Oh, Momma, Oh Dear

July 27, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dear Momma,

Remember when Bill Clinton got caught with Monica and you called me and asked what oral sex means and I told you that it means talking about sex because I just could not bring myself to tell you what it really means and then you said something about it at the Dorcus Sunday School class over at the Mountview Baptist Church and everybody giggled because their daughters told them the truth?

You were mad at me for two years.  I mean, not furious mad, but I got the side-eye a few more times than I earned.

Well, I am telling you the truth now.  Do not, under any circumstance, click this link.

Do not.

I know that you think Donald Trump is a classless slob and that you do not believe the Russian dossier because you don’t know any women who would urinate on Donald Trump even if he was on fire, but this link will tell you more than any 92 year old Baptist woman needs to know.  (To anyone else who might steal-read this, Momma is quick to point out to people that she is not one of “those” kind of Baptist.  She is the Bill Moyers and Jimmie Carter kind of Baptist.)  This link is a story about how one perverted man talks dirty about two other men.  And not in the good gay way.  So, don’t read it.

Seriously, Momma, get your finger away from the mouse.  This is a real bad story.

You won’t miss a thing and nobody will talk about it at Sunday School because the only thing appropriate to say is tsk, tsk.

Reminder.  Do not click this link.

Love and fried okra,
Juanita Jean.

(Thanks to everybody for the heads up.)

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0 Comments to “Oh, Momma, Oh Dear”

  1. Just what President Bannon wants: recognition!

  2. Just wow. I keep thinking this administration has hit bottom and then the elevator keeps traveling south.

  3. Micr: And maybe a horse’s head in his bed.

  4. Just thinking back to the days of Obama and Carter, when we had some class and good taste in the White House. Okay, LBJ not so much.

  5. Yes, indeedy, we live in interesting times.

  6. None of these people are apparently familiar with “King Lear”. They probably objected to studying “Liberal” Arts. Too bad, because everybody winds up dead.

    I can’t wait to see what SNL is going to do with this guy. I’m sure, however, it will be genius.

  7. I don’t watch those zombie – cannibal – vampire shows on TV. The last one I saw was Night of the Living Dead at a drive-in when it first came out in the early 70’s.

    I think this is a brand new zombie – cannibal – vampire series, and probably not even a very good one, but I don’t have much to compare it to.

  8. That Other Jean says:

    Rick, that’s certainly what it looks like–and not a good one, either. There’s nothing attractive about a zombie or a cannibal, but aren’t modern vampires (since _Dracula_, anyway) supposed to be compelling and a bit sexy? NOBODY in the White House even comes close. It’s the destruction of democracy that I can’t look away from.

  9. Once again talk of brain-eating zombies reminds me of the cartoon a few years ago (wish I could recall whose) that showed the living room of an obviously Fox-watching, GWB-supporting middle-aged couple, and the zombies burst through the door seeking “Braaaains…. braaaaains…. braaai– oh, crap.”

  10. If anybody is reading this in close to real time. History may be playing out on the Senate floor. John McCain.

  11. On MSNBC

  12. He just had a grip and grab with dem. leaders. Hugged Fienstien.

  13. Austinhatlady says:

    Well, dagnabit. Just got to bed and don’t dare leave. “Almost elderly puppy” Apache would fuss up a yappy storm; he thinks I should go to bed at 9pm. Will watch it tomorrow.

  14. I have to say that I’ve never seen congressional history being made in real time. John McCain made the difference. This time. It was still the coolest thing I’ve seen without the aid of “mood enhancing activities”.

  15. Austinhatlady says:

    Oh good. Went to Crooks & Liars and saw that McCain cast the third vote against that blasted bill. Thank goodness. Wasn’t sure he’d really do it.

  16. McCain channeling the Maverick he lost about the time he hooked up with Caribou Barbie. Collins and Murkowski were heroic (Trump had Zinke call Murkowski and threaten to withhold things from her state if she voted no – spoiler alert, she’s more than a bit peeved!), and he had all the boys threatening Collins. The Dems actually acquired spines and behaved enmass which was a delightful change of pace! So while Nero Trump encourages Cain and Able to Duke it out in the D.C. version of “Survivor!” the rest of us get to live to fight another day and that’s a good thing.

  17. Tilphousia says:

    Got email from Sen Warner saying death are dead. Hope it stays dead. A round of applause to John McCain who found his spine. Perhaps he was a bit shamed by Sen Hirono of Hawaii who flew in to vote. She has stage four kidney cancer and a not good prognosis. That lady represents all that is best in America. Monster McConnell represents the worst. His life was saved by the March of Dimes as a child. Now the bastard won’t even meet with its representatives.

  18. Lisbeth Echeandia says:

    Mark Sumner at Dailykos …. “There might be some who wondered about Donald Trump replacing Sean Spicer with Anthony Scaramucci. Those doubts have clearly lifted. No one—no one—could do a better job of channeling all the grace, restraint, and sheer class that is the Trump White House.”

  19. 1. I told all my friends and family that this vote was going to go down. They didn’t believe me. Well, nanny nanny boo boo.
    2. The White House: ever watch a gaggle of toddlers in a sand box? They have no idea of cooperation and compatibility so they simply throw sand at each other. Then end up screeching for their mommies. And there is always one toddler left standing babbling “go away” at the others as they are removed. He has maybe 15 seconds of lone glory before he himself is taken away. The majority of these toddlers never return to that sandbox. the mommies find something else to do that won’t result in a melee.

  20. has the betting started on how long the Mooch lasts in the WH?

    I’ll take August 20th – he’s out

  21. There’s a reason Scaramuci is called “summer vacation”. No class!

  22. Deb – The beauty of it is that Sen. Murkowski chairs Appropriations’ subcommittee on the Interior Dept. Zinke may someday wish he had thought twice before threatening her.

    McCain looks like a Patriot.

    Scaramuci? Not so much.

  23. Linda Phipps says:

    Tony “the Mooch” doesn’t even come close to impersonating a Mafia Don – even with the sunglasses – he is more of a “soldier” … expendable. I fully expect a call from the Besmirched House any day about my slanderous way.

  24. Jane & PKM says:

    Donnie probably hired The Mooch to provide a distraction and give cover to Jughead and Dimwit Jr. Epic fail. Bob Mueller and the Feebs are still investigating. Congress moved removing the Russian sanctions further from Donnie’s grasping little fingers. The “slim and no chance” 2.0 version of Trumpcare was defeated. Heck of a winning week, Donnie.
