Self Awareness Fail

November 11, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo went to Germany this weekend to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall.

He was at the wall “to celebrate its demise.” You can watch the clip on Twitter.  He said “We lifted billions of people out out of horrific conditions.”

Billions?  I looked it up and the world’s population in 1991 was 5.3 billion and this may be a wild guess on my part but I’m betting not all of them lived in Europe.

However, even outside of Trump’s Biggest and Best virus, if walls coming down is a goal, why are we building one you damn fool?



The Biggest and Best Irony ever in the history of mankind.

Thanks to Kary – who is another gay veteran – for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Self Awareness Fail”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Dear Democrats in the Senate, while bi-partisan cooperation in Congress could be a good thing, that does not cover every bat shit crazy nominee IQ4.5 sends over for confirmation. Pompeo, Jeff Sessions, two examples of why Donnie’s nominees are underqualified and why Congressional comradery needs to have limits.

    Moscow Mitch, may Kentucky voters awaken to realizing what a traitor you are to the country and toss your sorry shell.

  2. Grandma Ada says:

    Is anyone else embarrassed to hear that a Trump official is speaking outside the US?

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  4. As for me, “I’m so proud” Trump hasn’t managed to do anything more than repair a few sections the wall that was already there.
    You know — the one that has been proven, repeatedly, to be vulnerable to a $20.00 Sawzall.
    And that’s not to mention the 11-year-old who rappelled her way over an exact replica.

    But hey, Pompeo came out against a Russian puppet that existed 40+ years ago. I’ll take progress wherever I can get it. Even if it does smack of hypocrisy.

  5. Tear down your hypocrisy, Mr. Pompeo.
    Tear down your hypocrisy.

  6. Way back, soon after the wall came down, I and my lovely bride visited with a friend who was stationed in Berlin. Down near the Brandenburg gate was a bunch of unarmed civilians and us, enjoying a beautiful day. But what struck me was a father who directed his child to ride found the gate like it was a slalom course. Freedom from repression, freedom from fear, freedom to go where thou whilst…

  7. As thou willst…

  8. And he graduated from West Point. They must be so proud. NOT.
