Riling Up His Base Of People Who Would Love The Opportunity To Shoot Children

October 18, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump is all a’twitterin’ this morning about how he’s going to send the United States Military to “close the southern border” if Mexico doesn’t stop people from coming here.

So instead of jailing little tiny kids, he can just shoot them.  Man, that’ll get the base out to vote next week.

He’s declaring war on Mexico on a Thursday before most people even woke up.

What a guy.




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0 Comments to “Riling Up His Base Of People Who Would Love The Opportunity To Shoot Children”

  1. Just heard on MSNBC that Montana voters are most concerned with immigrants and tax cuts for the rich (they are for them). Immigrants in Montana? I have noticed that the states most scared of those scary immigrants are states that have almost none, if any.

  2. Apparently Matt Gaetz (R-Loonyland) is tweeting a doctored video with English subtitles saying that Soros is paying Hondurans to come to the US and vote in the midterms. Methinks they’re coming up with a reason to de-legitimize the vote. And to be fair, lies are all they have.

  3. If we’re going to be sending troops to Mexico, isn’t it time to bring back Woodrow Wilson!

    Yes, his corpse would make a better president than the one we have.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    As a conciliatory gesture to the snacilbupeR and their mission to ‘save’ money, let’s offer bi-partisan support to any & all legislation proposed to change the locks on the White House while Donnie is out golfing.

  5. Seriously, with all those armed guys already at the border, statistically there will be blood shed.

    I will now go to my room and lock the door.

  6. Yow orange dude, have someone close to you that can read, read and splain this in whatever tiny words it takes to get through to your tiny reptilian brain…

    Posse Comitatus Act (18 U.S.C. § 1385)

    The Prez can’t be using military forces to prosecute domestic policy.


  7. My little bride pointed out that the current president might have some momentary difficulty understanding “posse”.
