Scratch Christie

July 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It was just this minute announced that Chris Christie will be the keynote speaker at the GOP convention.  I wonder if they’ll bring him right onto the floor in a helicopter?

Folks are speculating that this means Christie won’t get the Veep nod.

I never thought it would be Christie.  He brings nothing to the ticket.  Romney is an arrogant jerk and Christie is a chubby arrogant jerk. However, between them, they cover almost all the seven deadly sins: wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.

Almost Christie

And, truthfully, do you really need a Vice President who is just one cool hat and scarf away from being a dead ringer for Henry VIII?

Rick Perry – now there’s a guy who has something to add to the ticket.  If, of course, what you’re lacking is a sack of dumb.

Brian sent us a scorecard for the Veepstakes.

Thanks to David and Brian for the heads-ups.

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0 Comments to “Scratch Christie”

  1. WakeUpAmerica says:

    ROFLMAO! Glad I stopped by your blog.

  2. virginia mary says:

    FB share!

  3. “…do you really need a Vice President who is just one cool hat and scarf away from being a dead ringer for…”

    I immediately thought Frosty the Snowman, but it might be the AZ heat gettin’ to me.

  4. Umptydump says:

    No doubt Christie is a chub, but he’s not as dumb as so many of his Repug colleagues, especially Romney and Perry. They qualify as true asshats.

    There’s plenty to criticize about what Republicans say and do without making fun of people’s physical features. I get uncomfortable with that.

  5. Rekster says:

    They may need to rent a CH 53 Sea Stallion in order to transport the weight. Though I don’t know if the CH 53 can transport the mass of the Michelin Man!

  6. Another Ellen in Texas says:

    If I wasn’t such a coward I would FB share this one too. It’s priceless. I got a call from a Mormon friend who used to work with us here in “the teapot” we call an office in lil ole Fort Worth, Texas. He wanted to congratulate me on having a big enough “pair” to post progressive /liberal comments, or as I see it, the truth, on FB considering where I work. This morning I walked through one department in time to hear “I’d rather vote for the Mormon than the Moron” followed by a hearty Amen. Then they saw me. Fine Christians one and all.

    Do I dis-remember the “Do Unto Others” thingy? Did my Mom just make that up? I can’t tell you how many “unsubscribe” buttons I’ve hit for other “Christian” friends.

  7. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Beings I’m from Philly, I’m used to hearin’ da arrogant Jersey attytood from guys like GovStunad himself. But being a jerk? That crosses a line where I come from. Nobody likes a jerk. So, as far as I’m concerned, GovNeedsAnAttytoodAdjustment may have gotten a speaking gig at the RNC-STD-A-Thon, but he still can’t get within 20 feet of The Boss himself, Bruce Springsteen, who refuses to let GovBully get anywhere near him. That’s all GovFanBoy wants – a meeting & pic w/Bruce. And it ain’t gonna happen. Ever. So enjoy your speechifying, GovPleasePayAttentionToMeBruce!

    And that’s alright with me….

  8. A helicopter delivering a blimp – that I would love to see.

    Chubby? Juanita Jean, you’re not known to be a lady to understate things, but you did it in calling Christie “chubby.” Isn’t that like “pleasingly plump”? I hope this isn’t something you do very often as you seem like a “I call ’em the way I sees them” type gal, which I love.

    Romney is much too arrogant to want a veep who will overshadow him in size or attention. Mitt’s the man, or so he thinks.

  9. @Umptydump: I get uncomfortable with using physical characteristics to judge others, too, but Christy seems to invite all the stereotypical behaviors. He’s a jerk, as commented above, he’s offensive verbally, he has that I’m the boss and if it’s against the law immoral I don’t have to pay attention to that attitude.
    Calling someone a fat b******* isn’t nice, but if the shoe fits…
    Oh, and I’ve never been a particular Bruce Springsteen music fan, but I have a great deal of respect for him in his “rejecting” Christy!
    Go, Boss!

  10. daChipster says:

    LOL @ JJ. This entry was PRICELESS!

    Lorraine – I saw what you did there at the end…CLEVER!

    “You can hide ‘neath your covers and study your pain.”

  11. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    Oh my, I would have thought Glen Beck set the gold standard for embodying wrath, greed, pride, and envy. I’ve seen one youtube wherein he starts to stammer and spit and you can easily believe he’s channeling der Furher himself. Christie holds all that in a lot better. Can’t wait for the keynote. Really can’t wait for the early morning after the election.

  12. Brianm0122 says:

    He will need a Tea Party partner to get the base on-board. Paul? Palin? Demint? whatever way, it sure is gonna be fun!

  13. @Another Ellen From Texas – I know what you mean about Facebook! I rarely get on it because of the unspecific viotrol against Obama – he needs to be impeached, blah, blah, blah – without saying what the impeachable actions are (is it really impeachable to be black while being President???). I can either alienate 60% of my family (I am so ashamed) or 30% of friends (obviously I am better about picking friends than family – but did I really have a choice in the one category?) or I can ignore Facebook altogether.

  14. Helicopter?


  15. I have no problem with Christie’s weight. In fact, I suspect he needs all that mass to carry his ego around.

  16. TexasEllen says:

    Mitt is looking for acceptable bland. Pawlenty or Pawlenty-lite, because he couldn’t bear having a VP that out shone him. Of course, if he were looking for world class dim bulb, we could offer him Perry.

  17. It will have to be somebody that can release 10 years of their tax returns.
    The GOP will twist this into a romney transparency between the the VP and POTUS candidates they have released 11 years of tax returns.

    This is the new republican use of critical thinking AKA wishful thinking.

  18. Do I have scratch Christie? Ewww, yuch!

  19. I sit thinking… yes, that is what it is… and i have come to the conclusion that maybe Mitt won’t name a vp: he will outsource the position and claim to be shrinking the government payroll in an attempt to lower taxes and create more jobs. After all, my tea-partier friends, the Constitution only provides for the office of VP and the way they will be chosen; it does not specifically require one to be chosen. I just love this tea party stuff! it’s a lot easier than … you know… really thinking ’bout stuff.

  20. Lorraine in Spring says:

    @daChipster, I knew there was at least one Bruce fan here wit me!

    No matter what happens in his political life, I will always picture GovSadFace sitting in his den in the dark, listening to The River, playing with all his laminated Bruce ticket stubs, cryin’ like a child who lost his favorite toy.

    That thought will keep me entertained for years.

  21. Good post. But if “Christie is a chubby . . .”, just what qualifies as “fat?”
