Ridiculousness at Scale

March 30, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Right wing propaganda is really something to behold. Few people are able to take a nothing burger and spin it into a national crisis. We have seen them do this with critical race theory and other  issues and we have seen the likes of Majorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert add their little interpretation and amplification of whatever they perceive the facts to be. Is it satire? We are almost in a satire-free age given how ridiculous reality seems to be. The latest one could go either way. You be the judge.

I would normally go with satire and maybe that’s the obvious answer, but I seem to remember the notorious MTG talking about the billions that were coming across the border and the billions that elementary schools were getting for critical race theory. These figures from Boebert demand a certain number of questions. First, how many boats are there in the United States? Would there be enough to call it millions? Are these estimates for the total number of accidents or the total number of people involved in those accidents? Back in the day, Saturday Night Live did a bit where literally one man was mugged in New York City every 30 seconds. Poor Jim Belushi was getting it over and over again.

So, maybe there is one jackass that can’t help but hold the gun in his hand while trying to steer. Maybe there aren’t millions of different boats getting into accidents but just one jackass that collides with something every time he goes out. Maybe that makes more sense. Of course, this also begs another question: how many people really feel the need to have that gun on their boat? Are we having James Bond style shootouts on the lake? Do we have a group of dimwitted Neanderthals that forgot their fishing poles and now want to use their gun for fishing? It’s just so bizarre.

While this is all just hugely ridiculous, the sad thing is that whether you think it’s satire or just Boebert showing off her GED education, idiots across the country will buy it hook, line, and sinker (pardon the pun). People will believe that schools out there are getting billions for CRT. People will believe that schools and public libraries everywhere are doing drag queen story hour. Now, people will believe that maybe some boaters on the lake will suddenly crash into the shore now that they can’t steer and hold their gun at the same time.

0 Comments to “Ridiculousness at Scale”

  1. I find myself with so many questions at the highly likely hyperbole.
    1) What is a pistol brace and why does it affect boats?
    2) When did the “ban” go into place to justify saying it has already caused boating accidents.
    3) If we were having so many accidents, why wouldn’t this have been tagged as reportable news instead of a MAGA fantasy?

    I’m sure there is more, but now I am imaging a shootout at the OK Marina and Doc Holiday just can’t steer with both pistols in hand, but he can keep pressing the accelerator.
    “Oh the horror!!!”

  2. I read somewhere that when registered guns go missing, the gun owner often tells the police it went overboard in a boating accident. Boebert is saying people will claim millions of illegal devices will be lost in millions of boating accidents. She thinks she’s clever in a Let’s Go Brandon in-joke manner.

  3. slipstream says:

    Wow! This proposed rule has not gone into effect yet, and it is already causing millions of accidents!

    Very impressive!

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    It’s the beauty of being a trumpugnantican politician when magats will believe any damn crazyass thing you bellar out of your face hole. Just look at TFFG rallies.

  5. Someone once advised to not attribute to evil that which can equally well be attributed to ordinary stupidity. Of course, those two things are not mutually exclusive and, then, some people hit a sort of trifecta by making up lies grounded in both.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Brace yourselves- TFFG is now an indicted criminal!!!! Watch the magats go nuts now. I think by saying the grand jury was taking April off, some thought a decision was delayed. Now, hope Georgia indicts him along with the special counsel.

  7. Sandridge says:


    “A Manhattan grand jury voted to indict Donald J. Trump on Thursday for his role in paying hush money to a porn star, according to four people with knowledge of the matter, a historic development that will shake up the 2024 presidential race and forever mark him as the nation’s first former president to face criminal charges.

    The felony indictment, filed under seal by the Manhattan district attorney’s office, will likely be announced in the coming days. By then, prosecutors working for the district attorney, Alvin L. Bragg, will have asked Mr. Trump to surrender and to face arraignment on charges that remain unknown for now.”

  8. Sandridge says:

    Gonna watch every news program that I can dammit.
    Maybe the Mango MAGAot will stroke out and save us the coming spectacle…

    From the Kos hisself:

    kos for Daily Kos
    Daily Kos Staff
    2023/03/30 · 16:38


  9. @Sandridge #9. As much as I would hope a reduction on hoopla and that Trump is done, the last thing I want at this point is for him not to stand trial by dying or being medically incapacitated and therefor be made a martyr by the MAGAts.

    He needs to stand trial for at least something. If he doesn’t, then the country continues to spiral with no agreement on common truth. May the rest of process be swift and effective!

  10. In Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series, trolls count 1, 2, many.
    Bimboebert has the same mental abilities as an overheated silicon brain.

  11. Sandridge says:

    Star @10, Good point, how about he strokes out after his conviction[s], maybe in the slammer?
    Let’s hope that the other, more serious charges follow swiftly.
    Tie his sorry ass up in multiple simultaneous court cases [and jails?] all summer long [and somebody dial the A/C up to ‘highly uncomfortable’ and watch him sweat].
    [A/C on my mind as it’s been hotter than hell here most of the year so far, going to 97-98deg+ in a couple days–yikes, as long as my overworked units keep cooling…only reached 80.2 today after being in the high 80s-94 recently, but dripping humidity as usual ]

    But Komrade Donnei is already ramping this up politically, rallying his MAGAots like never before. It’s going to be a real shitshow.

    We may be heading to Civil War II, bring it on… Y’all are ready, right?

  12. Tonight Rachel Maddow reported that Ron DeathSantis said the state of Florida wouldn’t extradite Combover Crime Lord or otherwise cooperate with another state in bringing him to any sort of justice. It made me wonder if DS is angling for some sort of agreement wherein CCL would promise not to run against DS as long as DS plays ball to keep him out of jail.

    But I’m sure DS would never do anything that low and self-serving. Honor among criminals and all that, doncha know.

  13. Cannot believe anything this woman says! Does she even have anything that resembles a brain? I am not even going to wonder what it looks like inside her head! As for DeSantis, he is really setting himself up for obstruction of justice charges, but what the hell does he care! His wife and 3 little kiddies can just take care of themselves forever. He’s one of those guys who think even bad puglicity is better than none at all. Between DeSantis in Florida and Abbott in Texas and a few other well known idiots in power living in state capitols, just gotta ask: what the glazes is in the water they drink?
