Senate Votes for Trump Coverup

January 31, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Corruption, Impeachment

After 4 hours of “debate”, when the House Managers fought for an actual trial and Trump’s lawyers talked about Joe Biden, the Senate voted 51-49 for a Trump coverup, and against actual witnesses.  Romney and Collins (to this writer’s surprise) voted with all of the Dems.  The sham trial continues, and the next step is to turn over the US government to TrumpWorld to strip out what’s left of the American experiment.

Christ on a Crutch.

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0 Comments to “Senate Votes for Trump Coverup”

  1. Well, it surprised me that Collins came in on the right side and Murkowski screwed over America. Tow days ago, I would have bet the opposite of both.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    23 of those Russian confederate traitors are up for election in 2020. Moscow Mitch. Leningrad Lindsey.
    Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee)
    Shelley Moore Capito (R-West Virginia)
    Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana)
    Susan Collins (R-Maine)
    John Cornyn (R-Texas)
    Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas)
    Steve Daines (R-Montana)
    Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming)
    Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
    Cory Gardner (R-Colorado)
    Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mississippi)
    James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)
    Martha McSally (R-Arizona)
    David Perdue (R-GA)
    Jim Risch (R-Idaho)
    Pat Roberts (R-Kansas)
    Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota)
    Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska)
    Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska)
    Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina)

    Some real gems in that pack that should/could be vulnerable even in deep red states.

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    I hope this is the first line of their political obituary in November, particularly for me, John Cornyn!

  4. Time to get back to work for throwing the bums out…

  5. If somehow we get a D president and the thuglicans retain the senate I want to see new pres.
    1) Have new AG classify the NRA, and the Federalist society subversive organizations whose mebership is a ban against working for Gov on any but the most menial levels ( janitors, food service) this would bounce most of the thuglican judges including roberts etc. Move that because of obvious conflict of interests none of these judges are allowed to hear any case that challenges that.
    2) Declare the murdock media ( i.e. faux news) as a foriegn controlled subversive media and pull their licenses immediately.
    3) Strip citizenship from murdocks, varneys, gorkas etc. Put them in detainee camps. Declare murdock employees as a class as being persona non grata and ban them from entry.
    4) if R’s ask for documents tell them as per demented donnies precedent, that they supported, that they get nothing. No docs, No officials, nothing.
    5) Ban all foriegn billionaires as undeirables and dangerous and bah them from entry. Espiacially if any medical services are sought.
    6) Solicite any information from any source foriegn of domestic on crimes of demented donnies and any thuglican.
    If the d’s get the r’s down give them the boot over and over again. No mercy. No compassion just the political boot to their heads over and over again.
    And that in the first 48 hours.

  6. Re Collins and Murkowski, Collins comes through when it doesn’t count, and Murkowski can be counted on to disappoint.

  7. TrumpWorld.
    Looks like we’ve been handed a one year pass. A year’s admission to puppets and terrifying clowns.

    I hear they couldn’t drain it, so they’ve installed a fountain of bs in the swamp at the central plaza.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    k, 1-6 are good, better if there’s a D Senate to go with a D President.

    You missed 7) Investigate all flag officers involved who failed in the UCMJ and Constitutional duty to say “hell no” to IQ4.5 when he ordered the assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani on Iraqi soil.

    8) Investigate and prosecute all participants proselytizing in the military.

  9. Murkowski isn’t up for reelection this year, so it was a no-brainer to let Collins vote “Aye”. These cynics makes me nauseated.

  10. Pierre Delecto tossed out on his ass:

    @SenatorRomney the GOP is done with you !
    “Hey, I did the right thing! Can I at least put my special Mormon underwear on? They’re Magic.”

    Shame, shame, shame…

    BREAKING: The “extreme conservative” and Junior Senator from the great state of Utah, @SenatorRomney is formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020.

  11. Chloe Bear says:

    The votes were counted McConnell let Romney and Collins have their “aye” votes. He might tweet something about Romney but not Collins. They need her to win re-election. She will campaign on this vote.

    I am truly afraid for the future of the Republic.

  12. Chloe Bear says:

    We need people to scream and call their R Senators and get their papers to write op-ed pieces. Senators will be home this weekend they need to hear that their vote was wrong.

  13. Chloe Bear@11 Please put your frets in a box for a while and stay abreast of the news. I believe that the response to this complicitous coverup will be massive and unrelenting and I’m not talking about House investigations.

    Collins made her fatal choice during the Kavanaugh nightmare and THAT is what she will answer to in 2020. Maine will be driving Miss Daisy out of office.

  14. AlanInAustin ... says:

    American Experiment in Democracy – R.I.P. 1/31/2020

  15. Cheryl @1:
    My lady reminded me that their roles were reversed on the Kavanaugh vote. We concluded that they figure taking turns allows them to alternate between appearing moderately deliberative on one hand, and still loyal to the ideology on the other. With the numerical makeup as it is now, it makes total sense.
    As long as said folks are only concerned with staying in power and to hell with any semblance of ethics, morality, principles, or respectability.

  16. The biggest precedent set?
    The final gavel of this repugnant atrocity will be the equivalent of the line from The Untouchables.
    Here endeth the lesson.

  17. Chloe Bear says:

    Megadoid I hope you are correct. Note, I do not fret I take action.
    Generalizing, the people in the mid-west and flyover states do not care and/or get their information from not reliable sources. I follow the news, the polls, American Bridges, etc. I also travel extensively in theses states. The majority of people do not care or understand what is happening. The Dems message is not relatable.
    The Rs on the Hill are in a bubble listening to news and constituents that condone their votes. The moment McConnell said he did not have the votes Trump had the big donors calling the Rs telling them to vote, “no”. In addition, they lobbied the Chiefs of Staff. This was an amazing machine at work.
    Action is required or we will not win the WH or the Senate.

  18. Avis Puckett says:

    Hey there Chloe Bear – We folks in the flyover states kind of resent the blanket accusation that we don’t get our news from reliable sources. The disparity is far more between urban areas vs rural ones than which state. If you live in a city where you get to sample wide diversity, so it doesn’t freak you out and in fact you appreciate the great food, colorful habits and superior music. The isolation of living in the sticks is a bit like being in solitary, and you stick to the social that’s available, like church, school team sports, and right-wing radio, which all make you feel special, and since everybody looks like you, you expect that to be the norm.

    Lots of politicking going on today, some of it so subtle it rivals Kabuki Theater. Susan Collins made a deal with McConnell that she could vote yes and not endanger her re-election efforts in place of Cory Gardner voting no, because McConnell promised him extra primary support for toeing the party line. A quiet deal was struck between McConnell and Shumer where the hearing could wrap up quickly and the senators could get back to work and some to Iowa, but the trial will not conclude until next week after the SOTU so Trump can’t lord his acquittal over everyone (like he won’t do that anyway). Shumer negotiated to have several amendments proposed, one allowing additional witness testimony, and one special one just for Bolton to testify. All were tabled, and now a weekend to catch our collective breath and pound the phones to recalcitrant senators to allow Bolton to speak In fact, he might even go national over the weekend, say on 60 Minutes or Tapper. Everybody – including most Republican senators – are actually dying to know what he knows. Don’t touch that dial!

    Found in my fortune cookie last week, the ancient Chinese curse “May you live in interesting times.”

  19. Jane & PKM @2,
    Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee) is retiring and could have done the right thing with no problem. Instead, the son of a bitch flatout said that the House was 100% correct, RAT45 was guilty as sin. BUT it didn’t focking matter because the crime wasn’t a serious one, despite his thereby aiding the perpetuation of the vilest, most corrupt, and globally dangerous muthafocker since Caligula [or Nero]. That is your typical rotten to the core Rethug just doing what they do.

    As far as Mitch Mc’Roo’s bitch Sidekick Sue, that throwaway vote was carefully planned in hopes that she could get re-elected [plus the RNC has pumped almost a Mil$ into her campaign so far]. Let’s all make sure that doesn’t happen, you don’t have to be a Mainer to donate dinero to whichever Democrat takes her on.
    Mittens Romney is going to get his sorry hide scorched for a while [upcoming CPAC klanfest disinvited him], but his Utah undiebros will forgive him.

    Grandma Ada @3, Me too, gonna donate to MJ Hegar some more. Let’s bury that bastard Comrade Comsymp Cornyn.

    P.P. says: @15– “As long as said folks are only concerned with staying in power and to hell with any semblance of ethics, morality, principles, or respectability.”. You’ve just described 98.6% of Rescummies.

  20. Chloe Bear @17, “In addition, they lobbied the Chiefs of Staff.”
    I hope that you mean the Rethug Senator’s ‘chiefs of staff’ and not the military brass [although I suspect that they too are being carefully selected].

  21. Sandridge@18:
    Thanks, that’s what I was going for.

  22. I see my useless Republicypher senator Ben Sasse (Nebr.) voted for not hearing witnesses.

    Ben Sasse ran here as a so-called Never-Trumper. Since in office, he’s been a rubber stamp.

    In the upcoming election he’s drawn a wingnut for a primary challenger who is downright crazy. He asserts Sen. Sasse is not a real conservative because of his stance on Trump, even though he’s voted in lockstep with him. (He is our Susan Collins.)

    Sasse won in 2014 with a margin of over fifty points. State polling now indicates he’s sunk to about an eight-point spread.

    In the 2018 blue wave, Democrats swept all sorts of local offices, and elected more women than ever. We can hope that anger continues into the 2020 election here.

  23. Skepticat says:

    Collins (regrettably “my senator,” despite my efforts to vote her out) votes like this only when it’s totally safe to do so because it won’t make a difference. She loves to seem independent, but it’s only a PR act.

  24. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge@19, yes, the ‘retiring’ twit from TN. Yeah, he threw down his coat so So-so Collins wouldn’t splatter too much mud on herself. Some gestures are more empty then others in the bankrupt Republicon lexicon of ‘ethics.’ Or, Moscow Mitch had him do it so Mittens would have a semblance of a spine; also laughable.

    What counts is that there are 23 seats including his own that Moscow Mitch has to attempt to fill. What’s heartening is TWO opportunities to rid the Senate of MM as majority leader, either by eliminating his majority or eliminating him from his seat; preferably both.

    My sports book favorites for most vulnerable: So-so Collins, Cory Gardner, Leningrad Lindsey, WTF McSally and Moscow Mitch. 5 is good, 15 is possible, while 25+ would be ideal. Ideal in that it would require removals in the 1861 style to excel beyond the 23 ‘open’ seats. Albeit only a metaphoric massacre, but I doubt our country has the intestinal fortitude to deliver them to their deserved justice.

    Maybe a solid six goners with Cornyn in TX where the loathsome Teddie Crooze was nearly toppled two years ago. The “mood” of TX does not appear to have improved regarding Republicons, so maybe the sports books aren’t giving proper credit to MJ Hegar. We can hope.

    The polls and pollsters didn’t do enough in 2018 to redeem themselves from their 2016 disasters. Plus the sports books have the advantage of being governed by the only slightly corrupt Nevada Gaming Commission. Ergo more trustworthy than the FEC or the DNC.

  25. Buttermilk Sky says:

    The freshly appointed Kelly Loeffler has to face the voters in November, too. Georgia has an opportunity to throw out two Republiklansmen. Of course, elections here are so rigged, many people don’t bother to vote.

  26. Jane & PKM says:

    Buttermilk Sky, two words of hope for Georgia voters: Stacey Abrams. She came close to defeating all the dirty tricks of voter suppression Republicons threw at her. The word for 2020 is energized. She and other Democratic examples like her bring it. Massive voter turn out can defeat Republicons. Despite the despicable deplorably depressing day(s) of Moscow Mitch and the traitors to the republic, there is energy in knowing all they have to give to 2020 is a pair of jokers. Mitch sucks at campaigning and IQ4.5 is a proven liability in down ballot elections.

  27. Problem with georgia is that they still use hackable voting machines with the blessing of one of dmented donnies federal judges.
    Until they get honest voting machines the D’s will need a 20 point landslide for the machines to register a D victory.
    Coupled with their voter suppression, terror tactics and general dishonesty it is hard to beleive that the thugs will ever allow an honest election.
    H— they even cheat during their own primary’s.

  28. You can’t hack a landslide. Not without a revolution.
