She Was Absent That Day

October 29, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Senator Kelly Loeffler says she does not disagree with anything that Donald Trump has said or done.  Not one.

Trump is all good.

Loeffler was appointed to the US Senate and is now running to be in a predicted run-off in January. Things are tough right now and she knows she’s got a long row to hoe. So when she recently said again that she agrees with everything Trump has ever said or done, she was asked about the Access Hollywood tape.

She first gave a blah blah focused on working for Georgians blah blah conservative champion for Georgians blah blah Trump blah blah.  The she didn’t answer the question so it was asked again.

Her answer? “I’m sorry. I’m not familiar with that.”

She’s lying or she’s dumber than bean dip.

Or maybe she’s an all-star Republican and she’s both.


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0 Comments to “She Was Absent That Day”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    “I’m sorry. I’m not familiar with that.” For those times when one cannot recall, “I don’t recall.” Or, maybe she’s just saying that not having been personally grabbed by the –ssy by Donnie, she’s not familiar.

    For every conservative male born on third, there’s a conservative woman married on third making those same claims.

  2. Not a doctor but smell like one occasionally. Classic example of invasive amnesia which presents itself in tricky Q and A. (Like Jerry Falwell suing Liberty University for ruining his reputation.)

    “I will always stand by the president.” Well You should grab him by the peanuts Kelly.

    Also Americans and the DOJ will be pleased to know that they cannot be used or subjected to abuse as defendants in the E. Jean Carroll rape case. Per a Federal judge’s denial. See the nurse on your way out.

  3. If she’s “not familiar with that” somebody better quick explain that social distancing from Trump is about a lot more than COVID.

  4. An additional note for Tucker Carlson:
    I would suggest you watch anyone on the Fox News Network in your free time as they’ve been telling you for months how unreliable the physical mail system is in America. They would have cautioned you that mail has been dumped into cricks (creeks) or ditches!

    No doubt you should summon the Trump Army to fan out across this great nation, and look in those places, not forgetting the swamps, because no doubt that’s where your valuable, only existing copy of proof lies at this very moment. Just like the president, it probably lies in the swamp.

  5. Rick, did you mean that “lies in the swamp ” to be a pun, or did it just come out that way?

  6. Read ’em and weep, Kelly (should be Karen):

  7. I agreed with the idea of letting her fill Isaakson’s term because she wasn’t Doug Collins. Boy, was that a mistake.

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    For those who followed BarbinDC link and did not see “Loeffler” anywhere, you gotta click the plus signs to drill down deep enough to see her listed. She’s just below “bitten by a rabid skunk”, and slightly above “having to listen to Trump”.

    Also, Rick@3 wins my “most succint and relevant snark of the day” award. Prizes to be awarded after November 3.

  9. JJ – Even bean dip can lie.

  10. Grandma Ada says:

    She should be glad she doesn’t have to debate John Ossoff!

  11. Mamma used to say, regarding brainless females, “She’s so lucky she’s good looking!” or “You’re so lucky you’re good looking!” The latter usually got “lucky” blushing with pleasure! Too dumb to realize she is dumb! There is a name for that syndrome but its too early in the morning for me to spell it.
