Replacing Blake
Governor Greg Abbott has called an “emergency” special election to replace that nasty guy who still owes us $84,000, disgraced Congressvarmit Blake Farenthold. It is set for June 30th.
The “emergency” is that all the counties in that district are “still recovering from Harvey.” And the reason that they are still recovering from Harvey is that they had an incredible Republican jackass for a congressman who did diddle squat for them after Harvey and a horrible Governor who wanted his rump kissed before he’d help in any way.
The district is grossly gerrymandered. In a special election there are no primaries and it’s a free for all. Anybody who wants to can enter the race. Whoever wins the special election has a leg-up for the November election, where they will run again, by running as the incumbent. Look, I know – it’s crazy because the stage for the November election was set last month in the party primaries.
I’ll keep you informed because if Democrats have a decent chance to win it, I’ll be asking you to send postcards or make phone calls.