Rock ‘Em – Sock ‘Em Rubio

February 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last night in the GOP cage match, with no wins, and the last round of polls indicating he wouldn’t get one, not even in his home state, RU-B0 went from “I’m melting…”threepio meltingTo “Die, Jedi Scum! Oo, sorry.”…c3po-battedroidThe Ar-Yubee-Oh battle droid took all of the opposition research that could be found in a 10-minute google search of “Bad Donald” and joined up with Ted Cruz…battledroid threepio(doesn’t that look like Ted Cruz?) to make Trump the cheesy ham in their Cuban sandwich. I know: “eww,” right? Predictably, Donald’s head went…rockem_sockem_robot_headwhich makes me wonder why they haven’t been doing this all along. But now, with nothing to lose except his combover, RU-B0 has come out fighting. He did get the bad news about Florida, but in one poll in Texas he is within two points of passing Donald for second place. Still, his opportunity to be the only guy in the Hall of Presidents whose anima-tronic Disney image is more lifelike than the original is fast fading.


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