Replacing Blake

April 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Governor Greg Abbott has called an “emergency” special election to replace that nasty guy who still owes us $84,000, disgraced Congressvarmit Blake Farenthold.  It is set for June 30th.

The “emergency” is that all the counties in that district are “still recovering from Harvey.”  And the reason that they are still recovering from Harvey is that they had an incredible Republican jackass for a congressman who did diddle squat for them after Harvey and a horrible Governor who wanted his rump kissed before he’d help in any way.

The district is grossly gerrymandered.  In a special election there are no primaries and it’s a free for all.  Anybody who wants to can enter the race.  Whoever wins the special election has a leg-up for the November election, where they will run again, by running as the incumbent.  Look, I know – it’s crazy because the stage for the November election was set last month in the party primaries.

I’ll keep you informed because if Democrats have a decent chance to win it, I’ll be asking you to send postcards or make phone calls.


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0 Comments to “Replacing Blake”

  1. I swear – everyone who lives in that District should be getting hazard pay from the government!

  2. Every time I see “Blake Farenthold,” my brain replaces it with “Ducky Boy.” Also with “$84,000 Deadbeat.” Even the Washington Post smacked his ass in an editorial, but he hasn’t come across yet. I don’t imagine he’s going to, but we can still mention it every single time his name comes up.

  3. Encourage and bait as many thuglicans as possible to enter the race and consolidate behind a D ( yeah right the D’s consolidate behind anything Will Rogers would wake in shock)
    Bespeak on how mainstream R’s can work with D’s and bait on hot button issues and fargmenting candinates.
    Get in the gutter and use any wedge possible in baiting.
    If a catholic R runs ask what the R’s thinkof a popish candinate who might actually sympathize with hispanics over common religion.
    Any R candinate have a gay relative throw that in the face of reactionary voters.
    Any R candinate who doesn’t always carry his steel penis substitute proudly on hip attack for being a coward ( Though reality is reverse it is the ammosexuals who are cowards)
    If a mainstream R christian runs attack them for being wishy washy on religion.
    Any R lawyers run attack them for protecting criminals.
    Prosecutor runs attack them for inhibiting business.
    Etc. Etc.
    Have no shame.
    Attack and divide the r’s until in an act mutual political immolation the r’s fragment themselves.
    It worked last time for Claire McCasskill in Missouri and the R’s are running this playbook in the California Jungle primaries. So turnabout is fair play.

  4. Susan Crites says:

    I do my donating to people/causes who have been vetted by people I trust.

    Let me know. 🙂
