Sleepy Joe?

August 20, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I think not.

Well done, Democrats.



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0 Comments to “Sleepy Joe?”

  1. Well done, indeed. Inspirational speeches all round as well as scathing indictments of the current White House occupant and his enablers.

    Meanwhile, I’m popping the popcorn now in preparation for what’s coming down the pike.
    It’s hard to fathom how Republicans can top Clint Eastwood debating an empty chair — and losing — but I imagine Donald Trump can find a way.

  2. Yeah, he just showed everybody how awake he is, and has been. Has he always been perfect? Of course not. I’ll bet most of us haven’t been if we’re honest. But IMHO he’s always been sincere. And he’s always been willing to see from a different perspective. And I imagine that has enabled him to empathize with folks I personally couldn’t.
    He’s always been the guy that what you see is what you get.
    And I’ve liked what I’ve seen for years.
    Go Joe and Kamala!

  3. The entire production, Monday through Thursday, was masterful. Seeing clips of Beau Biden dressed as a soldier and hearing his voice supporting his father really hit home. The Trump boys just don’t measure up just as their father falls far short.

  4. I didn’t watch it all, but I just finished watching Joe Biden’s speech. I can hardly wait for the debates. He’ll wipe the floor with Trump. None of those intimidation games that Hillary had to put up with.

  5. And Pence will run home to Mother with his tail between his legs after Kamala finishes with him.

  6. I don’t have the slightest concern with Kamala v the Vice Poodle. Debates have to finish, unlike boxing, where the fight stops when, in the estimation of the in-ring official, one fighter is too whupped to continue. There is no mercy rule in Presidential Debates. The VP and the PotUS debates will go the full 10, unless maybe Drumpf strokes out.

    I shoulda bought bagged popcorn from the Popcorn Shack. I didnt. 🙁

  7. If I may be so bold as to correct Ms. Juanita Jean:

    WE think not!

  8. Jackielemon says:

    I would be happy if all conventions were virtual from now on. I’ve watched a lot of conventions but this one was absolutely perfect. Well timed, great optics. great production values from the first virtual chorus of kids singing the anthem thru the great speech by Biden.
    They took the lemon of social distancing and made the lemonade of a well thought out TV special.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Have already committed to a no beverage rule when Senator Harris metaphorically clobbers the Vice Poodle at her debate. Between rolling laugher and laughter so hard it’s tear inducing, attempting to swallow could be dangerous. Generally not so mean spirited that I enjoy lopsided events. But for the Vice Poodle, exceptions can be made.

    Although future President Biden playing rope-a-dope with an actual dope might be a little too extravagant. Maybe take a little sip here and there as a challenge. Can you stay sober taking a sip for every time you wish Joe would just punch the f cking moron?

  10. Sandridge says:

    AK Lynne @5, Mikey’s ‘tail between his legs’ is all he’ll have left after Kamala surgically ‘JonieErnsts’ his teensy danglers clean off. Mother will be relieved.

    Of what I watched, not too bad a convention, but way too much bad music, ‘skits’, and ‘touchyfeely’ crap, imo.
    Biden and many of the speakers had very good hardhitting speeches though. May they all ramp it up even more, this war and battles are going to be bloody and nasty as hell.

  11. Even conservative pundits are giving Biden praise:

    Either I woke up in an alternative universe or something is smelling fishy.

  12. My biggest hope for the Presidential debates will be that the moderators corral the orange 1. He was allowed to roll around behind Hillary like the predator he is, and he was allowed to say anything he wanted to. This time, I want him tied to his own podium and fact-checked. (I’m fine with fact-checking Biden, too, because I know where he’ll come out on that.)

  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The contrast between Biden’s speech and what we can expect from the repugnantican convention and Trumpfs acceptance speech will be stark.
    Instead of highlighting a brave young man working to overcome a speech impediment, the RNC will highlight a snotty punk kid ridiculing a Native American protester.
    Instead of highlighting actual heroes, they will showcase a racist Florida couple with guns against BLM protesters.
    Instead of outlining a plan to bring down Covid, Trumpf will showcase his stormtroopers against protesters.
    He’ll show literally a handful of violent people that are not really BLM protesters as the reason to vote for him while ignoring almost 180,000 victims of his inaction to do his job against the pandemic.
    He’ll take credit for record job growth when it actually represents less than half of the people going back to work after being laid off, also due to his playing golf instead of his job.
    Hope only his cult will watch.

  14. 13-year-old with a stutter delivers a powerful and emotional speech about how Biden helped him

