Rick Perry Got Born Again. Again.

April 29, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all are gonna think I’m kidding so I’m glad someday finally wrote about it.  Rick Perry got borned again again.

RickPerry:God_2smallestSeriously.  They took him down to the river and baptized him last month.  I guess the first time didn’t take.

With only close friends and family looking on, the born-again Christian governor was baptized outdoors, in the spring waters once used to wash the sins off Sam Houston, the first elected president of the Republic of Texas and one of the most colorful political figures in American history.

Only problem I see is that they didn’t hold him under long enough.

Perry used the same river that Sam Houston was baptized in. Sam Houston was the best politician Texas ever had – drunk or sober.   Sam made a joke that if the river washed away his sins, he felt real bad for the fish.

With Rick, however, we’re gonna have to skim stupid off the river for a month. During the baptism the fish were the smartest things in the river.


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