Republicans Are Getting a Little Touchy

October 15, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, my goodness gracious, a United States Senator from Kentucky, David Perdue, was on the campus of Georgia Tech yesterday.  All bets are that he was either lost or drunk.  The scales are tipping toward drunk because he was there campaigning for Brian Kemp, who is running for Governor of Georgia.

Not only is Perdue not from Georgia, he was there to campaign for a man who is trying to disenfranchise black voters.

So, along comes a student to ask Perdue why he was campaigning for a man who was trying too ste ….

That’s as far as the student gets before Perdue grabs the student’s cell phone in a very aggressive manner and says, “We’re not going to do …” and then he mumbles something.  Now ask yourself what would happen if the student had grabbed a senator’s phone in a menacing manner.



There’s no equal justice under the law.  Let’s just quit pretending there is.

And, we can also quit pretending that Republicans aren’t scared of getting caught with this shenanigans.  They are shook to the core.


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