Scalia: His Indian Name is “Writes With Idiots”

June 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has some very strong feelings about immigration.

In his aggressive defense of Arizona’s immigration law, Justice Antonin Scalia pointedly went after President Obama’s recent immigration policy shift and accused him of deliberately refusing to enforce immigration statutes.

You know, because Antonin Scalia is so obviously descended from people who came on the Mayflower.

And, you know, since we didn’t let him and his pals on the court pick the President this time, everything has just gone to hell in a hand-basket.  Plus, he’s found out that President Obama immigrated from Hawaii.

Scalia, bless his little Reagan-appointed heart, is trying to argue that state are sovereign over powers vested in Congress, such as the authority over immigration and naturalization.  I do not know what Scalia did with all that “Founding Fathers” crap he usually spouts, but what the hell – screw Obama, even if the Founding Fathers agree with him.

So Scalia and his adorable little puppy Clarence Thomas voted to allow arrests for being brown while living.  Even without a warrant.  And they claim to have read the Constitution.  They think it has a clear liberal bias and has nothing to do with them, but they read it.

I could be wrong about this, but Scalia’s outrage and prissy nastiness about President Obama personally in his dissenting opinion leads me to think that Scalia might have also lost the Affordable Health Care Act decision.  He’s having a temper tantrum because he and Thomas have already been paid in full for that decision.

I could be wrong.  I’m trying to make sense of crazy people, which generally doesn’t work out well for me.

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