Shocker! Kellyanne’s Ethnicity is Irish Italian

July 16, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so next Trump is going to issue her an armband.

Reporter Andrew Feinberg asked Kellyanne Conway what country did Trump mean for the congresswomen to go back to since they were all born here.  She replied with a question to the reporter, “What’s your ethnicity?”

The reporter said that’s not relevant to the question. Kellyanne replied that it was relevant because, take a deep breath, she asked the question.




Amazing, isn’t it?


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0 Comments to “Shocker! Kellyanne’s Ethnicity is Irish Italian”

  1. Don’t know about her ethnicity but her species is homo idioticus.

  2. Pour one out for poor George Conway who just now at this very moment discovered his wife was racist 🙁

  3. Her sharp fangs glisten when she snarls, and you can see tiny drops of blood dripping off the end.
    Maybe she wouldn’t be so tired if she didn’t surgically remove the wart off the end of her nose every morning.

  4. Can we find someone to drop a house on her?

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Attezz, the only way I would “pour one out” for George Conway would be to set him on fire. He’s old school conservative clinging to his dog whistle racism, while Kellyanne is opportunistically free Trumponian racist. Not that she really has any beliefs beyond her own self advancement. She pimped for Teddie Crooze before she fluffed for Donnie. I don’t know near half of what DaChipster knows about Mare and Pear Conway, but trust me on knowing this: neither of them has any scruples.

  6. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I think she absolutely nailed it when she said, “A lot of us are sick and tired of this country”. She should have just stopped there, because that’s what the folks in the White House think. They’re sick and tired of this country, and they want to remake it as one of the countries they like – North Korea, Russia, Nazi Germany,…

  7. charles phillips says:

    Kellyanne Conway is a shill. A conwoman, a grifter, a charlatan, maybe even a cutpurse. She is not to be trusted on any level. Just like Fat Donnie, eh?

    When the next administration takes office, hopefully 20 January, 2021, I hope they do NOT do what Obama did and give the whole previous administration a pass. That was a mistake, because you know, KNOW, that Fat Donnie would slap Obama, et. al., in cuffs if he could. Examples MUST BE MADE.

  8. Marsbars says:

    Boy howdy, she is sweatin like a whore in church on Sunday!

  9. Ireland and Italy two more country’s that were considered to be “shithole” country’s in the 1800’s and early 1900’s by the established elite who hated those furiners polluting the pure white blood of the WASP’s.

  10. Robin Frazier says:

    Kellyanne’s ethnicity is MOB also.

  11. Genevieve says:

    She was right about something, “ I’m tired of Hollywood types ( like drumph) doing nothing but tweeting all day long , on their asses .”

  12. slipstream says:

    Irish / Italian?

    I would have guessed Borg / Klingon.

  13. maryelle says:

    If you threw water on her, she’d melt. She has turned herself inside out so many times to please her Master, the Unindicted Conspirator, that there is nothing left of her person, no logic, no intellect, no values, no morals, no compassion, nobody left.
    It is as pointless to listen to her word salad as it is to expect intelligent, factual statements from the person who claims to be our legally elected Present, but is in fact a Pretender to the Post.

  14. Sharon Greiff says:

    Slipstream – nope – cryptkeeper / cruella deville

  15. My grandmother would tell me stories about what it was like before WW1 for Irish Catholics in Brooklyn /NYC.
    Italians were not treated much better.

    How quickly racists forget how their families were treated when they can denigrate other groups of people.

  16. Kellyanne Conway’s ethnicity is Fascist Racist.

  17. lazrgrl says:

    I grew up in the ’50s in a WASP neighborhood in a super white town. Our mom made sure our large Italian family stayed in our yard and minded our business. Let’s say the neighbors weren’t exactly welcoming.

  18. Sandridge says:

    Papa @4 says: “Can we find someone to drop a house on her?”.

    Maybe Warrinda the Good Witch of the North can drop the house on Miss KellyAnn Gulch-The Wicked Witch of the East, eh? A big White House, and squash all the flying trumpanzees too.

  19. @lazrgrl #17
    Agreed and in some pockets of diseased minds that attitude still rules.
    It is only because those bigots fear people of color even more but if they get their way it will be the Italians, Poles, Gypsy’s, Greeks and any of the “others” that will become the “new” targets that trigger their fearfulness.
    Oddly enough for these fools they will include native americans as people who should leave and go back where they came from. Just shows their stupidity.
    Just as union members forget how they aicheved any success and vote thuglican so is it with some of the ethnicities who suffered from bigotry but refuse speak out when they become “accepted”.
    But as many politicians, and their apologist’s, we explain how one has to “accept” this ignorance because “things are different”
    Just as the traitor states defend their ignorance and traitorous history because people just don’t understand how it was “different” or the S. African’s apartheid regimes defended it because “things are different their”
    Or people defending foul and dishonest representatives because “things are different” in those districts and they maintain that those vile differences justify bigotry, prejudice and oppressive positions of false flag representatives.

  20. Jane & PKM says:

    Diane@15, as an ethnic (no practicing religion) Jew the treatment of Palestinians by right wing Israelis appalls me. Like yourself I don’t “get it” when people who have experienced bigotry forget history and practice the same atrocities.

  21. Sandridge says:

    Jane & PKM, et al,
    What’s ironic is that the reporter questioning Kellyanne Conjob was Andrew Feinberg, presumably Jewish, which she probably knew; one of the Rethugs core groups [limited, the far right ones like Adelson, Dershowitz, etc].
    I just saw a recent news clip of superxtian VP Pence speaking at a CUFI event [Cxtians United For Israel].
    CUFI was conceived and founded by the ultra-talibangelican Rev John Hagee, with the underlying purpose* of bringing about the Rapture-Apocalypse that all those whackjobs fanatically prey for [which involves the destruction of Isreal-so-calledHolyland somehow].

    This whole shitshow is more serious than it seems, besides being a great diversionary tactic that has deflected public attention away from Comrade Donnei’s many other issues.
    What will he soon come up with when/if Mueller appears before those House committees?

    * These fanatical talibangelical christofascists have burrowed far deeper into OUR governments and military than most lackadaisical, easily distracted Democrats understand.

  22. Well, there have already been some comments about how the Irish and Italian immigrants were treated in our country’s not so distant past. That was the first thing that came to my mind as well when I heard of her ethnicity. Time for some history lessons for that one.

  23. Linda Phipps says:

    Sandridge #21 “* These fanatical talibangelical christofascists have burrowed far deeper into OUR governments and military than most lackadaisical, easily distracted Democrats understand.” THAT.

    They have had at least 40 years of practice.

  24. Sam in Superior says:

    I didn’t know there were that many recessive genes in either ethnicity but she got them all.

  25. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Charlie Pierce had the best answer to her question: “I’m from the People’s Republic of Bite Me.”

    When Italians settled in the South in the late 19th century they weren’t even considered white. They were used as strikebreakers, they were lynched, their children frequently had to attend black schools. Kellyanne should read some history before she asks people their “ethnicity.”

  26. K and others on the Irish/Italian maltreatment. I once stood with a cousin on a hillside overlooking my fathers home town. He pointed to various sections of town, listing with racial slurs what ethnicity lived there. He was third generation American on our great grandfathers side of Irish/Lithuanian extraction. To this day I am amazed that my father made it out of that town without the attitude my cousin showed.

  27. About time these fools read and learned to understand
    The famous quote
    First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
    Just place lines of how they first came for the people of color and I did not speak out—because I was not a person of color.
    They came for the LGBTQ individuals and I did not speak out—because I was not an LGBTQ individual.
    Oh and don’t forget
    They came for the atheists’s individuals and I did not speak out—because I was not an atheist.
    Don’t worry they will get to just about everyone sooner or later.

  28. Linda Phipps says:

    Let’s stop feeling sorry for George Conway. He is also very very conservative.
