Retired People and Ammo
The Texas Legislature is the birthplace of bad ideas and that’s a provable fact.
The latest comes from Republican State Representative Morgan Meyer of Dallas.
It goes like this. You know that sweet little retired librarian who helps you vote at election time? But sometimes it’s a grouchy old man with his belt up under his armpits and he walks like his shoe laces are tied together?
Yeah, well, in voting locations held in schools HB3972 would required those people to sit down with the high school principal two weeks before voting day to come up with “a security plan for the building.” Additionally, that plan will be “filed electronically with the secretary of state at least 14 days before the first day of voting.”
First off, it’s kinda obvious that election judges are not security experts. The little old lady would require everyone to sign a promise to behave before they enter the building and the crotchety old man would have a plan with drones, an ammo depot, and a bottle of Viagra.
Second off, who is going to pay for this? Election judges expect to be compensated for their time. Hell, it would be cheaper to fly John Kerry around the state all day to negotiate settlements at any hot spots.
Third off, it’s real nice of you to give the bad guys two weeks to look over the security plans but I’m not real sure that nice is what you’re trying to accomplish here. If you file something with the secretary of state, it becomes public record.
Fourth off, Mr. Meyer, you wrote this bill on the back of a napkin at a three martini lunch, didn’t you? The old codger was trying to get you to come up with a plan to get him a drone, wasn’t he?
See, I know how the lege works.
Thanks to Monty for the heads up.