Skittles Anyone?

September 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thank you, Sweet Jesus, for Donald Trump, who is kinda the Mahatma Ghandi of race relations.

The King of Racism suddenly has a fix now that the debates are close, so he went on Fox and Friends this morning to calm the angry seas.

“It just seems that there’s a lack of spirit between the white and the black. I mean, it’s a terrible thing that we’re witnessing,” Trump told “Fox and Friends” during a phone interview Thursday. “You’re seeing it. I’m seeing it, and you look at what went on last night in Charlotte — a great place — and you just see it.”

“And I see it even going out, there’s such a lack of — there’s a lack of spirit,” he continued. “There’s a lack of something. Something’s going on that’s bad, and what’s going on between police and others is getting worse.”

That’s not even English.  I’m pretty certain of that.  Hell, he sounds like a stoned Alaskan Governor.

I suspect that my black friends will certainly appreciate the “lack of spirit” – whatever the hell that means – and the honor of moving from being referred to as “them” to become “others.”

I’m not going to make it until election day, y’all.  I was thinking about investing in some ear plugs.  Not only because I don’t want to hear this crapola, but also to keep my brain from sliding out.


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