Riling Them Up
The Republican National Committee knows how to rile up its racist base, that’s for sure.
Boy Howdy – you could have heard them dragging crosses and gathering fire. Poor victimized white people.
From Art Robinson comes “This is America, not Africa, either you are American or not, if not, leave the USA!”
Someone should tell Artie that Christmas isn’t an American holiday either. But Santa and Jesus are white, so THERE.
Terry Crowder is super upset because fake war on Christmas and ‘MERIKUH and “You can’t celebrate Christmas even using the “C” word is wrong and offencive [sic] to other cultures but you can promote Kwanzaa? America is truly going down the tubes when when not everyone is treated equally. Where is the “DIVERSITY” when you omit Christmas”
I seriously doubt that even one African American is going to scamper over and vote Republican because the RNC recognized Kwanzaa, but I’ll bet a whole bunch of them see how welcome the gesture was.
Yeah, I’m helping spread the word.