Get a Rope

November 11, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, time for our Goofy Republican Politicians in Texas event, which truly should be daily.

You’ve met Sid Miller, our agriculture commissioner with barely double digit IQ points.  Sid’s the guy who charged the taxpayers for him to go to rodeos outside of Texas for him to compete.  He hired every friend he ever had to fill state jobs they were shockingly under qualified for.  He even paid to take his butt to Oklahoma and get something he calls a “Jesus shot” with taxpayer money.

He also says it’s okay to put untruths on his  Twitter page because it’s his opinion and he’s entitled to his opinion.  Yes, he said that. He said that he’s entitled to his wrong opinion.

He says he loves Jesus.  Which makes Jesus cry.

Well, he’s done it again.

Here’s the post he inappropriately responded to.



First, Confederate soldiers are not veterans. They are treasonous losers. The only flag they should have represent them is a white one. They quit. They surrendered. They were not fighting on America’s side. Yeah, I do have strong feelings about this.

So here’s Ole Sid’s response.



After catching hell over it because confederates were particularly fond of lynchings, Ole Sid told us, “Good grief people, it’s a joke,” and saying it was a reference to a Pace salsa commercial.

About 25 years ago Pace salsa had a commercial on teevee.  It had some old cowboys sitting around a campfire eating. One of them commented on how good Pace salsa is because it’s made in Texas. Other brands were made in New York City.  “New York City?” the cowboy asks. “Get a rope.”

Anybody 25 – 30 years old isn’t going to get the reference. Nor will anybody who didn’t live in Texas 25 years ago. Which kinda means pretty much everybody.

Thanks to Steve for the heads up.  

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0 Comments to “Get a Rope”

  1. And those of us over 30 who were living here as adults when it ran often thought that the ad was as funny as Pace is decent salsa – which is to say not much.

  2. Actually, that ad ran in states north of Texas, but your point is well taken none the less.

  3. Sid is almost as intelligent as Louie.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Get a rope? Looks like old Syd comes equipped with his own. Isn’t that a rope extending his shirt collar across his wattle?

  5. A loser defending losers.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    Folks need to get a grip. I had an old aunt whose hobby was genealogy and I now have a 950 page book on our ancestors. I’m an old white lady, and I have a mixed race grandaughter. She could equally qualify for the Mayflower Society or the Daughters of the Confederacy. This is America- we aren’t tribes, we are us!

  7. Karen in New Mexico says:

    isn’t it time to start wishing ole Sid Happy Holidays?

  8. Sid, tough guy? Is he an intellectual?
    Would he care to meet in the Tahadi Ring?

  9. I just got through touring the National Memorial for Peace and Justice and The Legacy Museum, in Montgomery, AL and Sid is not the least bit amusing.

  10. The Surly Professor says:

    Jim Hightower (former Texas Ag Commissioner) is a physically small guy, and Sid looks like a bloated hog in his pictures. Maybe it’s from all those Jesus shots. But Sid comes nowhere near filling Hightower’s boots.

    And talk about a long fall: Jim was replaced by some yahoo named Rick Perry, and after falling all the way through the septic tank, we get Sid.

    Grandma Ada: you make a good point. The U.S. is the world’s equivalent of pound puppies, and that’s what makes us better, not worse.

    The only genealogy I’ve done on myself was from my grandmother’s bible. A lot of the deaths listed in the family events section had phrases like “hanged for cattle rustling” or, sometimes, horse-stealing. So I never dug any deeper, figuring that it at least established my credentials as a Texan.

  11. When Sid was a Texas representative, Texas Monthly, in their annual Best and Worst Legislators column, honored him for being the legislator that most resembled the furniture.

    They were right.

  12. As the great-great granddaughter of a Confederate veteran (I think that is enough greats), I am well aware that he fought against the US. not for it. How stupid are these people? I am neither proud or ashamed of him. I do not fly the flag he fought for and I will never know why he did.

  13. WA Skeptic says:

    I’m proud to say that my many-times-great grandpa died in the CSA–shot for a deserter when he tried to head for the hills after being drafted.

    And if it were funny, people would be laughing, Miller.`

  14. confederates were traitors in defense of slavery, that’s it. they should have all been hung at the war’s end. the country would be a better place now, if they had been.

    who dresses that bozo anyway? he should be shot for crimes against fashion.

  15. Jere Armen says:

    “Get a rope”? I don’t get it. Even though you described the Pace salsa commercial.
    Perplexed Yankee

  16. A joke, Sid? Great. Explain why that’s funny. We’ll wait.

  17. Sid’s hat has a higher IQ than he does.
