Check Your 2020 Bingo Card

October 29, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Check your 2020 card and if you have “moon hatches” mark it off.

Recently, researchers were baffled by a discovery of a strange crack on the Moon’s surface, which is continuing to expand. Large scale research conducted by the Smithsonian Institute to study the fault on the lunar surface using sensors installed during Apollo 17 has found the faults.

The obtained data indicate a mysterious crack appeared due to a powerful shock, the magnitude of which could be closer to 5.5 on the Richter scale, which is enough to cause above moderate damage to buildings on Earth.

Oddly, I didn’t have that one, but I did have “Tucker Carlson makes things disappear,” so I’m about even for today.


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0 Comments to “Check Your 2020 Bingo Card”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms.Juanita Jean, how does that Bingo scoring work? Making things disappear should cover your Tucker and Rudy G squares. Seems they both had the goods on Hunter, until their hands mysteriously disappeared into their pants along with the ‘evidence’. And no, please no, we don’t want to see anything close to “pulling a rabbit” out of the hat.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Remember that even fox “news” claimed ftucker Carlson does not report truth, so he can’t be held accountable for anything he says.
    No question, though, Fox is still working to have an October surprise. This is part of it, a non existent scandal involving emails and documents, just like the laptop from hell.

  3. Steve @2 It’s the 29th so time’s a-wastin’ and my mom used to say.

  4. Dennis M Dillow says:

    I won big with self cloning crayfish taking over a Belgian Cemetary.

  5. Tucker Carlson claiming he lost the only copy of a Hunter Biden some-way-or-another “proof” is a fitting end for their concocted Swiss cheese of an October surprise.

    The only copy? He didn’t take a picture with his phone? His iPad? The copy machine in his office? Couldn’t he have sent that copy from the east coast to the west coast and kept the original safely under lock and key?

    Sounds like gross incompetence and grounds for dismissal.

  6. thatotherjean says:

    @Dennis M. Dillow,#4 You win. It’s really hard to top that.

  7. Ormond Otvos says:

    Crawfish seem like people – goblle up everything and reproduce lik mad.

  8. Tucker should have used the USPS. Maybe if these characters would not play coy and name names, have receipts to prove they did ship an item, the stuff would arrive as paid for.

    Would Tucker not mention the USPS they had lost the shipment?

  9. The Surly Professor says:

    Here’s one that fits into the center of the bingo card, the give-away square that all players have pre-filled in: Donald Trump pays himself from the Trump Organization. Allegedly for “consulting”.

  10. Did a little research on marbled crayfish. They are apparently edible and tasty…grow up to five inches long. Perhaps we should look at them like manna from heaven. We may need them for food in the future the way things are going.

  11. The Surly Professor says:

    AK Lynne: we gotta send Belgium a New Orleans cook to teach them the proper way to present crawdads: on a table spread with old newspapers, with lots of beer on the side.

    I remember my favorite aunt holding one up after a long evening meal, saying “it’s hard to believe that something that swims in shit all its life could end up tasting so good”. With Trump’s changes in the EPA, looks like we’ll have plenty of the habitat that crawdads prefer.

  12. @Surly Professor
    @AK Lynne

    Crawdads Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  13. Laurel in California says:

    @AK Lynne, @Surly Professor, and @Micr : The crawdad is closely related to the lobster. Taste is a little less salty, but that can be remedied rather easily. I’m sure the Belgians could find or create some lovely recipes for their surplus crawdads. They do amazing things with mussels, shrimp, and eels.

  14. Remember in Forest Gump when Bubba spends a ridiculous amount of time listing all the ways his mama made shrimp?
    Same thing with crawfish. A lot of the same dishes too.
    A bakery/deli here in town makes crawfish boudain kolaches from scratch. Now that I think about it,
    I’m gonna have to go get some soon.

  15. @Laurel in California

    Yes love the mudbug. A chain restaurant in the ‘burbs around DFW, called Flying Fish, have mudbugs seasonally and they are pretty darn good.

  16. I should probably make my earlier comment more on topic by pointing out that the female crawfish probably started cloning themselves to keep in control of their reproductive rights in case the male crawfish tried putting a Handmaid Amy Barrett on THEIR Supreme Court.

  17. If you really, really, but REALLY want to get a good Tucker Carlson laugh, find the clip where he is on that dancing show. He is sitting in a chair while a nubile girl clad in dental floss belly dances around him. The man can sweat like you wouldn’t beliee!
