Shades N’ Shields

May 15, 2023 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Shades and shields, cones and caps.
Masks that thwart cams, not Covid.
White people being white bigots. Marching.
Always marching in step, one behind the other.
Equant crosses.
Hooked crosses.
Uniforms and camo.
Sheets and Khakis.
Fascists on the hoof.
Oh dear.

Boys, you look fabulous.

0 Comments to “Shades N’ Shields”

  1. Weakgrip says:

    Cargo pants are so gauche

  2. Truly we are blessed to live in an age when so many of these fascist deficients bestride the National Mall and onto the political stage. /S/

  3. The new Brown Shirts.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Trumpf supporters by invitation.

  5. Like I’ve said before, “Vanilla Isis”.

  6. Nick Carraway says:

    The politics of grievance on human growth hormone.

  7. Incel’s on parade.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    Isn’t it cute how one set of men want to dress up and scare people and another set likes to dress up and entertain folks. I’ll take the second set any day!

  9. The first set seems to be scared spitless of the second set. How strange.

  10. One time as I watched a giant assemblage of the North Korean Army marching, fervently in front of the Lil Kim guy, the person next to me said “well… they sure can march.”

    Taking some liberty with an old saying:
    The journey to nowhere begins with a bunch of fools who sure can march.

  11. Sam in Mellen says:

    Here’s hoping someone got pictures without the hoods and publishes them. Lots of idiot fascists in Charlottesville ran into grief over their being publicly outed.

  12. Delusions of adequacy.

  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    OT. I see Texas boy Dan Crenshaw wants all those he perceives as guilty of crimes in the Russia investigation (not trumpf and team) must be prosecuted (in retaliation). On the other hand I’m guessing he doesn’t feel J 6 terrorists and treasonous supporters should be prosecuted. Texas proud?

  14. The Surly Professor says:

    The grad students in my lab today were having way too much fun today. Turns out they’ve found a web site which is just for the khaki-clad nutcases:

    Yup, it’s got everything: Covid vaccine-free blood banks, fertility treatments for the Right People (TM), “curated” news, events, webinars, and a *dating app*. All of the other right-wing dating apps have failed, apparently because no woman wants to touch either the sites or the men who subscribe to them. [I’m omitting the professional “frail sisters” who charge by the hour]. Notice how many females feature in the events that half-empty has illustrated above?

    And all of that for just $2500, plus a criminal background check. I’m not sure if it’s to filter OUT domestic violence and child abusers, or to filter them IN instead.
