
January 26, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Steve Wynn, Vegas slick guy and the Republican National Committee Finance Chairman, paid $7.5 million to keep a rape victim quiet.

Not long after the billionaire casino mogul Steve Wynn opened his flagship Wynn Las Vegas in 2005, a manicurist who worked there arrived at the on-site salon visibly distressed following an appointment in Mr. Wynn’s office.

Sobbing, she told a colleague Mr. Wynn had forced her to have sex, and she repeated that to others later.

Beyond this incident, dozens of people The Wall Street Journal interviewed who have worked at Mr. Wynn’s casinos told of behavior that cumulatively would amount to a decadeslong pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Wynn. Some described him pressuring employees to perform sex acts.

He’s already applied to the religious right for a few dozen Mulligans.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Republicans”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    This putz must be in a hostile takeover bid to topple Shelly “Singapore Sling” Adelson as the most repulsive man in Vegas. People in Nevada cry for the “good old days” when the Mafia ran the casinos. Bugsy Siegel, he was a gent.

  2. Honest question: are there any elected Republicans who are not sexual predators or is that a requirement?

  3. Dead give away. Sh*** eating grin.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Deb, Joni Ernst maybe? Although that’s not the story the Suidae are telling. May the truth be revealed when McTurdle and Lyin’ Ryan succumb to her charms. Of all the broken promises “make them squeal” has been a major disappointment.

    e platypus onion, would you please do something about having your main squeeze fulfill her campaign promise?

  5. Deb, you got the #1 qualification to be a republican . Sleazy and creepy sexual predators.

  6. A majority of the stories circulating around the #MeToo revelations concern Hollywood, and the actresses who were mistreated. This has expanded into the unequal pay area, with numerous examples of male actors getting paid more than their female counterparts.

    Now, the story of a manicurist, who negotiated a $7.5 million payout for her silence. Can you imagine, were she to set up an agency in Hollywood representing actresses, what kind of terms she might broker for a speaking role?

  7. Good for her! Now let’s get the f*cking bastard anyway.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Debbo, getting Wynn will be a process. A guy with $7-5 million available in pocket change to pay off one victim probably has a few shekels remaining to pay a phalanx of attorneys. That’s why there are days we regret the demise of the Mafia in NV gaming. They were saints compared to these Robber Barons and their bean counters. But thank you for the offer as it would be tempting to freeze dry this mofo and stretch wrap him for delivery to your capable auspex.

  9. For years we have been assaulted by Conservatives crying about the horrible poor/brown people that are *entitled* in getting stuff they haven’t earned.

    Unfortunately in Conservativeville it seems that people that employ others are entitled to force sexual favors from their employees. No matter the law of the land, no matter the supposed fealty to Judeo-Christian, he who has the gold rules…

  10. Linda Phipps says:

    I have read now, that his business is tanking.

  11. While we are at it, let’s not forget that Wynn is so close to Trump that he can influence policy. At one point, he tried to get to Trump deport a Chinese businessman to benefit his business. The smarmy, rapist, crook is strong with this one.

  12. Lunargent says:

    So, a billionaire Vegas casino mogul turns out to be an amoral sleazeball.

    I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

    What I find most disturbing in all these stories about powerful men using and abusing various employees and coworkers is the depth of their disregard for both common moral standards and the human damage that they inflict without a single thought.
    It really does seem to be a form of psychosis; the failure to recognize other people as persons like oneself. The relegation of nearly anyone outside a very select circle of perceived peers to status as things, to be used and discarded. I think that one has to be at least a bit of a sociopath to acquire great wealth, except for those rare cases where someone really does come up with something ingenious, and has the good fortune to have demand, timing, and exposure all converge. But most rich guys get that way, and stay that way, by ignoring or circumventing every law or social norm that stands between them and the goal of accruing more, by any means necessary.

    That’s one of the scariest things about Trump: it turns out there are plenty more like him.

  13. Chloe Bear says:

    The elite seem to view those not as wealthy as them as commodities not people.

  14. Linda Phipps says:

    Akin to that, I also suggested that in view of the gymnast’s scandal that it appears most if not all university athletic programs regard their athletes as “meat”.

  15. Lunargent:
    Several years ago, there was a story about a hidden camera experiment done testing who would return a wallet left at an outdoor cafe and who would keep it. It sounded like it was done as objectively as possible. Subjects were followed and interviewed to determine who was more likely to keep the money, based on their financial situations. Guess who had the stickiest fingers? Not only did the wealthier subjects keep it vastly more often, they were totally unashamed. Entitled. While the less fortunate went out of their way to do the right thing, even when it could have benefited them tremendously.
    I realize that pocketing cash and sexual subordination and abuse are vastly different things.
    But it just seems that there’s nothing the wealthy and powerful don’t feel unashamedly entitled to in our society. And maybe it’s just me, but it seems like our culture glorifies this as something for the less fortunate to aspire to. Culminating (hopefully) with Donnie F***ING Douchebag.

  16. van heldorf says:

    Lunargent, great analysis. Let me add to that:
    1. brain change – I recall reading where there is an actual change per brain scan in those who choose the dark side; hence, the result in dominant, evil thinking
    2. collector – these people are collectors. I’m a collector of artsy stuff. Collectors can never have enough. These egocentrics collect money and power. And they can never have enough.

  17. There is a great division in our country between Left and Right. I think, after listening to y’all, that the best way to heal it is to make everyone see that there’s a more important division: between those of us who see each other as people, and those who see other people as Things. We all need some serious solidarity against those money- and power-collecting people who see all the rest of us as Things. And by the way, they see animals and the natural environment as Things too, which means they’re well on the way to poisoning and climate-changing us all if they don’t kill us some other way first.

  18. Tilphousia says:

    Well, at least he resigned. Or was resigned.

  19. Jane & PKM says:

    Tilphousia, we wouldn’t credit either Steve or the RNC for having ethics. His casino stock was dropping like a rock, while the RNC was doing damage control of their own. Too bad they acted this swiftly really as it’s always a ‘good’ thing when their Good Ship Sanctimonious is taking on water.

  20. UmptyDump says:

    Ain’t it great when Wynn, trump and others pay hush money for their victims’ silence, threatening to claw it back if they speak out anyway. When the story’s gone public, what are these schmucks going to do, sue to get the payoff back?!

  21. Lunargent says:

    Rhea –
    Hear, hear!

    I’m starting to think that we were separated at birth.

  22. @Lunargent: Depends. If you were born reasonably close to December 1958, we might explore this further.
