Rock ‘Em – Sock ‘Em Rubio

February 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last night in the GOP cage match, with no wins, and the last round of polls indicating he wouldn’t get one, not even in his home state, RU-B0 went from “I’m melting…”threepio meltingTo “Die, Jedi Scum! Oo, sorry.”…c3po-battedroidThe Ar-Yubee-Oh battle droid took all of the opposition research that could be found in a 10-minute google search of “Bad Donald” and joined up with Ted Cruz…battledroid threepio(doesn’t that look like Ted Cruz?) to make Trump the cheesy ham in their Cuban sandwich. I know: “eww,” right? Predictably, Donald’s head went…rockem_sockem_robot_headwhich makes me wonder why they haven’t been doing this all along. But now, with nothing to lose except his combover, RU-B0 has come out fighting. He did get the bad news about Florida, but in one poll in Texas he is within two points of passing Donald for second place. Still, his opportunity to be the only guy in the Hall of Presidents whose anima-tronic Disney image is more lifelike than the original is fast fading.


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0 Comments to “Rock ‘Em – Sock ‘Em Rubio”

  1. RU BO

    Regretfully they tell us but firmly they compel us
    To say goodbye to you.

    So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night.
    I hate to go and leave this pretty sight.

    So long, farewell auf wiedersehen, adieu
    Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu.

  2. There was a lot of blather going on here about why didn’t they gang up on tRump the first time around or even months before. Months before? You mean when the rest of the Klown Kar was thinking “He’s gotta be kidding!” First time around there were wayyyyy to many bodies on stage and every one of them were giving the equivalent of the maiden speech on the floor of Congress. They get just that much flex with me and no further. They should have noticed that there was the country club version of a Mafia don with a bad hairpiece and just unloaded right then and there. OK. Now their party has been caught out in public without a stitch on. And I’m not shedding a tear!

  3. Blessings upon your witty brains… make my day, after the night of horrors.

  4. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I am wondering who will give Trump his “no sense of decency”* moment. It has to come sooner or later.

    *Senator McCarthy: Let’s, let’s —

    Mr. Welch: You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?

  5. When Rubio is talking and stops to take a sip I always wonder if it’s water or light machine oil.

  6. I’m a democrat through and through. I look at the attitude, temperament, personality and overall small mindedness of the 3 republicans and it gives me heart palpitations.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ruh roh! After punching up at t-Rump last night, Roboto Rutabaga is about to feel a rain of low blows. Diamond and Silk are strumping for Trump and have unleashed “google Rubio.” Not quite Dan Savage Santorum material, but this won’t help the Rubes with the pervangelical vote.

  8. The odd thing is, Robo’s accusations about Trump were true, as were Cruz’ attacks on Trump, but so were Trump’s about Robo and Cruz: “choke artist and liar”. It was as if a Democrat wrote the script. “And there, ladies and gentlemen, you have the Republican candidates for President of the United States, a fraud, choke artist and liar.”

  9. I did watch the cage match and it was stunning in how unpresidential, how substance-free, how immature and completely childish it was. I read Wapo’s fact checker article today and they listed several items. I’m surprised they could find anything that was actually true.

    “You’re bad!”
    “You’re worse!”
    “You’re the worstest ofall!”
    “Oh shut up!”
    “You shut up!”
    “No, you shut up first!”

    That’s a direct quote from the most coherent portion of the entire spit fight.

    Oh yeah, from Mental Ben: “This isnt fair because I never got to talk enough.” and “zzzzzzzz”

    Meanwhile, Kasich said “We need to be nicer.”

    That’s everything you need to know. Really.

  10. daChipster says:

    When the level of debate has fallen to “I know you are but what am I” then The Farce is With You.

  11. Larry from Colorado says:

    The illustrations were the most interesting to me because I had watched “Battle of the Clones” for the first time last night, so recognized all but the last illustration.

  12. Anybody else notice that a flood of Marco Rubio ‘top drawer’ production quality teevee commercials began airing all over the place a week or to ago?
    I get mostly the San Antonio, TX tv stations, this crap is primarily on the three major broadcast (free OTA- ABC,NBC,CBS) channels, have no idea if it applies to the cable/sat feeds as I’ve never paid for them.

    No doubt the big money has shifted to trying to build up the ‘MarcoMentum’. Let’s hope almost every dollar gets wasted.
    Personally, I can’t conceive of how any sentient creature could think of voting for any of these slimy, lying, mofo Repukian cretins.

  13. Marco already has considerable momentum. Straight down.

  14. Larry from CO – google rock ’em sock ’em robots, a fond memory from a simpler time.
