But Nothing Happened

January 26, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I urge you to go watch this video from this morning’s Fox and Friends about Trump wanting to fire Mueller.

Here’s the deal.  After Sean Hannity first called it Fake News, Fox’s news department was able to confirm the story, so Sean dropped the whole thing last night. Didn’t mention it again.

This morning, the morning kids called it a he said / she said thing.  I guess they are kinda hung up on all the sex stories surrounding Trump.

Now they are saying that nothing actually happened, so no problem. Trump just wanted to, he didn’t actually do it.

So, Trump almost cut the brake lines in Mueller’s car. But he didn’t he didn’t cut the brake lines in Mueller’s car. So, according to Fox, it’s real tough to say “obstruction” when nothing happened.

And this is why we can never build that wall – Fox won’t have anything to talk about.


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0 Comments to “But Nothing Happened”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Guess “conspiracy to commit murder” is off the books in Faux Land with a majority of two opinion written by legal ‘scholars’ Jeannine Piro and Andrew Three Flavors. There will be no covfefe today.

  2. Planning to rob a bank is seen with a very jaded view by the legal system. Look what they have to work with: aiders and abetters as well as the number one skunk behind the whole damn thing. Intent, folks!

  3. I see, I see. It’s like when one person shoots at another person, but he’s a bad shot so misses, in reality nothing happened?

  4. BTW, when Sean Hannity says a story is Fake News, but he later finds out the story was true, does Sean Hannity’s original reporting then qualify as Fake News?

  5. Wow. Watching that video, and hearing “he said, she said”, I kept expecting one of them to break into the “You say tomato, I say tomahto” song. But since the name of the Song is “Let’s call the whole thing off”, it made sense to wait and drop that particularly Foxian investigative bombshell until it would generate the highest ratings. Cause like uncle Roger (Ailes that is) always said, nothing informs the electorate quite like the ability to sell Viagra ads.

  6. Money laundering.
    Money laundering.
    Money laundering.

  7. One thing that does not seem to be getting attention is more proof that demented donnie is coward.
    He has an aversion to confrontation, except where there is a script presenting him as winning.
    The scripts from his trash tv show tried to prop him up as a in charge sort of guy and we know know that is about as realistic as movies showing alan Ladd and audie Murphy as towering over Jane Russel or Veronica Lake.
    Now that was fake news.
    Covering up demented donnies yellow streak.

  8. Ray in Jerrytown says:

    Actually it was more like Trump told someone to cut the brake lines on Mueller’s car but they refused.
