constant smirk on his face. I got sick of Dubya’s smirk and now I’m supposed to look at this even oilier one.

    Whenever some so-called Christian starts telling you how their god wants you to get rich, that’s clue #1 that they have torn a heck of a lot of pages out of their copy of the Bible. Even this atheist can tell you that Jesus said the opposite of that. The Bible was translated into English so people could read it for themselves, which ought to let them call out these BS artists.

  13. The transfer of wealth has already happened.
    Former Secretary of Labor under Clinton, Robert Reich, is my prophet on that subject.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Ever so often some nutcase comes along and drags thousands of folks behind them to do something weird and scary. Too bad it sets up such a ruckus. You might enjoy reading a book, a non-fiction, creepy Halloween appropriate book, about another religious group a long time ago. The title is FAIR, CLEAR AND TERRIBLE. It’s about something that really happened to a bunch of reasonably smart and wealthy landowners who got talked into tagging along with a religious nutcase leader. I hope somebody is writing a book or two or half a dozen about current events. Every generation has to learn all over again. Even good folks do stupid things once in awhile. And I have to throw this in: if you’re from Texas, vote NO on Proposition 6 which is a real interesting way for some super duper rich guys to make a lot of money while they use up the water in Texas.

  15. Marge Wood says:

    p.s. I love Robert Reich.

  16. Elizabeth says:

    It’s hard to tell if Pappy Cruz is a genuine nutcase or just a good scam artist. Given the easily proved lies of both father and son, I’d argue for scam artist for both of them.

    But then I’m cynical. The way I was taught theology, for Christians the New Testament trumps the Old Testament…and there’s only one King, and it’s sure not Ted Cruz. Anointing by scam artist snake oil just does not count.

  17. Has anyone seen or heard anything from Momma Cruz?
    She seems to be a woman of mystery and I wonder if she is as batshit crazy as the others.

    There seems to have been some kind of mystery as to how long she had been out of the country before Teddy was born, it has something to do with his claim to US citizenship.

    Myself I think he is just a con artist plain and simple.

  18. Interesting. As the article says, the most relevant part of all of this is the ceremony that took place this summer where Ted Cruz was blessed and anointed as a “king” in the dominionist church where his father had spoken. It doesn’t really matter what Cruz Sr. has to say about his son, but the fact that Cruz Jr. is involved in this movement and is buying into this line of theology is what should raise the red flag for voters of all stripes. Dominionists are authoritarian theocrats of the worst order. Ted Cruz should never get anywhere near the Presidency, but it could happen.

  19. Elizabeth says:

    Oh, and one of the craziest parts is the repeated statement that this was Jewish year 2012.

    No. It’s 5774 in the Hebrew calendar. There’s no “12”. It’s not evenly divisible by 12. Pappy Cruz’s ruminations on the significance of 12 are as crazy as the rest.

  20. Papa Cruz is twice-divorced. You know, a real family Christian.

  21. VeeGee in VT says:

    Xyzomma, I read today in my local paper the US Air Force Academy cadets no longer have to say “so help me God” after their loyalty pledge, or whatever they call it. Good news, it seems to me…

  22. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    How convenient! A religion that transfers wealth! What a simply swell idea.

    What is the significance of how he’s holding his hand? Is that some kind of Dominionist signal?

  23. I dunno. But if you’re using the “lecture finger” to make points with, there are only two things you can do with your thumb–stick it out or fold it over. A lot of people who shake their lecture finger at you have their thumbs stuck out, and one reason is it’s less stressful (and painful, if you have arthritis) to have the thumb out like that.

  24. Angelo_Frank says:

    Ted Cruz, and his father in particular, as adherents of Christian Dominionism have a grand plan for this country and it doesn’t look good at all. These religious zealots will make the Crusades look like child’s play in the event they get in power. With the anti-intellectual Tea Party in their corner they view politics as a ‘battle’. Being on the losing end of the debt ceiling vote was just a minor skirmish for these neo-confederates. They will keep their rebellion going no matter if they drag Texas, and others that join them, further into the mud along the way.

  25. “Dominionist” . . . hmmm . . . rapid translation . . . equals an image very much like caliphate. Take it from there, people.

    Something else I find kinda interesting about the Cruzites. Years ago followers of such shill artists would be young and clueless. Now there are swarms of retired senior citizens, most of whom came from families that surived the Great Depression and have heard the horror stories their parents told them about poverty, hunger, homelessness and hopelessness. I’m betting that what they don’t recall is that FDR’s administration (the guv’mint!) did a great deal to bail them all out and if they did remember, would never admit it lest Lord Cruz cast them out. Anybody else have any ideas as to how this senior citizen clutch mode thing got to be as big as it is, let me know! I’m listening!

  26. Marcia in CO says:

    @VeeGee … They are moving “so help me God” to the end of the pledge so whoever feels the need to include that in their pledge can do so … it is up to the cadet taking the pledge.

  27. For those who may be interested in more about Dominionism, within the original Alternet article that JJ linked to, there was this link to another article from Public Research Associates (PRA). Here is the article:

    Inside the Christian Right Dominionist movement that’s undermining democracy

    Here is part of PRA’s definition of “Dominionism” just above the article:

    “The theocratic idea that … heterosexual Christian men are called by God to exercise dominion over secular society by taking control of political and cultural institutions.”

  28. To understand what’s behind Ted Cruz’s support, you need to understand what’s behind the ‘New Apostolic Reformation’ – C. Peter Wagner’s “Seven Mountains” religious/wealth movement.

    I see your Texas governor is among the faithful of NAR, as well as Sarah P., Newt G., Michele B. and Sam Brownback. However, Ted isn’t mentioned… yet! About time someone wrote that up for Wiki.

    I researched NAR when Sarah P. was front & center (like in front of John McCain, poor man). Al Jazeera calls the NAR America’s Taliban, but the NAR built a huge HQ building in Jakarta, Indonesia. We can only hope that Islamists extemists will wage war on NAR extremists.

  29. Marge Wood says:

    MomsHugs, you get nominated to write the update for Wikipedia!

  30. Patty Symonds says:

    I’m with Maryelle. The transfer of wealth HAS already happend. It happened when CEOs and companies started taking all the money from a company and turning it into bonuses and shareholder profits, and the workers started getting less and less. Now, the average CEO salary is hundreds times the worker’s. 40 years ago, it was like 5 times more. I don’t understand why this isn’t talked about more.

  31. Katie Johnsonius says:

    Ted Cruz will lose. He’s a freak. But today I was thinking about who the Repugnicans COULD put up, who COULD win, and not aggravate main-stream Repugnicans, and a name hit me like a sledge-hammer… John Cornyn. Consistent(ly wrong), experienced, dignified, attractive. Let’s just HOPE the nominee is Cruz… the opposite of all of that!
