I’m Waiting for the Bitches Hex

October 15, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Headlines from The Hill today.



Sorry, but I passed the witch exam about 30 years ago and am now a fully licensed bitch.  By the way, Bitch stands for: Boys, I’m Taking Charge Here.

The upside to this event is that they targeting all rapists and there’s free axe grinding all day.

Here’s the true upside to this:

The event has earned attention from Trump supporters. Amy Kremer, the co-founder of Women for Trump, brought up the event during an interview on MSNBC on Sunday, calling it a “scary time” for Republicans.

Well, I imagine so. I suspect it’s like us being scared of nuclear annihilation when Trump’s in a bad mood one day.  Same deal, hexes from based on heathens and annihilation based on science.

Thanks to Tony for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “I’m Waiting for the Bitches Hex”

  1. Maybe a house will fall on Kremer…

  2. Witches hexs are scary but imprecatory prayers are ok when aimed at Obama and Hillary from least one from a phone thief/ senator from georgia, perdue.
    What is the difference
    Witches traditionaly Women
    Male Senators and “ministers” male
    Witches historically female victims of a scared patriarchy.
    Religion cause of ‘holy” wars, genocide, defended slavery and list of assualts on humanity to long to list here.
    No proven evil from them that could even compete with religions evil.
    So a prayer for death of a Black President and a female individual of stature is ok coming from a male in any cult of bloody delusions but a hex from a women who have no history of actual evil ( not the product of what fevered minds attribut to them) is dangerous.

    ps thugs were the one who nominated a “witch” for Senate from Maryland.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Where was Amy when an obscene horde of incel wart-thugs bearing Tiki torches were out assaulting our sensibilities with vile rhetoric and physically assaulting people? All these fragile special snowflake snacilbupeR need to STFU until they can honestly confront their crazed armed ‘militias’ who threaten death and destruction. Any “thoughts” on the Bundy clan, Amy?

  4. I never imagined witches as a politically woke group. Wow. Just wow.

  5. Scariest Halloween Costume? Mini Donald Trump with the nuclear football? Or a witch?

  6. Buttermilk Sky says:

    And maybe a small curse for The Hill, which shoved two ads onto the screen before I could read one paragraph.

    Speaking of the supernatural, has anybody heard from Pat Robertson since he promised to stop Hurricane Florence with the power of prayer? Didn’t think so.

  7. If they’re scared of witches hexing them, then apparently they think witches’ hexes are effective.

    That’s nice, because I don’t think their prayers– or thoughts–are worth jack.

  8. okie-dokie says:

    Most Witches, pagans, Wiccans etc came from a Christian background. Life is meant to be enjoyed and not wasted on fear, intimidation and control.

    The witches I know are more Christian than the “Christians” who love imposing their ways on everyone in society.

  9. Yeah… seems about right for female logic.

  10. Aghast in Austin says:

    Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers…

  11. Buttermilk Sky says:

    TM is setting up as a slightly more respectable version of Scientology:

    When Ivankas fly, huh?
