Putting The Moron In Oxymoron.

October 18, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In response to questions about climate change, Trump responded thusly.

‘You have scientists on both sides of [climate change],’ Trump told the AP.

‘My uncle was a great professor at MIT for many years: Dr. John Trump. And I didn’t talk to him about this particular subject, but I have a natural instinct for science, and I will say that you have scientists on both sides of the picture.’

By gawd, if Trump doesn’t realize that “natural instincts for science” is an oxymoron, then I have some jumbo shrimp I’d like to cook for him on clean coal and charge him a small fortune.

Y’all, this is a man whose natural instincts is to grab women by the cha-cha.  And that painting your skin orange is attractive.  I ain’t trusting his natural instincts.


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0 Comments to “Putting The Moron In Oxymoron.”

  1. When you don’t realize you’re so stupid as to make Louie Gohmert look like a rocket scientist in comparison.
    And Fearless Leader’s supporters are even dumber.

  2. Trump does not know what an oxymoron Is.

  3. Yup! Ox + Moron = Trump. He are one.

  4. So, a quick DuckDuckGo and… John George Trump died on February 21, *1985*.

    It is even stupider than you (originally) thought, unless 45 has a time machine to go back 33 years…


  5. Kate Dungan says:

    It sounds like John Trump was indeed a genius, and a good man too.

    Nothing rubbed off.

  6. Of course John Trump was brilliant and at MIT. He came from another contributor in the family!!! Genes, tRumpo! Genes! and not the kind you wear!

  7. Charles R Phillips says:

    Dr. John G. Trump was quite an accomplished scientist, specializing in high energy physics. He would be appalled that his name rolled so easily off the tongue of his moronic nephew.

    By the way, Lyin’ Donnie, stupid is a recessive trait. Guess you’re just a recessive idiot in an otherwise brilliant line.

  8. Donald Trump is such a reasonable man, carefully considering both sides of an issue, on the topics where he finds himself in the minority anyway – – climate deniers, and those good people, present day nazis.

  9. I would say something about this, but JJ’s mama would rise from her grave to chase me down for the language I would use, so better not. (I hope that wasn’t offensive, JJ. My mama would be right beside yours.)

  10. easttxdem says:

    Question, JJ: Is an oxymoron an extra white moron???

  11. So Donny said one thing that was true, “My uncle was a great professor at MIT for many years: Dr. John Trump.” Not only a scientist, but during WWII he dropped what he was doing and went to Britain to work on Radar. (The British were way ahead of the US in Radar when the war began.) So an actual patriot.
