Should Have Seen This Coming
Yep. We have a crazy man in the White House, but he wants to lower taxes on the rich. Republicans are not totally reprehensible. They do have a line. And now we know where it is: Protect the last openly racist elected official in the whole damn county.
Good Lord.
And I heard a good line about Anthony Scarydouchey (no, I will not learn to spell his name. Mainly because he won’t be around very long but also because my spelling is much more accurate.) Someone said he a human pinky ring. I like that.
Poor little snacilbupeR are all fee fee hurt defending their little racist cookie monster. I think it’s only fair that they toss Donnie a cookie. Let him fire the elevation challenged evil elf with the provision that Mueller stays under all circumstance.
1Seth Meyers gave him that one.
2Pretty much all day I have been hearing one politician after another from both parities foretell doom if the Barking Yam yanks the chair out from under Sessions and then proceeds via a surrogate to yank the rug out from under Mueller. I get the idea that under those circumstances both parties would proceed with impeachment.
3Trump doesn’t have the ability to see how bad (guilty) it makes him look if he fires or drives out Sessions and Mueller. Other Republicans can see it, and they know the predicament it would put them in.
Health care and tax cuts for their overlords will be the least of their concerns.
4Ye gods! You and Sheila Suess Kennedy are all I have to keep me sane in this nutso political climate. She credited you highly today, and I so agree! Thanks for being there for us!
5Oh, and by the by…the Mob called to say they’re missing a pinky ring!
6Josh Marshall (over at Talking Points Memo) makes a significant point: their defense of Sessions is personal(!), and not about the law.
Which is absurd.
Another interesting observation of his can be found here:
7The question being, how can Trump continue to recruit and destroy the people who work for him? Why don’t they see how this goes, and avoid it (and their own personal destruction)?
If anyone has the Smoochin’ Mooch’s number, it’s Stephen Colbert. In some of the best Colbert ever, Stephen takes batting practice on the Dolt45 administration.
8Will he do the fandango?
@8 – I agree. That was so spot on.
9Your spelling is PERFECT. And he really is a human pinky ring.
10Jane & PKM: Gotta love Colbert! He’s had this “administration” pegged from Nov.8, 2016. Thanks for the link.
11It has become evident in a very brief time that these two blowhards will clash and soon. One just showed up over the weekend, and he already thinks he is running things. The People’s House (the big white one, yours and mine) is hardly big enough for both egos. Just watch and wait!
12Mooch should go back to work on that tv show Jersey Shore!
13Or Scareymoochie.