See Any Republicans?

December 19, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Seth Abramson has done an excellent Twitter storm on the role of Republicans in the Mueller investigation.  Click right here.

18/ Their complaint—naturally—is that DEMOCRATS staged a massive DEMOCRAT plot to plant a mountain of inculpatory DEMOCRAT-developed evidence against the president while erasing a mountain of inculapatory DEMOCRAT-created evidence that would’ve incriminated the DEMOCRAT Clinton.

19/ This DEMOCRAT plot involved DEMOCRATS somehow convincing several dozen Republican politicians and advisors to lie to the FBI, America, and one another about their contacts with Russia. The DEMOCRAT plot also involved saying not-nice things about Republicans via text messages.

Have fun – read it all.

ThankS to Mike for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “See Any Republicans?”

  1. I love pieces like this. With the sheer tonnage of bullsh*t, misdirection, obfuscation, and outright lies we’ve been deluged with for two years, perspective pieces are just what the doctor ordered. Reminding myself of simple truths and facts is something I have to do occasionally in the new normal of having to make a conscious effort of distinguishing garbage from …..whatever. Thanks JJ.

  2. As a side note to the fun, does anybody know why so many Republicans of the loud, obnoxious variety (yeah, I know, the only ones we hear from) seem incapable of forming an adjective by adding the -ic to the word “Democrat”? Was there some revered-by-rightwingers historical figure who set down the precedent for this act of grammatical ignorance? The faux pas is so widespread among GOPers of a certain bent that I wonder who led them down that particular path.

  3. That’s the biggest, slowest Trojan Horse in history. One BIG Republican Trojan Horse, surrounded by Republicans shouting, “there’s got to be Democrats inside!”

  4. Rhea, the Republicans began purposefully using “Democrat” as an adjective sometime in the past 10 or 20 years. I don’t know who started it, but it’s just one more way they have tried (successfully in most cases) to turn any term associated with liberals, progressives, Democrats into 4-letter words, politically speaking.

  5. Gail in Richmknd says:

    Rush L was big on democrat, lower case, with emphasis on rat when spoken. It sounds harsh. Probably part of their talking points since then.

  6. Rhea above asks where the mild slur of the Democratic Party (Democrat Party) comes from.

    Wikipedia to the rescue:

    The New York Times, in 1984.

    Several Republicans since then have tried to use that to imply the Democrats are bureaucrats, autocrats, or just plain rats (not just Limbaugh, that comes before him) and are not democratic (in the positive sense of that word).

  7. Thanks for posting this JJ. I’ve been following Seth on twitter for a few months, also Renato. Both seem to know their stuff; Renato is running for AG of Illinois. In addition, Joy Reid had one scary opening segment on Sunday with Malcolm Nance. What needs to be stressed over and over to reluctant Repub Congress critters is that they swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and rule of law. If they fail to do that they must resign or be assume to be in cahoots with trump et al.

  8. Genius. It’s great to have all that info in one handy place!
