In Case You Missed It

January 31, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Elizabeth Warren got brownie points from me last night for having the guts and the intelligence to make John Roberts read this question out loud for all perpetuity.  This is women making sure that when history is told, it’s told correctly.



Be sure to catch Robert’s face immediately after reading the question.


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0 Comments to “In Case You Missed It”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Congressman Schiff, Senator Harris, Senator Warren and other Democrats demonstrating what it is to defend the Constitution.

    Whereas Moscow Mitch and the Republicons went way past their promise to “shrink the government.” They have effectively flushed it down the toilet leaving an unrestrained ***king moron to destroy whatever remnants of government and governance that aren’t already diminished to effective non-existence. Next stop for them: the economy and the world. They have galloped past the insanity of party before country straight into the hell of money before anything and everything.

  2. “We would rather be ruined than changed
    We would rather die in our dread
    Than climb the cross of the moment
    And let our illusions die.”
    ― W H Auden,

    “Evil is unspectacular and always human,
    And shares our bed and eats at our own table ….”
    ― W.H. Auden, – evil, familiarity

    Can we refurbish our anger and angst into something a little more practical? It was pointed out in the prior post that the house still has the purse strings as a backstop to villainy. There are voices bringing up court packing once again, Mitch McKremlin notwithstanding. Undecided voters are still unaware of the maceration of Medicaid, SS and SSI. Our fouled water supplies. War waged on our voter’s constitutional rights, poll taxes returning

    I personally look forward to seeing the crap kicked out of the Goops and their enablers.

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    That pause at the end was so perfect!

  4. thatotherjean says:

    I applauded Elizabeth Warren for her courage–and her intelligence, especially since the Senate seems hell-bent on ending this sham “trial” without allowing either witnesses or documents. If we don’t end this reign of idiocy in November and elect Democrats to fill the Senate as well as the House, and to become President and VP, we will get our chance to watch the Republic fall. Despite what we though four years ago, we are not immune to the rest of the world’s troubles.

  5. We are doomed to destruction. The Senate refuses to impeach and the Russian hackers will make sure that tRump wins again.
    Social Security and Medicaid are plundered to pay for the tax cut. Our military budget is gutted to pay for a wall. Our water and air are polluted beyond repair. Sorry for the pessimism. But a Lily Tomlin said in the play “The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe”…”I worry that no matter how cynical I become it is never enough.”

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Richard J. Bennink @5, everything you and others have stated is all too true. The question remains, what is in this for Republicons once they achieve their end goal of destruction? Taking their $billions with them? No amount of stolen kidneys, artificial hearts, or their mythical rapture will allow them to cheat death. (they really did sleep through science) Cryogenics isn’t what they think it is, although some of would happily aid them in their efforts to chop off their own heads.

  7. slipstream says:

    Murkowski caved. She will vote against hearing witnesses. She will vote the party line like a good Nazi.

    Just like she voted for Brett “I Like Beer” Kavanaugh.

    I am an Alaskan, and will be contributing to Murkowski’s challenger (whoever that may be) in the 2022 election.

  8. slipstream says:
    “She will vote the party line like a good Nazi.”

    We were just following orders.
    And threats. Of a primary challenge. But that makes it OK because my reelection is good for the public, not me personally.

  9. Friday Headlines:

    GOP Accused of ‘Greatest Cover-Up Since Watergate’ as Senate Set to End First Witness-Less Impeachment Trial in US History
    “If the trial is rigged to keep hidden the most damning, most important, most relevant evidence, then it’s not a trial. Nor is it an acquittal. It’s a cover-up.”

    “They’re Done”: CNBC’s Jim Cramer Says Fossil Fuel Industry “In the Death Knell Phase”
    “You can tell that the world’s turned on them, and it’s actually kind of happening very quickly,” said Cramer

    200+ Lawyers March on US Capitol to Demand Witnesses as Senate GOP Barrels Toward Trump Acquittal
    “As lawyers, we have sworn an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution, and that oath compels us to speak out today.”

    Mar-a-Lago: officers fire shots at SUV that breached security
    – SUV raced off and was later found and two people arrested
    – Trump was not at the resort at the time of the incident

  10. The criminal gang that inexplicably calls itself the Grand Old Party are facilitating and engaging in Steve Bannon’s deconstruction of the administrative state. You know… the civil service, the diplomatic corps, the sciences, and all the government functions that serve as backstops between us and barbarism.

    Should we conclude that barbarism is truly what they want? I dunno, but damned if I can see any other interpretation.

    It’s all going according to plan. We are watching the demise of the American dream in real time, and the NSGOP is playing the fiddle while the house burns down.

  11. Wait until demented donnie fully embraces dershowitz’s theory and send military and other law enforcement to seize and destroy all votes from California, Chicago, New York and other d enclaves thus guareenteeing his election in the name of the “national interest”.

  12. John Roberts is going to go down in history as a Chief Justice second only to Roger Taney. His place in Hell is assured.

    Taney used to be at the bottom.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    Congressman Schiff gave it his all many times, citing obstruction of justice with multiple examples, in his final summation of Moscow Mitch’s sham ‘trial.’ Too bad the cameras could not pan to include the Republicon Senators doing their hear, see and say no evil monkey acts on behalf of the ***king moron criminal.

  14. #Jackass FAIL >> Fox News tells Iowa voters to show up at polls on the wrong day

    The rules for the caucuses are complicated, but the start time is set in stone — Monday, Feb. 3, at 7 p.m.

  15. 1) Go after all of demented donnie’s legal shills bar license’s for violating legal ethics by repeating known lies in defense of criminal. Make them have to defend their behavior before the ABA.
    2) Challenge legitimacy of senate proceeding based upon roberts unwillingness to enforce the rules of attendance and behavior. Goal being to dirty up roberts as a partisan shill as much as possible. No respect for paid off judge.

  16. Jane & PKM says:

    k @15

    3) elect Democrats who will hold the Republicons’ feet to the fire. Those best prepared to 1861 the Russian confederate Republicons are best prepared to fix all the messes created by the ***king moron and his maladministration.

  17. slipstream says:

    megasoid @14: Shhh! Don’t let the Fox viewers find out!!

  18. slipstream @ 17 That was the thrust of the comments in that article.

    Walldude Lord Dude • an hour ago
    *The ones who watch Fox. Just one more thing to show the studies that claim watching Fox News actually makes you less informed are 100% accurate.

    * Given that less than 1% of democrats watch Fox News, no big deal.

    * Lie, Cheat and Steal = republican survival

  19. A question, with follow up, I want to see put to biden is.
    1) Do you still think it was the right decision by Obama’s and your administration to award de facto immunity to the criminals of the twits regime as well as the bankers who were allowing to continue to feast at the public trough and gnaw at the financial bones of this economy? All in the name of moving forwrd not looking back.
    2) Follow up if elected will you award the same de facto immunity to demented donnies regime in the name of not being divisive but in doing so trashing the entire idea rule of law?

  20. CJ Roberts’ “performance” this week has been compared to a potted plant (or a planted pot?). Absolutely useless. Would have been more entertaining (not that an Impeachment Hearing should be entertaining) to have one of the late night hosts (Colbert, Fallon, etc.) up there. Imagine the facial expressions and voice impressions. Roberts never rendered any legal opinions, so nothing would have been missed by replacing him. Just a dereliction to follow the Constitution but the GOP’s already done that.

    In the case of Warren’s question, wow, that look Roberts gave her after he read her question. ROFL.

  21. TedinAusti says:

    K@19, my guess is Joe will have to answer yes to both questions and further confirm my opinion that the DLC and all Rethuglican Lite Centrist Dems are complicit in the Corporate takeover and destruction of our New Deal experiment.

  22. #19 K: totally agree. They took that as a message to cheat & steal even more.

  23. BFSMan @10, “the NSGOP”
    Ja, nice touch, stealing that most fitting ‘NSGOP’.
