Rick Perry Has a Theme Song

June 05, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Perry

Rick Perry has a new theme song.  I suspect it’s gonna go over real good at pool halls, gun stores, homes where people watch “Cops” to see their relatives, and any place where people get rip-snorting drunk.

“Rick Perry supporter, let’s protect our border,” the rap part says. “To hell with anyone who don’t believe in the USA / Rick Perry all the way.”

“I won’t back up / I don’t back down / I been raised up / To stand my ground / Take my job / But not my gun / Tax my check till I ain’t got none / ‘Cept for the good lord up above / I answer to no one,” the country part says.

“Give me my right to vote / My right to tote / The weapon of my choice, don’t censor my voice,” goes the second rap verse.

You think I’m kidding, don’t you?

With Navy Seals on each side of him, Rick Perry pretty much promised to take us to war just like every other President from Texas has because Rick Perry answers only to God.  Last I heard, God wasn’t speaking to him.

And Jon Stewart had some fun with Rick’s line of “We must do right, and risk the consequences.”

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I kinda think we’re still in for some fun when I hear Rick Perry say, “There is nothing wrong in America today that a change in leadership will not make happen.” No matter how much I think about that sentence, it still gives me a loop-dee-lou headache.


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0 Comments to “Rick Perry Has a Theme Song”

  1. Corinne Sabo says:

    Icky Ricky and leadership together are a major oxymoron, emphasis on the last 2 syllables.

  2. Zyxomma says:


  3. AKLynne says:

    First Colbert and soon Stewart. Whatever are we going to do?
    That was a hilarious video. Thanks for posting it. Rick Perry is an idiot.

  4. The rePUKEians have a new hero, Dubya!!
    They are usually saying stupid stuff incoherently so they can deny it later.

  5. Annabelle Lee says:

    So let’s break that sentence down. There’s nothing wrong with America today that a change in leadership won’t make happen.

    A change in leadership will make wrong things happen.

    Yep, seems about right.

  6. what a douche.

  7. I think no American agrees more with Rick’s “change of leadership” comment than President Obama. He must be looking forward to giving the football and the keys to Air Force One to the next Democratic POTUS. Well done 44.

  8. Texas Expat in CA says:

    That video is plain scary, especially the undead supporters gathered around. And what is that weird little thing Perry does with his shoulder just past halfway through the video?

  9. Olden Grey says:

    Rick has always had a “special” way with words.

  10. I can’t stand to listen to it, but is there anything in that Perry song but threats and guns? Except that baffling “Take my job, tax my check” stuff.

    “‘Cept for the good Lord up above / I answer to no one.” Well, that’s the problem, isn’t it? Republican politicians and idols who have no damn respect for the laws, the Constitution, or anything else that makes America the country we love, except for their damn guns and their bloated sense of entitlement.

    And yet another GOoPer who’s running against Obama. Folks, Obama ain’t running. He doesn’t need to. He won twice. Remember?

  11. Marcia in CO says:

    I saw this on Stewart’s show last night!! Loved it when Jon listened to what pRick said and kinda skewed up his face and then said: What the f-bleep does that even mean?
    I talked to the TV and said: Exactly!! What the hell did he just say?
    Those two SEAL hulks standing on either side of pRick look like the Bobbsie twins and what’s up with the chubby little guy to the right with the extra long necktie and acts like a bobblehead!!
    Wonder how much pRick paid to have them all show up and look like they really cared!

  12. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Is that supposed to be an Aggie joke? Or just Aggie grammar?

    Change leadership–make things wrong.
    Risk the consequences–make things right?

    I’m confused. Did he just end his candidacy?

  13. I can hear my Canadian cousins laughing 800 miles away. They damn near split their rib cages when Dubya was in office.

  14. maryelle says:

    Kudos to pRick’s speech writers. They’ve outdone themselves making him sound even more unintelligible than before. Or did he go “off script” again? The “song” makes no sense and the speech makes even less. His “coming out” party didn’t go so well.

  15. JAKvirginia says:

    Navy seals? Bad choice. That clown act should’ve had real seals!

  16. I don’t know if it’s original with him, but Tom McCarthy in The Guardian referred to this musical genre as “hick-hop.” He also comments on a few other GOoPers’ theme songs.


  17. Based on this picture of the songwriter, Colt Ford, one has to wonder just which country these guys are talkin’ about. The flag on Ford’s shirt is not stars and stripes.


  18. Linda Phipps says:

    If Perry and Cruz think they will become relevant to the young voter by using this kind of tool, they are way off, I believe. I am old, and the only theme song I can remember that was attached to a candidate was back when Bill Clinton was nominated.

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Planning genius and science denier *James Perry holds an event in a freaking aluminum hangar in 100 degree heat. Then, he expects us to “respect” his manhood for braving the elements. There were some big a$$ air conditioners, but who could have anticipated the hot air blowing out of Perry and his supporters? Forget the music, unless someone is in the mood to write “Moron on a Tarmac.”

    * Who knew? Rick ain’t Rick. The name his mother gave him was JAMES Richard Perry. People are learning that “Jeb” is actually John Ellis Bush. “Bobby” is Piyush. “Ted” is Raphael. Given the level of disrespect GOP men demonstrate toward their mothers, I could understand a Woman’s Revolt; refuse to give birth to a Republican with retroactive options. (sort of explains why the GOP boys are all about declaring war on women via the trans-vaginal ultrasound)

  20. e platypus onion says:

    The last change in leadership didn’t make wingnut wars and debt and deficits go away. The blame just got shifted from the perps to Obama.

  21. Old Fart says:

    From what little of the video I caught while watching The Daily Show, all I remember is “Who are those scary looking guys, and why are they threatening Mr. Oops”?

  22. That’s Republican emo. You know, like Sarah Palin’s stuff. You bypass logic and just string emotions together.
